Another Mercy topic, but each time

So they’ve reverted it back to a previous state that people hated and you really don’t know how people will react? It was bland and terrible before and now it’s… still that.

We really don’t need more posts like this, it’s been answered before, multiple times

My opinion. :man_shrugging:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

the only things that’ve changed are 2 huge counters to it (torbjorn’s n u t and hammonds mines) liike, all it does is bring people back… it cant really change except in what happens after and before.

like i said, we have undeniable proof that aoe res was fair for mercy. and we have undeniable proof valkyrie is a mistake.

we dont have anything telling us how a concept of an idea would work in the game. Sure we’re creative, we have some amazingly fun-sounding ideas. that doesnt mean they’re balanced or will be balanced if we add them.

that point is horrible, sorry.

but we can cross check with things that have happened in the past :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

they dont try to honour their own decisions, you dont have to do it for them

  • they nerfed mercy after theysaid they were done 2 times.
  • they changed mercy again recently, after saying they were done.

what happened when we moved forward with mercy last time???

5 months of crap balance.
what happened “in the past” that we’re aparently clinging to?
1.5 years of a fun and fairly balanced hero.


Why are you so semantics orientated? :thinking: Her base kit, outside of ult, was the 60hps m1, the 30% dmg boost m2, the shift button GA. That was it. Post rework, it was the same thing, only with an E added.

Ofc I know E was added and became a part of the base kit silly :rofl: That’s obvious! What are you even arguing rn? :laughing:

I’m using it in the same way you used hun! it’s just fun and light! Or are you saying you meant something malicious when you called me hun? That’d be mean :worried:

I thought we were comfortable with using pet names! Why you gotta 180 on me like that? :disappointed_relieved:

I don’t see how I’d be harassing considering I’ve only responded to you talking to me. If you didn’t want to talk to me, why’d you respond?

Well that’s good, but I said it seemed like you were. It doesn’t seem like you’re trying to be nice and fun rn :frowning:

180 is a straight line…

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I think he ment 360.

How silly.

very silly. :smile:

Because, why not? :smiley:

Hun isn’t the same as calling someone silly. :smiley: You used a term that can be considered toxic and harassing. I used a term that, according to a dictionary, is a friendly way to call someone. :blush:. Again, refrain from calling me such things or you may risk getting suspended. :slight_smile:

It’s still harassing to call me silly. :smiley: Sorry love. :heart:

Maybe next time. I don’t want to be friendly with someone hurling toxic remarks at me. :wink:


How do you forget Brigitte!? :laughing: She is frontline enforcer, denying area, etc. You have an LOS restricted, cast time, interruptable rez, Brig will shut it down if you’re trying to rez anything more than 2 people :laughing:

She can just whip shot it from 2m away after all!! It’s far easier now to work against and shut down Mass Rez, and Mass Rez with invuln was only used to rez Pharah in pro level. The entire ult was a solo rez! And now she has that solo rez potential on a 30s CD.

The game, the meta, has changed SO MUCH since Mercy last had Mass Rez. And most people want to remove invuln on it! In a stun meta!@ How does that make sense? :rofl:

I’ve stunned so many Reins and Moiras out of their ult as Brigitte it’s hilarious.

All we can do is speculate! Saying we “KNOW” mass rez would be balanced is foolish! :sweat_smile:

Lot of people said the -10hps would be meaningless cuz Mercy would be mandatory so long as rez was on E! Don’t see that anymore! :scream:


180 is a revesal. You go from your one direction, 180, and are heading in the opposite direction.

If you 360, you end up heading in the same direction…

This explains a lot…


Sure! You’re free to be you! :smiley:

Sure it is! They’re just little cute pet names! Unless you’re assuming I’m using it maliciously? I’m not! Would you rather be poo bear? Muffin?

Well I mean, some people can consider using “hun” as toxic and harassing given the context… I thought we were in a context where we realized there’s nothing meant by these nick names right, honey? Unless you… Have something against me… :disappointed_relieved:

I’ll call you honey from now on then! All good! :slight_smile:

Why would I be suspended for trying to be fun and friendly? :slightly_frowning_face:

You seem to be projecting a lot… Imo. Lot of threats. FeelsBadMan. :weary:

Okay honey, I didn’t know you had a trauma when it came to silly. I’ll stick to calling you honey now :slight_smile:

Hurling toxic remarks?

You seem really eager to be offended :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Good that’s counterplay and will dissuade and punish bad mercy’s

I see no issue there.


Counterplay as it should be, -10hps made mercy incapable of doing her job as a main healer.

