"AoE rez was removed because it was disheartening"

People need to recover from their “my PotG was stolen” PTSD and realize that as an ult, AoE rez was never supposed to be “fun to play against.” That defeats the entire point of an ult in the first place.

Who likes being wiped by a dragonblade, or rendered helpless by a cleverly timed EMP? The same principle applies to rez as an ult.

AoE rez can be tweaked so it feels more fair to play against. It can have extra limitations added in order to eliminate undesirable player behavior. In fact, the devs should have done that to begin with! But an ult that doesn’t feel “disheartening to play against” when it’s used well isn’t much of an ult at all.

I’d argue that Mercy with ult rez was actually healthy for the game. The threat of rez on on the field enforced peoplay to play by the founding principles of the game itself, and harshly punished sloppiness on both sides.

Mercy with mass rez pressured players to:

Practice proper target priority
Not use all your ults at once
Have a plan when you push
Communicate with your team and make callouts
Work as a team, instead of killhunting as a lone wolf

If you just played the game as it was meant to be played, Mercy’s AoE rez wasn’t a big threat. We even have empirical evidence of this, when we look at how low Mercy’s pickrate in the highest elos was pre-rework. The hate towards AoE rez is preventing people from seeing that it was a gamesense skillcheck the game needed, and the only counter to ult spam. We need that back.


Do you mercy mains ever get tired of reposting the same things over and over? Just because the wording changes every time doesn’t mean your ideas/thoughts are new


Tbh, the invulnerability was the problem.
She’d hide, let her team mates die and fly back in with 0 risk.
It should have been a decaying overshield of ~150+ hp so you could still CC her at the very least.

While i do know that they gave her this buff because she died 9/10 times she res’d making it a bad ult as the team would die without a healer. This did take away proper counterplay.


Maybe it’s also time to get over the “mass rez got removed” PTSD and accept it’s not coming back?


Mass Rez was the only ultimate in the game where you pressed a button and stuff happened. Every other ult needs some kind of combination of positioning, awareness, and coordination.

THAT’S why it was disheartening. Because that quad Widow headshot you just got or that Barrage that got 3 or that Tac visor that your Ana set up with a nice sleep dart to the D.va, etc, was all undone through the push of a single button, and there was nothing you could do about it.


Say what you want about Mass Rez (I think it deserved to be removed), but this is just blatantly false. Mass Rez required positioning, awareness, and coordination, and virtually every ult can be reduced to “pressing a button to make stuff happen”.


We get tired of people insisting that we should ignore a problem, and telling us to stop pointing it out.

Problems need fixed. Mercy’s got a lot of them. We just want the devs to do their dang jobs, or at the very least acknowledge the problem and tell us what’s going on. It feels like the community and even the devs themselves are burying their heads in the sand about Mercy.


How does ONE CHARACTER out of the entire roster, being able to bring the entire team back to life sound like a good idea. That just can never sound right in my head, no matter what you do. Who cares about some quad Widow headshot (a idea someone else in the comments had) this Mercy pressed Q so move over french lady


How does OVER A DOZEN characters out of the entire roster, being able to get a teamkill with the press of a button sound like a good idea?

It’s all about context, my friend.


Does the same argument apply to people who clearly don’t play Mercy nor are showing any interest in playing her that say stuff like this? As in, the people that state that mercy is “balanced now” when she is (1) unfun to play (2) statistically proven to be weak (3) theoretically and through skillbars and tooltips proven to do less than literally every other support.

I am just checking to make sure we’re on the same page.


A repeat post deserves a repeat answer… So here you go:



That information can be considered now to be outdated, if you look back at previous iterations of Mercy the development team has said in the past she was balanced and fair. Now we’re multiple nerfs ahead.

Things change with time, as was shown through the fact they called her balanced and then proceeded with what… was that like 8 or so nerfs after? It’s been like 13 or 14 nerfs since her rework-- I admit it’s hard to keep track of just how many out of the many it’s been.


Mercy was reworked for a couple reasons.

  1. Mass Rez promoted a wrong play style.
  2. It was unfun to deal with.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable.

Also, the developers have already stated a couple time that Mercy will not be reverted. They seem to want the current Mercy to work. Is the current Mercy balanced? No. She need some fine tuning to get a positive winrate again, but she isn’t unplayable and broken right now.

Please don’t be mistaken guys.
I too want mass rez back. It was more fun to use than Valkyrie. I’m just trying to say why it was removed and that we never will see it back.


Which could have been fixed with a few simple nerfs: cast time and LoS restriction. Flying in 1v6 with those kind of restrictions would have gotten Mercy killed, and pressured players to use tempo rez instead.

So? I don’t see any other ult being removed because it’s unfun to deal with… when’s graviton surge being removed? Or literally any ult that kills people? They’re all unfun to deal with.

A more accurate complaint might be that it felt unfair to play against. Which again, could have been fixed by nerfing it to provide pro-active counterplay.

No wonder, she had no E ability and Guardian Angel pretty much only offered half of the mobility it does now.


Mah Q press DPS ult, mah cheap boop off a cliff, mah insta kill headshot, is not fun to play against either.


It offer more counterplay than mass rez did.

Dva ult? Hide and protect yourself.
McCree ult? Hide or stun him.
Genji ult? Stun and kill him.
Mercy ult? There is no counterplay to that.

But please don’t be mistaken guys.
I too want mass rez back. It was more fun to use than Valkyrie. But I’m just trying to say why it was removed and that we never will see it back.

There is no counter-play to invuln mass rez you mean.


We have more counterplay than ever to mass rez now.

You can put down minefield, blizzard, or the new molten core to keep Mercy away from the corpses, or trap newly revived enemies. You can use hack or emp to stop Mercy from rezzing at all.

You can use the revive animation time to get the positioning advantage and first hit. Any ult with a time delay is garunteed to get kills if it’s used right after mass rez: high noon, selfdestruct, riptire, etc.

And don’t forget that anyone who wants mass rez back wants a cast time and LoS restriction added. Stuns would be able to counter rez and prevent it from going off at all.


You read the title and ignored the description rewatch the mercy rework developer update again to know why it got remove.

Mass rez encouraged mercy to not participate in the battle to avoid ANY wiping ult because she the first will be targeted if anyone used his ult while she is near, mass rez required mercy to stay alive and her teammate dead so if she killed the rez will be USELESS which encouraged to take cover most of the time to avoid enemy then when genji ult and kill 3 teammate then get killed by teammate rein she come from the corner and revive them, if she stayed near her teammate she will most likely die to that genji ult, mass rez was VERY rewarding to hide and rez.

Cast time downside CAN be easily overcome by rein shield or more easier zarya bubble which protect her ENTIRE the cast time bringing that mess again.

I personally would hate Mass Rez to come back. When I’m on support, I’m here to do my best to help my team win when they’re alive, not wait till they die to come in and rez, essentially giving them a “continue”. I wanna make my team win on their first try in a push, not just give them a second try all the time. Mass Rez can stay in the past, and I’m happy that no mention of a revert has ever been done by Blizz.

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