Apex Legends adds its first transgender character

I’m going to ignore the rest of the replies and just say I would love a trans hero in overwatch. There are never any playable trans people in video games and it would be nice to normalize it.


… I wanna say it… I wanna say it SO bad but I am enjoying level 3 too much.

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Idk, I didn’t feel like the fact tracer for gay forced or anything.

Transwomen are women,
Transmen are men.

We have plenty of men and women. They’re represented.


I’m not going to lie, I’m eagerly awaiting responses to this one.


We have cis men and women, which are a type of men and women, but we don’t have a whole lot of trans men and women :frowning:


Men and women ≠ trans men and women tho


“Yes but my social value signaling self centered quota wasn’t met last month so I’m working hard to fix that”

That’s because this stuff is super controversial, I guess, but you’ve got to admit it makes for the best entertainment ever!:popcorn:

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But they are special and they demand to be treated as such.


A cis-person is one that identifies as their biological gender. It doesn’t signify their sexual preferences. It’s an example of changing language to support a position - In this case it asserts that biological gender does not equal gender.

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Blizzard make a trans hero and let my bf voice it :smirk:

Words are only words if I agree they’re words

It was complete crap invented by a trans person. I’m a male… I don’t want the cis part of it attached. Neither do a lot of people


Is there? Not that I follow overwatch lore but seems to me they just leave the heroes sexuality out of the game entirely.

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I’m gonna ask a very simple question, and I want answer, how would you react if blizzard announced in a cinematic/comic that lucio or moira were transgenders.

Good one, fantastic response!

But if Trans men are men, why don’t male representation matter for both trans men and women. I remember there was a woman of the year thing where everyone who won were trans women.

Do you mean to tell me trans women can replace women, but women can’t replace trans women? Why?

I agree. I think a lot of people who want this want to FEEL like they’re helping, but aren’t actually. By all means, add trans characters, but don’t forget to help real trans folks while you’re patting yourself on the back for inventing a video game character.

As a black person, you’ll never find me congratulating myself for making a black character.


the problem with this line of thinking is assuming we’re already at a point where there’s no need to put attention to these things… but we’re not there.
that’s why people celebrate it, if you never talk about it expecting everyone to just “get it” you’ll never get the message across.

when companies do that’s ok, i am on the same page.
but my problem is that many people who start from this actually just hate the lgbtq and pretend they have a more logical reason, while people who simply don’t know any better attack any representation thinking it’s the “forced” kind.

i like your kind because someone getting a little bit of attention makes you so mad.
it’s funny


" MAH REPREEEEESENTASHUN " does not matter. It’s a new attempt at contorting various forms of media. Do you know how many white people love Blade? Loved Bernie Mac and Pryor? Bill Cosby pre allegations? How many black girls loved Disney princesses? Those are just a few examples. It isn’t the skin color or sexuality that people cling to. It’s personality. This idea that a character must be X to identify with people is pure bull.


I think they’re afraid of adding more LGBTQ+ representation because they still want to sell well in countries where it’s literally illegal to identify as LGBTQ+. The icon was called Rainbow for this reason, when they very easily could have called it Pride. It’s always $$$ with Blizzard