She’s now UP.

it’s called a tempo res. locked behind playing well, to get it faster. not a solo res. dont equate e res and tempo ressing, hun.

non sequitur

no, we want it back, because it’s what made mercy enjoyable in the first place.

we assume that if people like you are ever going to look at the facts you’d only allow it to come back with nerfs in place, so, we nerf it in theory.

dude. everyone else got buffed. ofc she’s so crap, after 13 nerfs anyone would be, hun. :scream::scream:

it’s not foolish, when we literally know it would be balanced, again.

Non sequitur.


360 is a full revolution, you turn around once. that’s why there are 360 degrees in every circle.

so a 360, you turn around and go the other direction, a 180 you’re going in a straight line.

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Okay? I was saying that given the current state of the game, we can’t possibly assume how balanced something like Mass rez would be :laughing: We just have no possible way of knowing unless it was put back into play for a month.

I get that hun :rofl: But if there’s too much counterplay, it could b e useless! How do we know how much is enough? We just don’t :grin:

Yeah she is a bit UP, I agree!.

I know what tempo rez is hun. Like you said, with INVULN rez, mass rez was reduced to a singular tempo rez on a pharah at the highest levels of play. You know this, clearly! :rofl:

So who knows how a cast time, interruptable, vulnerable, etc, mass rez will work :thinking: We have no way of knowing! :blush:

Everyone knows that there are some vocal mercy mains that only found Mass Rez enjoyable :blush: I’m sorry it was taken away from you :frowning:

I wish there was other things in this game you could find enjoyable, but fun is subjective! I hope you find what you’re looking for :blush:

I think you might want to google that :sweat_smile:

Well given that she would get a new e or valk as e im sure it’d be fine.

E ability would help with that and we have plenty of counterplay to stuns and what not.

She’s pretty UP From Plat To Gm and in proplay im sure its even worse then gm.

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Not according to definitions. You can’t make up definitions. :sweat_smile:

I’m going to have to assume that you’re using it maliciously as a dictionary also suggests this. No hard feelings. :slight_smile:

Nope. The definition of the word is toxic free. <3 People just use the word without knowing the definition. :slight_smile:

Sure thing! :blush: That being said, mods are going to have to decide on this since the damage has already been done.

Because you used a word that is harassing and trolly. :slight_smile:

Please don’t suggest such things. It devalues the word and takes the mick out of those who suffer from trauma. I’m not suffering from trauma. I’m just not going to stand by and let myself get harassed. :frowning:


Nope. Please don’t make such assumptions. I’m merely upset that you decided to harass me today for no good reason. :cry:

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That’s just your individual subjective opinion and speculation. Like I said, we really have no way of knowing. I like your optimism though! I wish everything worked out easily and we all got along! :blush:

Sure but again, we have no way of knowing how that’d all play out!

Yeah high tiers aren’t favorable for Mercy right now. :sweat_smile:


That’s okay. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t realize you were so committed to the dictionary. I applaud your dedication! You take care, honey!

That’s good. I wish we could have dictionary pop ups you know? Like when you type a word the dictionary just pops up to tell you the definition and if it’s toxic free or not. That’d be so useful.

It’d definitely keep unfortunate misunderstandings like this from happening :rofl::blush:

Okay!? … ??? I don’t see why I should be super concerned about mods or anything lol :sweat_smile: I’m sorry you disagree with me… ?? I guess?

I’m sorry, hun. I will use only the approved words from now on. If you could give me a list of banned words that’d be super useful. I wouldn’t want to inadvertently use like I did here. :sweat_smile:

Fair fair. I shouldn’t have used Trauma. I should’ve used sensitivity to the word. I mean, I didn’t realize we were using dictionary definition wording and that there was a list of acceptable and unacceptable words. Again, please share this list with me so I can avoid this in the future.

I didn’t realize silly was such a sensitive and offensive word. Now that I realize it, I won’t use it anymore. For me, silly had always beeen a fun and playful word. But that’s what the difference in perspective and such is all about right!!! We have to listen to eachother :+1::v:

I still think you’re being a little over sensitive and eager to be offended. But hey, you do you. Just saying, that might be something you should consider. Like how I considered not using silly anymore. :blush:

Okay. I truly don’t see how what I said was such a massive harassment, but I didn’t understand what things you are sensitive to and what could cause you harm if said.

I will no longer use silly, I look forward to your list of acceptable words, and I hope that you are doing well, that you have a support network that can keep you strong through these dark times, and I’m sorry my usage of silly had such a negative impact on you.

God speed.

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Other than Rez turning you into a statue for 2 seconds, the healing nerf practically confining you to pocketing due to how long it takes to heal up anyone that isn’t squishy, and also indirectly nerfed the damage boost uptime by 24%.

Can you Mercy mains stop using the blush emoji?

It’s scary. :cold_sweat:

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