Apex Legends adds its first transgender character

Good thing apex is free too then

It doesn’t matter where you’re from,you should have enough emphaty to be grateful that those there have their rights and you can travel there without being jailed of executed.
I never said that non trans LGBT didn’t do anything,but excluding trans people who absolutely had a part in it is wrong.
It’s funny to see you say that I’M being fed fantasies when you’re a massive pick me looking for validation from homophobes.

Idc about character lore they just have to be fun, who gives a damn about their sexuality, only the r34 losers care


Trans ideology is homophobic, and I’m certainly not looking for validation from your kind. You have already disregarded gays and their agency in the fight for their own freaking rights, regurgitating fake twitter activism at me as if it is the gospel, that’s all I need to know about you.

I am also certainly not looking to look for validation from any other homophobe either. My dislike for trans ideology doesn’t make me any less gay or wanting validation. I am a militant supporter of same sex attraction and same sex attracted people. Anything else I do not support just because the letter G is part of some acronym.

You do realize that without the trans community that helped lead the stonewall riots that NONE of us LGBTQ+ folk (at least in the US) would have half the rights we have right?

I see that Finland, seemingly as a legal whole, isn’t very nice to trans people considering they’re legally forced to be sterilized before they have any sort of gender reassignment. So I’m not very surprised you aren’t nice to trans people either.

If you’re willing to throw away a game because they’re showing worldwide representation (news flash: that includes trans people) you’re not a very good person :+1:t2:

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There is barely anything credible in any of this. Again, just twitter activism and buzzfeed articles you take for granted instead of critically examining any of it.

I’m not a ‘’ very nice person ‘’ to those who support trans ideology and activism because it has time and time again proven to me to be so incredibly regressive, homophobic and misogynistic that I can’t stand it anymore. You can continue being enslaved to regressive oppressive ideologies, but I will not.

I’m very curious to why you think trans people are just inherently homophobic, misogynistic, racist, etc. Like what made you come to that conclusion, genuinely curious.

Cause all the trans people I know are the most accepting people I know as well. Meanwhile some very intolerant, homophobic, biphobic, racist, and misogynistic people I’ve met HAPPEN TO BE gay men. (They also seem to really like body/age shaming people)

But that doesn’t automatically mean gay men are bad, misogynist, all sorts of phobic, etc.

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As a writer, I’m extremely wary of saying, “You need to add _____ character in the game because representation.”

As soon as you start dictating those things, characters start feeling very forced. And then you get things like Sojourn’s release Q+A session where they say, “Did we mention how Black Sojourn is enough times yet?” for literally forty-five minutes straight.

Representation is fine, but idk, if someone said to me, “hey, you’ve got to include a trans character in your next piece,” it would honestly suck. Not because I have anything against trans people, mind you–I’d feel the same way if someone told me I needed to write a deaf person. It’s not great to have to tailor your characters to outside pushes.


Trans ideology is inherently homophobic and misogynistic, because it redefines same sex attraction as problematic, it redefines consent and boundaries of gay people and women as problematic, it redefines womanhood and women’s spaces as something anyone anywhere at anytime can co-opt, and it’s an extremely dangerous ideology to push on non-genderconforming children who need to be able to freely express their gender without the idea of needing to change their name, bodies or pronouns. These are all incredibly regressive to the protection of sexual minorities and women, all in the favor of affirming trans people, period.

It doesn’t matter why the reason has come to my conclusion, but here is a good place to start. Enjoy disregarding all of this as ‘’ twitter people ‘’ all the while gay and lesbian spaces are going back underground so they can dictate what kind of people they want to service without the fear of scorn.


Not Twitter and buzzfeed, but thanks for letting me know where you get your anti-trans sources.

Marsha P. Johnson is recognized as a trans woman, consistently referred to as “she” in cited/sourced/educational content article and so are some of her friends (like Sylvia Rivera).

You covering your ears, plugging your eyes and going lalalala doesn’t change the fact that some of the leaders of the Stonewall Riots were Trans people. Without them the fight for our rights here would’ve ended differently.


Honestly, you are homophobic, your loudness and selfishness is creating republican voters and undoing decades of work that the gay community has fought for.

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I mean, unless it bring it any more characters, as their significiant other, it does not matter much what gender character is and what they are attracted to as it bring around nothing to the lore or personality of character. :man_shrugging:

Every reveal like this for every game is just convenience for the company, please don’t play pretend like all of them don’t just sit here and hit a pandered checklist to make you feel chronically online outrage.

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Marsha P. Johnson never said he was trans. Marsha wasn’t even there when the Stonewall riots started? He was also a gay man dressing in women’s clothes and identified as such. Sylvia Rivera I haven’t checked on, but Storme Laverie, the one who is cited as the source of the riots, was a butch lesbian.
The idea that you cannot understand academia and medical field being wrong and sharing misinformation for the sake of ideology and potential monetary gain is shocking, or rather not shocking at all.

Remember this, lobotomy was an accepted treatment in the 1900s. But boy were we wrong about that.

I actually much prefer the way that OW revealed characters being gay etc. Throwing out a new character and advertising it as gay, trans etc. seems more like a company doing something in bad faith.


1.) It’s not inherently homophobic because a handful of trans/nonbinary people have a certain opinion and happen to be loud about it.

2.) It doesn’t redefine same-sex attraction as problematic. There is also a lot of general homophobia in the LGBTQ community, it’s not trans or queer specific. There’s plenty of gay men and lesbian women who consistently drag bi and pansexual people for “being greedy/indecisive/picky/etc”.

3.) Literally how? How do trans and non-binary people as a group define people’s interpersonal boundaries? If you’re letting random strangers tell you what your personal boundaries need to be, you have a problem.

4.) Science has redefined what gender is in general by doing more chromosomal studies, they found out that it’s not only XY and XX. Their stuff like X, XXX, XYY and XXY. It’s not A or B, intersex people exist, trans people exist in different societies, third gender, two-spirit, the list goes on. It’s not a brand new concept people are just stubborn and don’t want to evolve.

The only people I’ve really seen trying to influence kids any sort of direction on transitioning is people who are inherently opposed to trans people. All trans and non-binary people want is for the kids who are transit non-binary to feel safe, loved, and not want to self-delete. Really hard to do that when the whole world is screaming that you shouldn’t do the thing that would make you feel like you.


https:// www.womenshistory. org/education-resources/biographies/marsha-p-johnson

Yet again, you can ignore .org websites, historical articles, recounts from friends and family, etc. But it doesn’t change that Marsha referred to themselves as she/her.

“Johnson’s life changed when she found herself engaging with the resistance at The Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969.”


Is it Body Type 1 to Body Type 2 or Body Type 2 to Body Type 1?
Post or pre-op?

I love all of you in here.

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How do we know they’re not all trans? in 2022 we can’t assume anything. There’s no reason to announce it. Until we know we can’t assume any of them are cis. Now we have representation.