Another Your Overwatch hot take

Found it weird how pro level support play was used to argue that casual level support play is fine. I’m just waiting to get my hands on the beta so I can make my own assessment, as a support main.

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When we say impactful we’re discussing utility. Come OW2/in the beta she’s got more freedom to pursue impact.

Also she was played in this last OWL several times. Albeit not nearly as much as Ana/Lucio.

What impact can she do?

That hits it on the nail almost perfectly. Tanks got essentially 2 new heroes & a ton of buffs, DPS are still the most popular role, have a bit more freedom due to 1 less tank blocking all the damage in the game and got a new hero… supports got… a new passive?

What would be shocking is if supports weren’t the least popular role in this first beta.

Im also a support main but the quote in the thumbnail i agree with in overwatch 1 lol

I hate YO with a burning passion. They do more harm to the community than blizzard imo.

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With less required cc’s & paired with a support ult she’s free to chase dmg/flank/air more in offense. She’s also a good answer to flankers now that things like flashbang are gone.

Her impact is going to be the additional supplement in damage and survivability. Coal still farms fast.

When we say impact, we should seperate having an impact in a match and utility.

by no means am I saying her utility impact is on par with Ana, but she’s seeing much more action in beta.

The issue is that “carry” to most just means “be a DPS character and kill things”. From my perspective, a support is carrying when they keep their side alive.


Wait, was that the basis of their assertion that supports are good? The pro play that was the Ana and Lucio show, with the others used for specific maps? They felt that because two supports were meta and the rest were niche that meant everything was good in supportville, population casual?

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IMO, the only source of damage boost should be from Zen, as it is single target and treated like a debuff, giving the enemy enough audio and visual queues to know that they should fall back. Discord is also literally like the only thing he has that’s unique. All other sources of damage boost should be removed tho (Window and Damage Boost need to go entirely).

I mean they are fine, it’s just this particular message just comes off as a bit too…victim blaming-ish.

That said, for a very brief moment at 2:43, he covers the “Not fun” part. Kinda missed it entirely in my first watch through.

If anything the problem is mostly the content creators are having to scrape the bottom of the barrel for stuff to talk about.


But her damage is negligible lol??? Its 50dps. That doesnt kill anything. I play moira all the time and you rarely ever get kills because you get outhealed.

Literally the only reason she is played. Because she doesnt die to tracer genji. At that point you arent playing the hero cus shes fun but because she doesnt just die

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I agree with most of their balance takes. But they suffer from the same thing samito does in that they come off so incredibly smug and elitist.

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This particular video yes.

But usually it feels like they are talking to people that think Junkrat is the most OP character in the game.

Lowest common denominator stuff.

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I feel like you’re being too quick to look at balance changes as the reason for why supports are the least played role in this first beta. We don’t need to just throw buffs at supports to make people play them more this round of testing. Supports need shiny new toys like Tank & DPS players got and a more open test, then we’ll be able to see if there really is some kind of disparity. Right now I entirely chalk it up to Supports not getting anything particularly interesting to try out compared to Tanks & DPS

Like I said it’s opportunist, and I don’t think every support needs to be a DPS. However, I manage to do quite well with kills, and as mentioned I tend to keep up in most matches with my DPS. This depends on team, which as a Masters player I think you know. On a good flank she can quite easily melt someone. Pair this with her good healing output, (assuming you know how to efficiently fuel your tank), her reach, her ability to heal through shields (to a degree), fast ult charge… etc.

I’m not saying she’s the best, but I do think she’s in a far more balanced spot than she’s ever been in. Her damage isn’t amazing, but it’s certainly not negligble. It’s the opportunity.

Fun again is subjective. I have far more fun on Moira than I do Ana, and likewise Ana may not be played because she’s fun so much as her oppressive kit, which is why she was picked so much in OWL. There’s two sides to this coin. You yourself said people in higher ranks don’t play her much because of her lack of impact… not because she isn’t fun. Entirely subjective.

ADD: I do agree with you on Mercy

ADD 2: I’m also not saying I’m the best Moira/most experienced Moira. I came in at #49 in OB last season but I’m also only Diamond, so I half and half agree and disagree, with grains of salt. Of course I’d like her to have some utility, but I worry about what would happen to her playstyle and how much I enjoy it if that were the case. I think OW2 has good potential to keep her as is.

Couldn’t agree more!

They kinda have a history of this. I made a post a while ago about one of their videos. They basically called any support below masters average lol. Again I agreed with most of their balance takes in that video but it’s probably lost on most because of how they communicate.

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They do, but I think long term, Supports are going to be priority kill target #1.

And that doesn’t feel great to have a bullseye on your back, while feeling like it’s an uphill battle to win/draw 1v1’s on equal footing with your frequent attackers.

Incidentally another extra passive idea.

Cut the respawn timer for Supports down from 20sec, to 13sec. Immediately after the killcam, have them respawn.

That would probably help mellow out that sour feeling.

Just don’t play healers if you don’t want to be a healer and interact with the fundamental design of the enabler. Stop being attached to certain heroes so much that even if you want to play other ways you don’t want to switch roles, not to mention in some cases heroes

It is the individuality of heroes that is what makes OW not fun to play for anyone. Hog ‘N’ Ball torture comps spiced up with Tracer and Zen were the most hated comps right next to OG double barriers, which in itself was an individualistic comp as the duo tanks are both generalist heroes who could do most themselves. That’s the philosophy where the downhill of support enjoyment for OW2 largely comes from, the TDM gameplay, not to belittle any of the dozen of other issues that came with the game that everyone predicted a year ago when they said 5v5. None of this is a surprise. This was all expected and calculated already. Same with OWL discrepancy which is even more obvious than anything