Apex Legends adds its first transgender character

who says they aren’t, Isn’t that the point?

I mean isn’t it only because of china that we can’t have rep in overwatch? It’s really sad honestly…I would live to have more lgbt rep in overwatch.

people actually like seeing something like themselves in their shows.
for one, i like whenever there’s an italian character in any show. So i can understand why trans people like seeing trans characters.
i can totally identify with a lot of non italian characters but that doesn’t erase me liking italian characters.


And THAT’S what we have to be aware of. Just like companies like to use our feelings and good terms to sell a product, you have actual bigots who want to latch on to what I believe reasonable concerns to mask their ugliness. That’s why I don’t run with groups or organizations.

That’s what bothers me with these posts, Sexuality/gender doesn’t matter to me when I think about a character, unless it’s a really important part of their identity, in which case the writer better write a tolkien tier level of quality so it feels natural.


well when you get killed for being straight maybe they will make one for us


I love pissing people like you off

So easily triggered. Keep seething

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You seem insecure lol


Trans men are trans men.

Trans women are trans women.

If people listened to JK Rowling more often, they wouldn’t have to ask these questions.

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If you only followed through on your logic and demanded your country from ceasing operations with them.

Oh wait, gas, electronics.

So transwomen and transmen are not women or men? Oh boy I believe the collective might disagree with you.

I’m kind of surprised that naia is a transphobe for avoiding to affirm that transmen and transwomen are men and women.

Look up the Scully effect, they did a whole thing on it. (In short, when the x files came out with the first female detective in popular media, more women became detectives in a field dominated by men previously because of stereotypes) representation does matter to an extent!

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Trans men are trans men.

Trans women are trans women.


JK rowling is the worst card you could’ve used here.
I don’t trust a single thing she says, she’s full of hate.

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Those are two different things.

I don’t think you know what the word “literally” means. I also don’t think you’ve been even slightly inconvenienced for a single second of your life due to this stuff you are so upset about. Absolute non-issue.

Who is making you do anything? Has anyone forced you to use “cis” as a descriptor? Ever? Has anyone in this forum done that? Or do people just use it themselves and you get mad about it for no reason?

You are the one policing people’s speech. No one is telling you to call yourself cis. No one is making you do anything, they are just talking the way they want to talk. You are the one telling them they can’t use those words, you’re the one that’s offended in here.

Name 10 games with trans characters. No googling, off the top of your head. If it’s such an epidemic, surely you can name some easily.


It wasn’t. It was coined by a far less savory individual unfortunately but it’s just a label of identification when on the topic of trans since most don’t like the term “normal”. It literally just means you identify as your assigned birth sex.

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aaaand the post got ignored.

I don’t know what I was expecting honestly. The majority of gamers are trash, that’s just it.

Y’all need to chill, seriously. it’s important that we compare our game with its competitors and discuss what the game can do differently to keep up. Apex has been really strong with its LGBTQ+ representation. OW and its other competitors need to catch up

She is actually putting the spotlight on real women right’s issue like what is going on in Iran right now. Funny how most 4th wave feminists are dead silent on the brutal treatment of women fighting for their freedom in Iran from that oppressive patriarchal theocratic machine.

JK Rowling is a Gen X 2nd wave feminist. She has valid opinions and just because you’re brainwashed about her doesn’t make her invalid.


A friend of mine is insistent that Lucio is already a woman and there’s no room for debate with her, so ya know, I’d be down.:joy::+1:

you need to be careful with being “in the middle”. choosing not to take a side is basically saying “i’m ok with the status quo and i’m gonna take the side of the winner”.
i can trust you have your concerns, usually whenever i like an lgbt character i do despite the company. I love amity and luz in owl house, but i will drag disney through the mud for trying to pat themselves on the back for it.

that just means you only like lgbt characters if they fit YOUR specific criteria of being “well written”, which is… well, not very good, because when you word it like that i can assure you you wouldn’t put straight characters under the same level of scrutiny


Well you liked a post denying that transwomen are women so I feel that… you’re a transphobe by your own standards?