Apex Legends adds its first transgender character

I don’t understand these threads, so you want a specific member from the LGBT community in this game, doesn’t matter what their backstory is, they could be a puppy serial killer but as long as they tick off that box you’re good with them? Would love if people like this would actually focus on the actual characters lore etc rather than just asking for a specific race / sexuality of character, just seems shallow and preachy.


I mean I like well developed characters and not props. Can you tell me what you find so endearing of this transgender character on Apex… that they pulled a Life is Strange moment on a small cinematic?

I like Lev on TLOU2. I empathize with their life and character.

A hero being transgender or not should not be even important considering the slogan touted by the very same group: transwomen are women, meaning by placing a woman you’re already representing transwomen, for example. Food for thought. If you think really hard about it, needing a transwoman to represent transwomen means that you do not believe that transwomen are women.


Ok but you implied Zarya was trans only because she was muscular. Thats sus sWeAtY


Also want to add. Whatever Blizzard does they should create a NEW hero with this in mind.

Don’t change an old hero to be trans. That will just upset people. People already have their conceptions about certain heroes and theres no need to trample over their feelings.


That’s actually not true; and when people tried as a joke, other people hated it and said it was anti LGBTQ+.

Besides, name one character that was introduced into a game like Trans characters are. If I made a game and said “I’m proudly announcing this heterosexual man as a character”, how do you think that’d go over?

No, don’t mistake that sentence as me “not understanding” something. I’m well aware of why trans people are celebrated and cis characters aren’t. I just wanted to give you a comment that misrepresented things as much as yours does.


I have a feeling this is some lowkey bait because of OP replies. Well Should be obvious by now.


So you also oppose things like the Cassidy Ashe romance hints and the fact that Torb is married, since that’s also “forcing sexuality” into the game?

Every day since no one hates or wants you dead for being different, the world caters to you, and the assumption for any given work of fiction is straight unless specifically said otherwise.

Did they even share their sexuality? They said they’d like to see more representation, that’s not the same thing as “pushing” it.

CIS has nothing to do with being straight or gay, it’s for gender identity. It’s also not new, it’s Latin for “On the side” versus Trans being latin for “The other side”

That’s actually it’s own issue. That the assumption is the masucline women are the trans ones. Why Zarya? Why not D.Va or Mercy? (I’m not suggesting any of them, just making the point).


I don’t care one way or another. I don’t play Apex. I just don’t care what they do.

bruh, I never typed such a thing. This was your own cis-patriarchal-unconscious bias running rampant


I’m not for or against it. I’m indifferent. But I don’t see a problem with them adding in characters like that.

Everyone wants to spout on about how there’s no point in forcing inclusiveness for the sake of it, but people like representation. Now, if it makes things messed up, then yeah. But then who knew if things wouldn’t have been messed up without forcing a character to look or identify a certain way?

With that out the way, there is a ton of woke content that is drivel. I think both sides of the argument make good points, but sometimes BOTH SIDES have their heads shoved up their butts too far to see the good points the other side is making.


Because you’re the “norm” Everyone automatically assumed a character is cis-het unless specified otherwise.


you have reported this thread for trolling


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Were doing lgbt measuring contests now?


my lgbt is bigger than yours


Fun fact: I actually do and it has nothing to do with sexuality. Can’t they just be friends, or something? I have an issue when partners or rivals have to start dating for some reason, and I always have.

Its the reason I didn’t want Benson and Stabler to get together in Law and Order: SVU while they were partners.

Did you read the rest of my comment? I said I wanted to give a comment that misrepresented things as much as the original person is.

Also, its not my problem if cis people are seen as the norm or default. I didn’t establish that, and I also don’t care. I ALSO don’t think adding gay or trans or black or white, or straight characters help anything, and that these companies only do this stuff for good publicity.

You had BETTER believe if some company said “we’re proud to introduce our straight white male character!” my first response would be “someone’s trying to start controversy. They must be low on publicity”.

In short, I’m about as emotionally checked out of this conversation as a person can be, but felt the need to post the comment that I did because no one else did.


Every other thread: 2 replies
Transgender thread: 6,000,000,000 replies


… uhuh… “lookit what that game did”… uhuh… “do it now but you’re probably going to do it wrong”… uhuh… “y’all are transphobes”…

This is going as expected.

this is EXACTLY why this was made.


I want a black goo hero now

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The cishets are mad for no literally reason. All I did was mention that Apex added a trans character and OW has done a really bad job with LGBTQ+ representation.


I would love a trans character, especially a trans guy!

No it has not?

The devs said that there was more LGBTQ+ heroes in the current roster than just S76/Tracer. Of course perhaps they will reveal them for cynical purposes or perhaps casually make the connection in a random story quip in the campaign.

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