Anti Bastion update

Well, it’s just a misunderstanding. There are a lot of people with different nationalities in the forums.

I kind of feel bad for asking, but I feel curious. Are you a furry or something?

It’s not like it matters a lot, anyway. I used this argument before, but lately I kind of feel it’s a bit weak. It ends up just as a “CS aim is superior” echo chamber.

I may deny it, but yea. Yea…

(っ◔3◔)っ That happens to be a thing.

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Not even the Bastion megathread is safe for Quizzybunny now…

The reason I was kind of hesitant in asking is because furries get hate all over the internet. I’m not a furry myself, but the internet echo chambers on massive furry hate and nobody seems to find a problem with it, and i’m kind of put of with that.

Everyone is a furry. I’m just oblivious and unaware apparently

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Eh… i get ya.

I’ve seen my fair share of that, but i also just don’t care.

We’re all Furries.

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They didn’t buff the splash, they literally nerfed it.


You are the 10th person to point that out…

If they dont want people to mention it then they should edit now shouldnt they?

They’re new here, not sure they know how to do that yet.

Im sorry but a pencil icon isnt exactly hard to find

I just want to mention I’m not disagreeing with you. Bastion needs a rework in general to keep up. Unfortunalty theres a power creep going on with the dps right now. All of Pharah’s counters have been buffed while her main healer nerfed. It left Pharah in an awkward place where she needed to be buffed/nerfed to keep up. Bastion has been in a bad place for a while, it just sucks that his counters are in need of buffs themselves to keep up.

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Even without these changes, the fact they said nothing about Bastion is sad. Why are they making changes to Pharah before Bastion of all things?


Makes you wonder if they have no idea how theyre going to change him.

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We have every idea you could possibly think of in this thread:

(Seriously, we have talked about everything)


I’ve said this so many times, but why do they not use the PTR to actually test multiple ideas? Have the community help out and feel involved. x.x Ugh, it bothers me so much.


They would need to filter some ideas though. This community can get a crazy hivemind sometimes…

Yeah for real. The ptr should be for actually testing. The problem is they dont do that. Its sad that once something hits the ptr it’s pretty much already decided on. They just want bug testers.

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True, but it would be so simple to browse through ideas for a bit, write some down and throw them on the PTR. Considering it’s been over 500 days, they should have at least made some notes, right? ;3


We have every possible idea fully detailed.

Want him to have a shield? check

Want him to have tank as a standard ability? check

Want him to turn into a freaking apache attack helicopter? check