Another PTR cycle, the same forgotten robot šŸ˜„

I can imagine the outcry. Because i lived through the outcry.

Bastion became somewhat good when nanoboosted, so he was shot and buried out back.

Well damn, the forums just told me that I responded to my thread.
Good going forums.

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Well maybe you were drunk and didnā€™t know you were posting :wink:

It is fitting the forums act like that in software as well as the people posting to it acting like that in their posts.

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Dissociation be like:


I think itā€™d be cool if they tightened his sentry spread, lowered his ammo to 250, but added an overheat that forces you out into recon and adds a 5ish second cooldown to transforming again if you shoot for too long

Now heā€™s bursty, it encourages moving around more, you canā€™t just infinitely spam, youā€™re punished for staying in one spot

Also remove Ironclad and give him a 600 HP barrier, and increase his transformation speed a bit

Provides much higher damage, promotes repositioning, makes him less spammy, gives him weaknesses in pirate ship

Basically bastion transforms and gets to be a wicked strong surprise attack but then has to reposition, heā€™d require some big brain plays

Or Ironclad. It was not that bad, but everyone was acting like he was unstoppable.

And then Orisa appeared and it is okay for her becauseā€¦

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I still think that making Sentry Mode predictable makes him far too easily killed.

Because major biasā€¦


They would get their attack together to stop pirate ship, and it would fail.

ā€œWe Dā€™va bombed the damn thing and nothing happened.ā€

I mean, I CAN understand why the lower ranked were pissed. It takes them a lot to organise.

They get REAL angry when you Rez / Field him.

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Wasnā€™t this only while also nanoboosted?
If i remember correctly.

No, he could do it vanilla It was crazy :slight_smile: It almost killed him though.

But if you buff recon heā€™s not as reliant on sentry

If you engage a recon bastion and he reconfigures, you likely have to disengage and change your approach even despite his obvious weaknesses. He just changes things up and shapes fights but can kill maybe 2 squishies with good tracking before the overheat catches up to him

But he becomes less ā€œBastionā€ - we donā€™t want him to lose his identity.

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Idk recons fight too in the cinematics

He should be somewhat reliant on Sentry.

Thatā€™s the point of Sentry Mode.

If you can configure into Sentry, it becomes a ā€œGet back or iā€™ll kill you even quickerā€ Mode.

Being forced out of it by shooting for long enough, would lead the enemy to simply force him out and kill him every last time they engage him.

Bap field?

Shoot it for a second, but then youā€™re booted and killed.

And die extremely easily.

Iā€™ve played Bastion recently, he works pretty well into double shields as long as he gets the proper support

Yes, but there is a certain ā€œBastionnessā€ which need to be kept.

It would be like if a Sombra rework removed her hack, but gave her Tracer blinks.
I mean, she would be stronger but, she wouldnā€™t be Sombra any more.

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ā€œAs long as the entire team support me 24/7ā€

Which is the problem.





a projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions.

Right, which is WHY I like the shield change. It means you can position, get your shield, do your damage.

Sentry becomes good without team help.

The issue is, I worry it will become as good as it can be WITH team help, which is not a lot more than it is now.

By making them HAVE to shift, then team help doesnā€™t mitigate his weakness to the point we canā€™t make him REAL dangerous when he is in place.

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That is like his best comp and he is still absolute cheeks in it. That is the main issue.