Apex Legends adds its first transgender character

Exactly, if everyone assumes every character is automatically cis imma just start saying they’re all trans to anger certain people :eyes:

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You are citing chromosomal disorders as some kind of a gotcha? Those are disorders. XXY-disorder (klinfelter) is found only in men. XXX-disorder (trisomy x) is found only in women. And trans people co-opting intersexuality as a way to prove their legitimacy is just gross.

And yes, different socities definitely had a ‘’ third category ‘’ for specifically men who didn’t act manly enough or were homosexual, thus they were relegated to an oppressed third gender category and were treated like trash. W-o-w, imagine strict gender stereotypes having such an effect on society that those who do not conform get othered from their biological sex. And this is supposed to be… good?

Trans community, activists and LGBTQAI+ foundations have generally agreed that not wanting to date trans people or not wanting them in gay spaces or women’s spaces is transphobia, and they actively attack, doxx and threaten anyone who wants to retain those boundaries.

And it’s good to know that you think clear disgusting homophobia of trans community is ‘’ just another opinion ‘’ as if it doesn’t need to be crticizied and called out, and would rather spend your time calling out biphobia of gay men because you are unable to speak on the topic at hand, which is the homophobia of trans ideology and activism. But we’ve already established your homophobia.

There are no non-binary or trans children. There are definitely children who feel incredibly confused and stressed out by not fitting into the gendered expectations of their biological sex, but the answer here is never pills, surgeries and changing pronouns, and it’s harrowing, nightmare-ish that you would considering anything like that acceptable.

Marsha certainly was part of the riots, but he appeared only after they started.

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There are plenty of places in the world with more than 3 and they weren’t just for “unmanly or homosexual men”. There are subcategory/non-conforming genders for women, men and people that feel like both or neither.

You realize that there’s someone out there that would doxx you for literally anything you do right? Supporting trans rights, opposing it, even just liking the wrong game or a different sports team, people have gotten doxxed for pretty much anything. But doxxing is literally a crime, shouldn’t be done for any reason (unless it’s literally for life and death safety), and usually has stupid reasons/justifications with almost irreparable consequences. I don’t support doxxing.

I called it out because the topics are related, there are homophobic trans people and there are transphobic gay people. Being homophobic and being trans can be coexisting traits just as being gay and biphobic can be, they are not intrinsically. There are homophobic gay people who are in the closet spreading anti LGBTQ rhetoric, endorsing/spreading hate, being vile because they still have self-hate and shame.

There DEFINITELY are, especially considering that anyone under 18 is legally a child. If a teenager is old enough to go though puberty and know what that entails, they’re also old enough to know they don’t want that and it isn’t right. I’ve known I was non-binary since I was 14 and my one trans friend knew they were trans before that :+1:t2:


It is kind of funny that they likely care more about omnic rights. No kap.

Snowflake spotted lol

being gay is now evil?
wow, you are genuinely a bigoted [censorship]

First? I thought Bloodhound was trans?

By first they mean binary trans.Bloodhound is trans but non-binary.

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I see. I don’t play Apex, I only know what’s been said in terms of Overwatch and I’ve seen a lot of people asking for a trans hero in OW because Apex “has already done it”.

Cool, well good to know that there’s a developer out there doing it right.

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Based. Sht like that consistently ruins perfectly fine shows and games and it’s infuriating, i hate when it happens. I was fine when Castle and Beckett got together, they were an actual power couple. But SVTFOE and Lucifer just got ruined by shipping and relationship drama : /

Anyhow, i don’t really care what they represent in their game, as long as it’s done well. If they’re just gonna plop down a character in front of us and say “they’re a nonbinary trans lesbian” and nothing else then yeah no. Same way they only talked about how Sojourn is black and a woman and has a rail gun when they revealed her :moyai: ticking off boxes for diversity and not giving the character an actual personality, story and purpose is what ruins characters and franchises.
Just write the characters well and include their identity into their actual lore, that’s all I’m asking.

Venom in Overwatch when?

If I come off as incentive, I apologize, but for years there’s been a misconception among the LGBT+ community that if you force inclusion of something the rest of the world will follow.

No matter what, if they do eventually release a transgender hero it will 1.) appear in some way forced, 2.) be criticized (how they do it) and 3.) ultimately not be enough.

Liberal/leftist ideals are stronger in western countries than they ever have been, and gaming companies, television/media will usually cater to it heavily when possible. Because that’s where the money is.

The point being, as the world changes then businesses will pander/give you a character of x identity/sexuality. Trying to bully or shame people into giving you what you want is why a lot of outside parties don’t sympathize for LGBT+ ideals and why many opportunities for change become self-defeating. Dignity has more value than shame.

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And Apex is just blatant Tokenism, what’s your point? As a Bi man non of their representation has been positive IMO.

Imagine thinking that does anything. Yikes dude

Sorry I’m straight. I don’t “identify” as cis as that’s a made up word and I “identify” as a real person. Please stop using that word I find it offense. Sounds too much like “sissy.”

Frankly just keep gender politics out of my gaming entirely. All I need to know is the sex of the character. I don’t care about their sex-life.

Thank you. Its nice to have some background story and seeing Tracer with Emely was just cute and I dont know what 76 did and why we know that he is gay. Does not matter. If it has story relevance and not just because of “representation”, that would just fall out of the game because of the sample size, then sure go for it.

Y’all tryna segway transmen into your games like this means anything

Can assure you my best mate’s far more into feeling represented by the likes of Markiplier over “generic Jay, the transboy” char thrown into the game without a second thought outside of stereotypes.

I don’t really care for what OP wants but you are completely wrong about the term cis. It is a very real word (so is trans) and they are used in chemistry, among other non-gender things.

Look you want to play the “I identify as this” minigame. Well I don’t, so attempt it or invalidate your entire argument. I “identify” as straight. I find “cis” offense. So please don’t use it. :slight_smile:

While I don’t really like this dude, cis or “cis-male” is more often than not used to shame or belittle anyone that doesn’t unquestionably support an LGBT+ narrative.