Any other Mei mains dreading the update tonight?

It’s interesting that besides Sigma and Hog to some extend, they aren’t buffing other aspects of some of the heros. Granted, this is just the first wave of this CC Nerf Trial so.

Don’t worry she gets another slap on the wrist nerf. They should revert all of the nerfs to Mei and just remove multifreeze. Multifreeze is what made her problematic.

“Waaaaah my overtuned cancer hero is finally getting nerfed waaaaah”

The mei nerfs need to happen, I think they need to nerf her ult and freeze but then buff her damage to at least 60 if not 65

Multifreeze rarely comes up in a typical game. If they silently reverted it, non-Mei players probably wouldn’t even notice, and the whining would continue.

This change here is bad overall. The difference in duration isn’t enough to make frozen people feel better about it (good thing I was only frozen for 1.3s instead of 1.5s!), and it lowers damage from a DPS hero that was already on the low end in that respect. No one on either side gets a better experience.

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This is one of the worst changes the could have ever given the character so yeah I dread it.

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She’ll lose 1v1 against Torb and Reaper now

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I’ve for the most part have moved away from her unless the other team has an annoying comp. They just nerfed her again when she already has a negative win rate. They will end up nerfing her into the ground. They just nerfed Roadhog who is one of the worst tanks in the game. I have zero faith in this games balancing.

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Because Sigma only sees play when Rein gets banned and Hog doesn’t see play at all.

The other heroes are all getting small enough changes and are in good enough states right now (i.e. they get played enough) to not need a compensation buff. Even Sigma’s is still a net nerf to a hero who really doesn’t need a net nerf.

Um multi freeze is the most impactful part of Mei’s kit and you’d be kidding yourself if you thought mei players and the enemies wouldn’t notice if it were to be removed

Noooo definitely not. Reworks are terrible for the game periodt. Probably the MOST controversial characters have all had reworks. The only successful one was Torbjörn and people still feel like a lot of his identity has been lost.

Brigs was also successful. And yes but would you rather have a character have identity or be slightly playable?

Mei is going to be hounded until shes unplayable.

For example look at mercy and symm; for the sake of “identity” they kept rez and turrets, and look what happened…they get held back because of these garbage abilities they have.

Have her spray primary replaced with snow balls that hit like mecrees shots and her alternate icicle shot applies a slow when you land a shot and only freeze in her kit is in blizzard. This way she is more skillful and it keeps her kit relatively the same minus her spray.

And arguably their old kits would’ve worked quite well in today’s Overwatch. Also, if you don’t like “identity” of heroes because you think it weighs them down, then don’t play Overwatch, a game heavily filled with lore and identity. I doubt they’d ever strip heroes of their identity in such a way.

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Play her and count the number of times it comes up, then compare that to the number of times you’re freezing a single target.

I would rather have Sym 2.0 than the drab boring souless Sym the rework left us with, even if she did struggle to win in high level play.

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Did I say I didn’t like identity? You don’t seem to understand what I’m saying.

Mei is currently “op” right? And you like playing her right? The problem is, this community will never stop complaining about how she’s designed. SO, you either rework her, or keep her “identity” so she gets nerfed to the point where you can’t play her anymore.

Me too. That symm rework is an utter train wreck and they never should have done it.

See and that’s the problem, I WANT them to rework mei so she doesn’t get trashed, but I DONT want them to, because frankly, they suck at reworks, either making the hero horrible or, as iKhallum said, makes them feel soulless like torb. It’s such a troubling situation.

Well, the “garbage abilities” are due to identity, the reply sounded like you didn’t like that, implied by your lexical choice. Because of what happened with Symmetra and Mercy, I’m saying that a rework is the last thing we need.

But it is true, that her numbers are gonna go up and down, but that’s the same for the rest of the cast. No one will ever be perfectly balanced, especially with the changing meta, hero pools etc. Plus those that main underpowered characters really know how to use them to their advantage.

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Mei is in desperate need of a kit that makes her a fun and high skill DPS hero, or have her damage drastically lowered and her turned into a tank. She’s currently in a spot where nerfing into the ground is the only way to make sure she doesn’t make everyone else hate the game just so the 1 person playing her can have fun.

all of that said, I have been salty about mei since the beginning of time, even though i respect mei players, I just gotta say:
poor mei mains have to learn to win 1v1s with skill, awwww