Here is my chat with Blizzard:
You: Hello
Hello and welcome to Blizzard Live Chat Support. I’m Sliotha. How can I be of assistance?
You: Yesterday I ran into that Applying Updates bug 3 times and took 3 losses on my OW2 account. Can those losses be retracted and when will the bug be fixed?
Sadly there is no way to change your game stats
The message is due to your game client applying a hotfix
We have some steps you can try in our support article here: “link”
You: I already restarted my client and computer and this doesn’t work
The steps in the article go beyond restarting your client
You: If the issue persists, delete the following temporary files: Press Windows key + R Type %localappdata%\ and press ok Open the Blizzard Entertainment Folder Delete the Overwatch folder Make sure your game is up to date by selecting Check for Updates from the Options menu in the Blizzard app. Close all other applications to resolve software conflicts and free up resources. Try creating a new administrator account to resolve permissions issues.
You: those steps you mean?
We have been getting reports of players encountering the Applying Updates message and it has been brought to the attention of the development team. We have no further information at this time
You: I will try that but what happens if this persists and my account gets banned for the season?
I recommend that you avoid competitive games until you are no longer getting the applying updates message
Leaver penalties cannot be removed, so unless the development team decides to change something in the future, a season ban would stick
You: Huh? so I have two questions then. 1) How iwill i know if there is an applying updates issue unless I start a comp round? 2) so will the moneyI spent on a battle pass for that season be refunded?
Launch non-competitive modes and practice sessions to test for the updates message
A Battle Pass would not be refunded
You: that would be a breach of contract if your bug caused that problem and there was no refund
The message you are receiving is a common message any time the game is applying hotfixes. We have not been informed of any bug with this right now. Unless the development team comes to us with a change, that is our position. I have advised that you avoid joining competitive games until you are confident you are no longer encountering it so you can avoid getting a competitive ban
You: you guys should be aware of this because the forums are filled with posts about this issue. the only reason i play this game is for the comp play but it seems the position you guys have is “oh well”.
We are aware of the posts, and as I have said earlier, it has been brought to the attention of the development team
If they find there is a problem needing to be addressed, they will do that. We have no other information beyond what I have said in this chat
You: got it, thanks
No problem.
Hopefully you won’t run into ant problems like that, and the update will get properly applied for you
Have a good day!