Any other Mei mains dreading the update tonight?

The only change I wouldn’t really mind is multifreeze being reverted as that only happens once or twice a match at my level (plat) anyway. Wall if nerfed much more would be useless, and I’d hate freeze reduction too as that’s where the fun with Mei comes. Some men/women like 1 shotting people with Widow, some like spinning on the point with Hammond, some like reflecting ults and double jumping annoyingly with Genji - all of which can be seen as ‘unfun’ - whereas I like freezing people for a second and a half with Mei! Leave Mei alone she is so fun and is only really OP in teams with OWL levels of co-ordination.


They should honestly just rework mei. She will always be unfun no matter what nerfs they give her, and despite her pickrate going down, they’re still nerfing her, so its obvious that because she’s unfun they’re just gonna trash her. They need to rework the character.


Her kit is amazingly fun to play, they shouldn’t rework it. "Unfun’ is a much overused word on this forum to the point where it has lost meaning. It’s basically '‘When I win - fun, when I lose - unfun’. Name me a hero and I can name you something ‘unfun’ about them.


As somebody who advocated 5 of the major changes to Mei, I have no idea what they are going to do today.

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As a tank player, Mei is not nearly as punishing to me as is Mccree.

To be honest, there’s no hero in this game that gets me as tilted on any role as does Mccree. He does everything way too well and has almost no downsides. Stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun.


Literally all she’s needed even before the previous nerf, is her wall changed or nerfed. That’s it.

Anything else to her primary will probably dumpster the character. :expressionless:


Mei needs to be viable to keep Ball in check so yeah im dreading it too. I don’t think she needs more nerfs, i think she needs to be buffed and moved to the tank role if anything. If the devs don’t think shes suitable in the dps role they should move her and not repeatedly nerf her because she’s “op”. She’s just in the wrong category. She has been in the wrong category since release. This is the one and only time i think a hero should be moved. Mei, but slightly to the left is the answer.


You can say that all you want, but the fact is, this community absolutely hates her. I knew, 100%, that 8 months ago when she became meta she was gonna be butchered. I’m just surprised it took so long.

I wish I could tell you to think hopefully, but history is on my side. You are correct, there are countless heroes that are unfun…BUT, the ones who take overwatch league over are left to die. Mercy, Brig, Sombra… Blizzard nerfs them a few times, realizes they cant figure out how to actually get rid of them, so they are butchered into non existence. If mei doesn’t get reworked, she will be left to die.


Mei mains malding?



I’m a Ball main and i’m against further nerfing Mei. Check my profile.


It took so long because she doesn’t need it and Blizzard knew this. :neutral_face:


Sombra keeps “Ball in check” way harder than Mei does.


Personally, not really. Blizz simply will not neuter the character they had to sell the Chinese government on, it also bears their namesake as an Ult (Blizzard) nor do away with CC because some folks dislike it in general. The point of the XP card is to test reduced CC in some ways, not neuter it like the anti-CC crowd thinks is going to happen. Also, I tend to favor alt-fire so much I hardly use freeze personally,


Thats true. But this is what they do with heroes like this, and I hate it. They nerf them like 14 times, only 3 of the nerfs actually do anything, so they just continue to do it until the whole heroes kit is just jangled and nonfunctional. For example, at this point, they could revert a few of mercy or brigs nerfs without breaking balance, because a lot of them were unwarranted. Same with orisa sigma. But they dont. They just leave these nerfs, 5 that did something 9 that didnt, on the heroes, which ruins them.


Not really, Sombra is not a viable or reliable pick. Say the Ball player switches when faced with the Mei or the Sombra, the Sombra gets rolled over in the next teamfight because if the Sombra player doesn’t realize the switch right away she wont have enough time to run back and forth from spawn to also switch.

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Yeah me too. There are hero’s that just tilt people. Rather then realize and exploit those hero’s weaknesses they would rather complain.

Some changes to Mei I have agreed on and others I wasnt a fan but even with all the changes they have done to her it hasnt effected good Mei players and when some heros become popular people who never picked her up actually start learing her. Thus the list of decent Mei players is much higher then it was before she was meta. And Mei has always been good.

For example, the pillar width nerf that allows tanks to slip through on broken column was a good change but good Mei’s know how to time their wall so they only really need that instant to get the value. The recent nerf to her freeze ammo actually wasnt that bad either. I mainly snipe on Mei only freezing on very specific parts of a fight or situation. In fact I often dont even need to fully freeze to confirm a kill. A simple slow-icicle-maybe punch and a target dies much faster then a regular full freeze combo.

There is seems to be some sort of disconnect between Mei’s personality and character that prevent people to respect Mei as a threat (like Reaper). Even after all this time she has spent over the last year in the spotlight people still dont respect that and they pay the price.

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I think the ammo rework was a cool and positive change too while not removing her utility. Oh by the way, you can walljump up her wall then use piledriver to get on top and escape.

Yeah I use her wall as an anchor point as well.

Sadly it’s rare that I actually like seeing Mei’s on my own team. I would 100x prefer to play into a Mei as WB then have a Mei on my own team.

I can’t think of a hero that has gotten me killed more times then a friendly Mei has by cutting me off my retreat after an engagement. Rein’s having their shatters blocked by friendly Mei’s pales in comparison after a solid engagement where you build 30%+ ult charge, maybe kill a target only to grapple straight into a wall that shouldnt be there. I hate having to keep track of my own Mei’s wall CD.

Me: “Mei blew her wall CD! I’m going in!”
Team: “They don’t have a Mei?”
Me: " Yeah, I know. Talking about ours."

Actually, back in release, she was a “Defense hero” which suited her pretty appropriately. In fact, the reason we have so many damage heroes is because they merged the Damage and Defense categories. Apparently the term Defense caused some confusion. People thought those heroes had to be used when defending. Personally, I think they should’ve just renamed it.


They should give Mei a Rez :kappa:

That would be very similar to a game everyone knows… :thinking: