Any other Mei mains dreading the update tonight?

I can see that but my best synergy ever was with my Mei main duo. Maybe it’s just because we always played together since release so we were mindful to combo our abilities but if you have a Mei player working with you you can pull off amazing things.

If Mei’s in voice it’s not an issue but the terror of begging over voice “drop wall! drop wall! drop wall! drop wall!” is all too real.

I’ve been forced off WB by more friendly Meis then enemy Meis.

Didn’t you know? Bliz-bois are never wrong. They never revert something. They don’t accept their mistakes. It’s you who is in the wrong. Everything they did was right. 99% of “reverts” are called buffs or nerfs, and 1% is “we’re reverting this but not because we’re wrong! it’s because you guys asked us to do so UwU”

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Playing on attack vs a Mei on maps like Paris and Hanamura is some of the worst crap in this game. They need to change the maps first before they deal with the hero. No more “must-go-thru chokepoints”.

As a Mei main, I’m not so much dreading tonight‘s update, but I’m more curious about the changes she will receive.

With the patch being focused on CC changes and Mei being a hero based around CC, I am honestly curious as to what Blizzard will do with her. I don’t know what has been said by Jeff already, but I feel like a rework could be coming her way.

Most of the player base hate being unable to move and use their abilities and Mei does exactly that. Even before she became meta, the majority of the player base disliked her because she is an annoying hero to play against. In my opinion, there isn’t really a way that Blizzard are going to make the community truly happy with Mei unless they rework her and replace her primary fire, or nerf her to the point where she is unplayable. And if that’s going to be the case, I honestly hope they rework her so she is still a viable hero, even if it’s not the Mei we’ve gotten used to over the past (nearly) four years.

The only other thing I could see Blizzard doing is making her a tank and balancing her as that role. But I don’t know, we’ll have to wait and see.

They’re going to nuke cc i hope.

That’s all there is to do.

They already posted the changes.

In ptr? Missed it somehow.

Edit:nvm just saw Jeff’s post.

Just seen the changes jeff posted…why jeff…whhhhy

Mei has one of the most interesting, fun and versatile kits in the game. If they reworked/deleted her because of a few whiney man-children, I would lose all respect for blizzard.

The mei changes aren’t as bad as they could of been.


Fun, also involves feeling like I lost fairly. Loosing because I was removed control of my character, is not fun. Even in 1v1, she’s got iceblock to self-heal, and then wall to block you off to put some space.

Fun is not a simple “I win. bye bye.”


i doubt she’ll get nerfed, they already hit her pretty hard, mei is fine as is.

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She will be nerfed as long as shes is picked in OWL as the pro’s hate her.
I’m assuming she is still picked in OWL, I don’t watch it.

oh i see, so you’re not a cruncher then.

Am I supposed to know what a cruncher is?

Looks like those changes get rid of double headshot in a freeze. It would take 1.6 sec to shoot twice, freeze was 1.5. Only way u could do it was start right clicking while ur freeze beam still traveling to freeze them. The timing was very tight, now at only 1.3 sec freeze i assume its gone. Which is a massive nerf vs tanks, or any1 getting healing while being frozen. Plus way less ult charge gained, on top of her ult being nerfed.

Funny part is she is only played tons in owl, under 10% last couple weeks on ladder to even have a chance at banning her, but 60% in owl. And these nerfs prob do much more for ladder play than owl, where even a 1.3 sec freeze is tons of time for a coordinated team to follow up on, even if mei can no longer double headshot.


First thing I tested.
Yeah you can’t do it anymore.

Which is one hell of a nerf.

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