Another Your Overwatch hot take

I agree with most of their balance takes. But they suffer from the same thing samito does in that they come off so incredibly smug and elitist.

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This particular video yes.

But usually it feels like they are talking to people that think Junkrat is the most OP character in the game.

Lowest common denominator stuff.

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I feel like you’re being too quick to look at balance changes as the reason for why supports are the least played role in this first beta. We don’t need to just throw buffs at supports to make people play them more this round of testing. Supports need shiny new toys like Tank & DPS players got and a more open test, then we’ll be able to see if there really is some kind of disparity. Right now I entirely chalk it up to Supports not getting anything particularly interesting to try out compared to Tanks & DPS

Like I said it’s opportunist, and I don’t think every support needs to be a DPS. However, I manage to do quite well with kills, and as mentioned I tend to keep up in most matches with my DPS. This depends on team, which as a Masters player I think you know. On a good flank she can quite easily melt someone. Pair this with her good healing output, (assuming you know how to efficiently fuel your tank), her reach, her ability to heal through shields (to a degree), fast ult charge… etc.

I’m not saying she’s the best, but I do think she’s in a far more balanced spot than she’s ever been in. Her damage isn’t amazing, but it’s certainly not negligble. It’s the opportunity.

Fun again is subjective. I have far more fun on Moira than I do Ana, and likewise Ana may not be played because she’s fun so much as her oppressive kit, which is why she was picked so much in OWL. There’s two sides to this coin. You yourself said people in higher ranks don’t play her much because of her lack of impact… not because she isn’t fun. Entirely subjective.

ADD: I do agree with you on Mercy

ADD 2: I’m also not saying I’m the best Moira/most experienced Moira. I came in at #49 in OB last season but I’m also only Diamond, so I half and half agree and disagree, with grains of salt. Of course I’d like her to have some utility, but I worry about what would happen to her playstyle and how much I enjoy it if that were the case. I think OW2 has good potential to keep her as is.

Couldn’t agree more!

They kinda have a history of this. I made a post a while ago about one of their videos. They basically called any support below masters average lol. Again I agreed with most of their balance takes in that video but it’s probably lost on most because of how they communicate.

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They do, but I think long term, Supports are going to be priority kill target #1.

And that doesn’t feel great to have a bullseye on your back, while feeling like it’s an uphill battle to win/draw 1v1’s on equal footing with your frequent attackers.

Incidentally another extra passive idea.

Cut the respawn timer for Supports down from 20sec, to 13sec. Immediately after the killcam, have them respawn.

That would probably help mellow out that sour feeling.

Just don’t play healers if you don’t want to be a healer and interact with the fundamental design of the enabler. Stop being attached to certain heroes so much that even if you want to play other ways you don’t want to switch roles, not to mention in some cases heroes

It is the individuality of heroes that is what makes OW not fun to play for anyone. Hog ‘N’ Ball torture comps spiced up with Tracer and Zen were the most hated comps right next to OG double barriers, which in itself was an individualistic comp as the duo tanks are both generalist heroes who could do most themselves. That’s the philosophy where the downhill of support enjoyment for OW2 largely comes from, the TDM gameplay, not to belittle any of the dozen of other issues that came with the game that everyone predicted a year ago when they said 5v5. None of this is a surprise. This was all expected and calculated already. Same with OWL discrepancy which is even more obvious than anything

ah yes your overwatch, the same clowns who predicted map metas 3 or 4 years ago

That was one of the arguing points. As well as support players are used to getting carried, used to having the easiest time out of all the roles, used to having the protection of both tanks while spamming heals “generically,” etc.

I don’t take any of it personally, because I know I have my own perspective on the role.

The logic being because you played a Support you must be a Beta and therefore your only role is to support the Genji OTP “Chad” who can’t get out of Plat :roll_eyes:

Devs already said twice now that it’s clear supports are underperforming in beta and they’re planning changes so I wouldn’t get too worried

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Well, yes, do you think that should shift to Tank or DPS? Supports are pretty much the #1 priority kill in all games, they support the team and keep it alive. Without sustain the team crumbles. I’m not sure if anything (besides making Supports absurdly difficult to kill or making another role too easy to kill) would make them not the priority kill

Well I mean… that’s the nature of playing support. You play the most valuable role that keeps the team alive, so you have to die first. I think it’s fun having a bullseye on my back, but then again that’s why I main Brig.

Like I said… I think you & others are being too quick to say “lets start buffing supports until queue times are more even!”

Not to mention the repercussions of that passive, Lucio would feel like he’s never dead, other supports would say “wow they let us respawn faster so we can die more often!” leading to more sour feelings if they feel like they can’t defend themselves already, and those are just the immediate issues I thought of

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Maybe, but that can always be scaled back later.

That said, here’s a draft of some current ideas

Support Passive


  • Support heroes respawn immediately after the kill-cam finishes.


Biotic Launcher

  • Healing Grenade projectile speed increased 20%
  • Can detonate healing grenades midair by shooting them (grenades must travel at least 5m distance before this works
  • Can detonate healing grenades midair with the FUNCTION button
  • Increased horizontal movement speed for low power jumps


Angelic Blessing

  • E Rez can be used on a living teammate to provide an extra 10% of maximum health heal speed from mercy for 6 seconds, provided by a runic circle on the ground that follows the teammate. (Does not with on airborne teammates)



  • Affected enemies deal 10% less damage to Zenyatta (Not sure if this is needed but whatever)


Biotic Grenade

  • 4sec duration. Does 50% antiheal to enemies.
  • 50% heal boost to friendlies. Affected enemies deal
  • 50% less damage to Ana.
  • 10sec cooldown, down from 15sec


  • 0.2sec minimum duration, down from 1.5sec
  • 5sec maximum duration
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I think the best idea is to see what giving supports a shiny new toy will do before any of that, as well as seeing what the devs have already announced as refreshed/reworked/new abilities. I’m enjoying Zen’s new snap kick

Sounds imbalanced to me.

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Discord, Speed Boost, Sleep Dart, Anti-Nade, IMMORTALITY FIELD, Rez, Damage Boost, Repair Pack, Nano-Boost, Window, Valk, Beat, Rally, Transcendence



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…. And They are all abilities that are either exponentially more effective when used with your team than you will ever get by yourself (discord, speed, rally etc) or they fully rely on a teammate to even use to begin with (rez, dmg boost, repair pack) :joy::joy::joy:

further proving my point. Supports are mostly designed to be team reliant and their abilities rely on their teammates to use effectively. They have little to no abilities that allow them to do stuff by themselves. Which is the issue. Supports have no way to carry games without relying on their team.

I removed anas 2 abilities from your list because they truly are 2 of the only support abilities that you can use yourself in a fight. With the benefit they help your team as well. You dont need to rely on a teammate to hit a nade or a sleep. You can do it yourself and it has an impact. You feel like you did something. Throwing an orb that does <100 damage and bounces into the atmosphere or pressing a button to heal yourself for 150 hp and thats all it does, are NOT impactful abilities. They dont carry games, they dont win games. They need to be changed


My favourite part is how it seems the only support they show having agency is Ana…hmmm…

What does that mean? Those are buzz words that mean nothing and anyone can throw in the air.

What is impact? :

  • Being able to make someone immortal?
  • Being able to to DPS as much as a DPS AND also heal?
  • Being able to survive anything?

What is agency? :

  • Being able to be in the frontline calling out the shots?
  • Being an Opener just as much as DPS and Tanks can?

What is “the ability to carry” ?

  • Being able to have an ultimate that WIPES teams?
  • Being able to kill anything if you “focus” your CDs on it?

What do you mean dude?

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