Is this part of the joke too?

I hope some changes go live, not the Mei one. I would like the Sym beam one to go live or a version it.

I like they are at least attempting Moira changes even if its just a meme patch.

omg! mercy is as good as i was hoping!!! BEST EXPERIMENTAL EVER! if ony for that!

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I’ll agree, I’d be pretty down for some of these in a real environment.
If they don’t make it through, I’d definitely love to have these as a Custom Game option. Free-flight Sigma is just too cool to leave.

this needs to be added into arcade mode… or do it like with starcraf2 with the mutations thingy… do a regularly updated freaky overwatch thing… that would be fun :stuck_out_tongue:

and i mean it does not have to be perfectly balanced… if you know ahead of time that your going in it for wierd freaky stuff and its limited to that part of the game then i think a bit of craziness is perfectly fine and all good fun :slight_smile:

Tbf, there was only one pro involved in making that card.

Or a tease of possible Overwatch 2 talents.

I imagine this work won’t be wasted and will be used elsewhere, pve might just be the place.


The Brig/Sigma/Mercy changes are such a meme seeing Sigma flying is hilarious its so broken​:joy::joy:

Because pro players are using this whole thing like a joke, when they could actually use it wisely and tell the devs what could actually help with balancing.

So yes, this whole thing is a joke and just sad. This is why people do not take pro players serious.

Best change I’ve ever seen. Staffs? Staffs are for walking. Blasters are for flying!


It sure is! Zaryas for example is very cool, but the self bubble should get weaker if it makes to the live game

Every one would love to see mei as a tank, she was made for it, really

I think the coach gun could headshot if they make the damage 5.5 per pellet instead of 6 or 4 if they keep the 50% less spread. But taking out the knockback at least completely is terrible

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I think Mei needs 50 more hp, but absolutely

What did you expect? All “pros” did was buff their mains.

Feels like they probably designed (as they could) the exp card based on common feedback they’ve gotten on heroes.

It feels like they went “Well, we’ll actually make a forum ExP card, and see how you like it huh”

And they did and most people love it.

I feel like it was supposed to be a “be careful for what you asked for” but it’s backfired spectacularly and it’s genuinely fun (outside of the meme changes).


You can tell they did take actual feedback from the forums for some of these too, diverging a bit off the original ideas. This could be somewhat of a preview of what they have in store for OW2 reworks lol. But they wouldn’t make it so obvious, so some are probably too extreme on purpose or just different in some way, mixed in with other ones that aren’t serious at all.

“Do you really want chat channels?”

It feels nice to have another tank. Even if it’s just mei. She’s perfect for it too.

sigma change is best change love horse too vroom vroom

edit: in alll seriusness the only change i hate is the ball one
it’s a meme that makes me no able go pew pew i want pew pew

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we were testing a few potentially viable changes along with some that are also jokes. I could also the OW team potentially testing some ideas for overarching hero types too through this. For example, “How would the community feel about a floating tank without a shield?” :slight_smile: (After all, it is assumed that we are getting the entire Meka squad eventually, and they all have to be unique in some way!)

Not this again. She needs a serious rework to be a tank, cause, as shown in this experimental, just giving her more HP makes her not die (even with thiccer size).