Another PTR cycle, the same forgotten robot đŸ˜„

I know right? You put a field next to the corner and bastion there, and people are all “um, maybe later”

Sadly, field was one of the only ways to use him, and D’va is stronger now

So, it doesn’t look good for our little robot.

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How it feels to play Bastion:

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Bastion needs a rework if anything. Forgive me for saying, but Bunker comp is not enjoyable to play against, or to play as. Its a cheap gimmicky defensive strategy that’s either completely unbeatable, or a total joke. Either way, it has no place here. We learned that already from Torb’s and Symm’s reworks. So I’d be down for a rework to change make Bastion less reliant on Sentry and more of an active character, just like Symm and Torb were reworked to rely less on their turrets. I think transitioning him into a Tank role character could also be really interesting.

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The problem here is
 Bastion is 100% reliant on recon and teammates at the moment.

He doesn’t rely on Sentry because Sentry gets him killed when not protected 24/7.

May i get your feedback on these proposed changes?

[New year, new Bastion. đŸ€–]
(Please do not only skim read them)

Thank you. ^,^

Based off their quarterly reports recently, I wouldn’t call anything they done successfuf.

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Because you have logic.

They referred to Mercy’s changes as “Generally successful” if i remember correctly.

Because you aren’t getting properly supported? Enemies shouldn’t be able to rush down a Bastion with good positioning very easily, that’s the whole point of the character and he works accordingly when used properly

I don’t think you’ve played much Bastion, if that’s how you think.

No matter your positioning, no matter how well you’re pocketed, you will be rushed down constantly.

And yes, the enemy will be rewarded for this.

no one wants to play with or against bastion

I don’t have an opinion about Bastion being OP or UP but I saw comments on Bastion being a joke in low ranks. This is simply not true. Bastion is literally the go-to pick when all hope is lost and he’s always famous on defense, especially 2cp. Ever since 2-2-2, he’s become more famous in my plat games, he’s more played now because he can shred uncoordinated teams easily (I play mostly solo queue).

I’m sure Bastion is still used a lot in gold and below too.

I’m eternally grateful my least favorite hero is bastion. I’m also eternally sympathetic to the poor souls that main him.

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Do Bastion, Sombra, Symmetra, Torb, Pharah need to band together and create the forgotten DPS club?


I’ve Mained two heroes in that club. :laughing:

Not against a Sigma, Hog, Bap, Ana, Ashe and Hanzo, team.

Imagine how quickly they would be steamrolled.

If your team lets the opposition do whatever they want or you never reposition, then yeah you’re gonna get rushed down eventually

To think that Bastion is absolutely unusable though is just being unreasonable. Bastion has his uses and can be extremely hard to contest when used in the right situations. Generally speaking, Bastion isn’t always the most difficult hero to deal with, but I feel like a lot of situations where he could work he just doesn’t because people don’t know how to run with a Bastion properly. Kind of like Hammond really

I’d be surprised if the game got out of spawn.

Though, you would have a Bastion and Sym, on the same team. So it could be worse.

If the team cannot kill all of the enemies at the same time, while keeping you alive to “Help” Then yea, even if you win the engagement you and likely a healer or two will die in the process.

This may be true, but i’d like not to really dwell on situations where even a Torbjorn would run the show.

Bastion is not viable in a competitive sense, where both teams want to win.

the thing that makes no sense is why you want bastion specifically to be buffed. or why anyone wants any 1 specific hero to be buffed, especially one who’s playstyle is niche by design. if you dont like the niche playstyle, why do you like him so much that you want him to be buffed at the detriment of the overall state of the game?

the game is strategic shooter. bastion has a narrow strategy. no one hero matters in the overall context of the game’s strategy, especially not a DPS hero, especially not bastion specifically.

if you want a more versatile machine gun character, why not play soldier?