The Prince in White Shining Armor was too busy saving a princess in another castle
Hey, don’t give me that look. The other option for your valiant rescuer was a 4ft Garden Troll. Would you like to be rescued by a Garden Troll who smells like he never washed his beard ever in a million years? No? Thought so
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You know this is a BLIZZARD game right? Okay… good.
Uhhh what? I’m just echoing the sentiment of his post - not yours, sorry if it appeared that way, NOT directed at you specifically…
When the devs use that reasoning then yeah.
Sombra would’ve been a fantastic pick for the current meta we are heading into, and in fact her initial design was specifically to counter the proto-version of it.
EMP deletes all the shields and was easily farmed in situations where there was a LOT of damage incoming, such as if someone was playing Junkrat into your tanks.
Her hack can take the abilities of a key defensive target and then she can leave before they can kill her, giving her team an opening. She can drop Rein or Brigitte’s shield just before a fight, for example.
Her gun was never great, but she was never supposed to be getting the picks on her own, she was supposed to enable others by disrupting enemy strategy and creating openings.
She can’t do that anymore though because she’s bad in a team fight, doesn’t get her ult fast enough to make up for that weakness, and can’t hack reliably.
The way they changed her kit destroyed her.
She didn’t need a ton more independence, she need her strengths to be stronger.
She needed a damage threshold. She needed the way her old hack worked. She needed hacked targets to be more visible so allies always knew who to target. She needed her translocator to be cancellable so she could use it more offensively during a team fight.
The direction they took her was completely wrong and was always going to feel oppressive, and then it was nerfed so that she wasn’t good at her old style and isn’t good at her new one either.
It’s total nonsense.
I don’t know, I’m just happy that I’m hearing a lot less of “we don’t need a Sombra” when playing the game. I don’t think any change will ever really make Sombra a top 10 pick, because she has to be difficult to master in order for her not to become overpowered. It’s a bit comparable to Hanzo, meaning even with his latest buffs, you’re still only successful if you can hit your arrows consistently.
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They messed up her so bad. Funny enough I don’t see her being op even with her gaining charge from health packs.
Sombras pretty good. Her hack is a really powerful ability.
I love the broad strokes you paint all your post with. Sombra (like many heroes) just isn’t fitting into the new meta. Lets see, they shortened her hack time and turned off mobility passives… What was the point of Dive meta again? Oh yeah mobility. Since Dive is dying thanks to stun meta Sombra really kinda lost her moment huh. The 2 sec CD on a failed hack is a consequence rather than just being able to spam it until you got a luck hack to go through. Now they do need to fix the LOS bug on her hack and get that in order however I will give you guys that.
It needed it. Otherwise it was “hold right click for guaranteed disable.”
It was brutal and oppresive.
She’s not in a great place atm, but the time penalty is vital for balance.
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I’m a biased Sombra main, but what about Mei? She can hold down LMB to apply an effect stronger than hack without any interruptions or cooldown.
So, just saying, she doesn’t even have a high pickrate at gm and has the lowest pickrate and winrate this week according to overbuff.
I mean, what’s your guy’s argument to her not getting bug fixes or a buff?
Like, statistically, she’s in the worst spot in the game.and she’s never really fallen out of the bottom five or so. Why are you so against this??
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You can get away from a freeze, it takes longer to take effect, and it requires a bit of aim.
Im biased as a Lucio main, but it seems like hack is just “where is the Somb-nevermind Ive been hacked.” ability that shuts down survival abilities, faster than can be reasonably reacted to.
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Yet, let’s see variously I’ve seen players say the following:
- She was supposed to enable dive.
- She was supposed to counter dive.
- She was supposed to break Tank meta.
- She was supposed to break shield meta.
- She was supposed to break Omnic Crisis meta.
- She is now supposed to break and render Reinhardt meta useless.
She’s been hopeless at every single one of those things, every time a new meta comes up, Sombra’s supposed to “slot right in and enable it”, or “counter it entirely.”
It never ever happens because she is fundamentally weak.
Its mind-mending that they refuse to even acknowledge the bugs. You can try to hack a Reinhardt standing on top of the payload, and him stepping down off of it will break the hack, even though you have a clear LOS to his entire upper body.
I hate it, they said they keep an eye on her. I was sure she would get some buffs this PTR… was I lied to?
Ya know, she was pretty ok last season. I was really happy with where she was, and was willing to deal with the clunky hack. But now I can’t do anything. I feel so useless playing Sombra when Brigittes is on every enemy team
There is bound to be a weakest character at all times. The game has to be in a constant state of rotation. Rein used to be necessary. So did Mercy. Now they’re weaker, but still good. Same with Sombra.
I don’t know anything. Just my thoughts.
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Im anxious for anything on Sombra. She feels so horrible to play right now.
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I wouldn’t say that she is fundamentally weak. Lets look back at the last couple of meta. We had triple tank/beyblade that was enabled by an overtuned ana, then there was the mercy meta driven by the overtuned mercy, and now we have the stun meta that is, debatable, enabled by an overtuned brigitte. Seems to me that metas are defined by overtuned heroes. That is why, in my opinion, most the roster is left out of most metas.