Another PTR cycle, the same forgotten robot šŸ˜„

The ISSUE is, that style is he same good or bad player.

It will mean he will have a high power level, and low skill expression.

Bad people are as good as good people.

If you buff him when he is like that, to be viable at higher ranks, then he will MONSTER the lower ranks.

I will no longer accept this as an answer.
Playing Bastion doesnā€™t make your team suddenly good, nor does it make the player good.

I get that. Iā€™ve seen a lot of bad bastions in my time. But once you hit a certain rank that stops happening, they all know their job.

The issue is, outside of people who know HOW to move / fight / move, how they play doesnā€™t change.

The skill to pirate ship with Bastion at low plat, is the same as high diamond, and that IS a problem.

There has to be skill expression for the hero, and their primary play style doesnā€™t let that happen.

Which means there is a limit to what we can do with them. I THINK I can get a Bastion rebuild which Blizzard would agree to, but, I canā€™t do it without solving the Pirate ship problem, around skill expression.

I donā€™t want bastion changedā€¦ Heā€™s the last remaining unique defense hero. Leave my boy alone.

Not with the changes iā€™ve proposed.
Essentially cooldown management, with the shield, and having to actually defend oneself.

That changes everything.

I guess being unplayable is rather unique.

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In my rank, diamond, heā€™s not unplayable. Heā€™s just not a generic Soldier copy. He requires a team to work with him.

Sounds like a character that isnā€™t played in OWL, I can see how it can be forgotten that easily.

He requires a team to make him almost playable.
Thatā€™s not acceptable.

And no, if you play him as a Soldier copy, you arenā€™t playing Bastion.
Youā€™re playing fat Soldier.

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Which is why I thought your idea was genius.

With pirate ship you outsource your defense to the team. Depending on the values, you will either make it over powered, or useless - and it will be HELL of a hard to get a balance, ESPECIALLY one which worked across different ranks.

The issue isnā€™t around that I donā€™t think we can balance Bastion / Pirate ship / Static style for a rank, the issue is, I donā€™t think we can do it for more than one rank.

How do we balance it so it works in Bronze, to say, Diamond, without it being overpowered in lower ranks.

And i believe it would work.

Read it through again, itā€™s actually fun to see all the changes and such working together.

Pirate ship is already SO counter-able that it hurts.
One Sigma or Sombra, usually wrecks it.

Oh, and why is it a problem for it to work sometimes?

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It isnā€™t a problem for it to work sometimes, I DO want it to work sometimes.

I want it to be viable at different ranks, and not just a low rank option.

Waitā€¦ There is a hero called Bastion in this game? Is he the omnic that runs the casino? They did not put him in the game yet, silly.

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And it would be, with the changes.

It would be.

He needs to hit HARD in short bursts.

Ya know, i laughed at first.

But itā€™s not even funny anymore.

I just wanna play the game.

But i guess i picked the wrong hero to enjoy.

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I donā€™t disagree!

It is what happens between those bursts, and how short the bursts are.

I think they can be longish. Giving them time to wipe more than one person.

The skill will be knowing WHEN you can take those fights in a way where you are safe for the immediate time afterwards.

I like the idea of Bastion being the hero which is EXTREMELY dangerous in short bursts.

This is one of Bastionā€™s natural downsides, and one of the only ones that he would still haveā€¦ when reloading, he would be slightly vulnerable.

Chibi, if you want to have a big gun with a huge mag and massive firepower, alongwith a godlike status among the fanbaseā€¦

ā€¦you would love Tachanka.

Come to Siege, we have LMG

Ha ha haā€¦ Trust me, I know what you mean (well, mostly, obviously I have never played a character THAT neglected in any game ever). I seriously, genuinely, forget he is in the game literally all the time. The only time I even remember is when you post or if our enemies want to give us a free win.

My sister used to main him too and she does not even want to play him anymore. She would rather play a Zen with no peels into a full dive (not OG dive, the new stuff, with Doom and Hammond) than play Bastion with a full team of people helping her.

If Heroes are being nerfed for being too oppressive, then could you imagine the outcry as soon Bastion becomes a lot more viable?

I want him to become more viable, I do, but Iā€™m afraid a rework might be needed for this.

The question isnā€™t ā€œdo they need a reworkā€ the question is ā€œwhat does that rework look like?ā€

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