Another Your Overwatch hot take

this is all because devs designed healers, not supporters, and specifically balances the game by telling you that someone is constantly healing.
so we have Big AOE heals happening all the time
Brig was launched with this idea, that she can protect her team while healing, moira, lucio.

They didn’t learn after GOATS that heal should be situational rather than a mandatory match-setting tool, it went around the world, but it didn’t fix the game’s flawed design.


The problem is with supports they aren’t given suppportive autonomy, with baptiste for example, they just gave him a gun. Supports should be able to carry a team via supporting well, but they just can’t in OW2. Its like people refuse to let supports carry a team beyond healing or damage.


Well I anticipate more Support buffs, particularly in the direction of more selfpeel.

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This, mobility incurs a HUGE advantage in choosing one’s fights and attacking when wanting to, to balance this CC and auto aim were a thing, but both have been gutted over the years and mobility still reins supreme.

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Just putting it down on here somewhere so everyone knows where I currently stand.

Currently i think the only supports that are both fun and impactful in ow2 are ana and lucio.

All the other supports i think need changes. Some more than others.

Moira is currently only even playable because she can look after herself from flankers, she isnt impactful or fun to play as. She lacks any carry potential or utility to swing team fights. Its just tickling people with her beam for no damage

Mercy needs a complete redesign. A hero who relies on her team in a game built around solo play doesnt work. She needs abilities that empower herself not just a pocket for dps.

Zen needs a way to self peel for himself. Kick doesnt cut it. He is immobile and unlike ana has no sleep or nade to save himself

Brig needs a rework. Her kit was designed for a hero that no longer exists. You have a close range bash which does damage and knockback. A ranged whip that knocksback. Some ranged healing but a primary fire and passive that requires you to be at close range. All over the place. Her kit entirely contradicts itself.

Bap needs a rework. Regen burst is not an ability. Its the support passive on a cooldown. Immortality doesnt work currently when everyone is so spread out in 5v5. Rework regen into a new ability and change immortality to attach to a single target on a short cooldown rather than an area affect on a long cooldown. That way he can use it constantly to save himself or a teammate making it a high impact tempo ability

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YRO needs to look at a mirror. They are the bad ones


What ranks do you play that you consider Moira very unimpactful in OW2? Most players rank her as a pretty good support

But the bottom line is that supports are in fact impactful and have self agency aside from Mercy who almost entirely relies on her teammates doing well. Every other support can provide direct value themselves

Yea, this is what everyone talking about i pile how you put it.

Can you elaborate on this point?

Every support I can think of besides Mercy has lots of supporting autonomy

You mean like how they removed it via removing mass resurrect and replaced it with an ability that gives her 0 ability to change the match herself and instead gives out pathetic levels of healing and boosting to put ALL of her hero power into helping others and leaving her no way to change a fight beyond a single resurrect?


This video was just condescending. It seems like the usual outrage clickbait I’d expect from YourOverwatch. I wish I hadn’t wasted 8 minutes watching it.


I gave up on them a long time ago, honestly it baffles me they get as many views as they do.


Yeah but that’s not the issue.

It’s more important that they can duel flankers to a kill or standstill.

They are one of the few sizeable dedicated Overwatch news/commentary sites left. Several others have stopped producing Overwatch content due to lack of viewer interest in Overwatch, or frustration with the game’s direction.

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The group up ults in general are pretty useless with everyone on a flanking mission. You could ult as miora and it be a solo ult cuz no one else is there…ana the supports with targeted ults have…better ults…like nano. Valk is decent, window is… welll….brigs ult still needs you to bunch up, so does zens ult which is countered by nade. Beat still needs los, but at least you can be more spread out for it.

Which supports can’t?

I actually agree with him. Supports are fine in terms of power. They just don’t feel fun because all they got was a passive and number tweaks. Meanwhile tanks got reworks and DPS got reworks/a new hero.

Supports need flashy new toys too so they don’t feel like they’re playing an OW1 patch. They also need to learn to play without clinging to tanks for protection.


This really depends on your team and how you play her.

Likewise, I’m breaching 1k dmg per minute and keeping up with the (assumingly bad) dps on my team.

Fun part is subjective.

She’s an opportunist in terms of damage. She shouldn’t have that much damage anyway. Her kills, to reiterate, are opportunist. She gets paired with a defensive ult for certain comps.

Ana kinda sucks at it, but I guess she’s due for a rework.

And yeah, Mercy.

Then Bap is more on the difficulties providing value end. Because hitting grenades at range sucks.

So yeah…you’re mostly right. Assuming Ana stays mostly the same, and they make Bap’s ranged heals suck less.

Then yeah it’s mostly Mercy.

But then I still feel like there’s something missing. Like for instance, what if Supports got 15% damage resistance for 1sec after they damage an enemy player?

Masters and above. They dont think shes impactful, they play her because she doesnt just die when a genji jumps on her. Has she even been played in owl?