Anti Bastion update

Dogs are seen as friendly and loyal.

It all depends on the tone, which cannot be conveyed easily on the internet.

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Wow those are massive buffs!!

Its been awhile but he used to be one of my regulars (I came from PS4, lol)

Ok forget brig for now, in a few months once people understand her she will get buffed again.

they gave him falloff range is what you mean. he didn’t have it before. this nerfed his kit. simply saying it was a buff doesn’t make it so.

they didn’t “buff” shotguns, they changed the spread pattern.

I never said roadhog should be good as a 6 man team, nor did I act like that, you are putting words in my mouth. Atleast he has team comps that can be built around him (bastion) roadhog doesn’t. any comp he is in, another tank would do his job vastly better. Its okay to like bastion, and its okay to say hes in a bad spot, but he is not the worst character in the game. He is not walking ult charge, he atleast has his spots in the game, niche as they may be, Roadhog has none of this.

alright youre an obvious troll, done talking to you.

sly, not really trust worthy, and lazy as hell…

Hi, ChibiFox btw. And i don’t mind being called one.

Well, I’d rather be alive and charge ults a bit more than being dead because they buffed one of your counters. Also I do much better on Roadhog and the only time he doesn’t work is when there’s an ultra stun heavy comp (Brig Ana DF)

Blizt isn’t a troll.


You do realize pharah counters roadhog? Roadhog is in a much worse spot than bastion in the game dude.

Yeah man acting like you don’t know the phrase “my dog” which almost every English speaking person in the world has used, isn’t trolling. sure.

Pretty sure Blizt is french… (still not too sure… Foxes aren’t all that smart. :thinking:) So yea, Language barriers are a thing.

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I am the Troll thankyou. And I think today was a success only 4 toys bought when shopping for the little guys…

They’re pretty much ignoring Bastion and how he is affected. Pretty sad stuff, but maybe he’ll make it to the next balance list, but I wouldn’t keep my hopes up.

I’m loving new Torbjorn but his kit has several abilities that absolutely wreck Bastion. Overload let him tank several rounds and do a lot of damage to Bastion at close range, and Molten Core is the Bastion demolisher that is going to wipe Pirate Ship off the map.

I like that Pharah is getting some love, though. She needed something and I liked the changes so far.

At this point neither will change their mind so we should drop it. I disagree strongly but talking about comps around a hero isn’t the heroes balance anymore that’s the comp.

You said doggy though. I don’t think it was offensive like Blizt did but you did change the saying.

I am French, indeed.
Maybe, as Chibi said, this is just the language barrier but here in france calling someone a dog is saying they’re beneath you. (Well… there’s more nuances than that but you get the idea.)

EDIT: Tbh, I though it was the same in english since I heard PD2 Sidney’s line “Stay down my little doggies”


Next time get a Hanzo stuffed animal to feed to them. IDK if such a thing exists but do it. Actually would it still be a stuffed animal?

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in English the phrase “my dog” means homie, friend, brother. adding the gy to the end of it is just saying it in a sillier way.

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So pretty much like calling someone a Dingo over here, I will remember that.


I see. Thanks for the info!

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Okay just gunna say… says pharah hasn’t no skill… saying that bastion does so it’s an unjustified silly nerf

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That’s good to know… <.< For multiple reasons…

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It is a old old phrase/insult even when i was a kid not even used these days TBH. Though im very careful not to use it as i dont want to call anyone a scavenger/pest. indirectly.

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