Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

bruh who cares about any SR below GM ROFL

they do but they think pickrate determines how good someone is and refuse to believe that OWL ever runs the best comps possible

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mei was popular in OWL.

OWL proves nothing.

Like where it says Genji has a high pickrate in 99% of ranks?

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proved my point they reject the idea that OWL knows what META is

Owl proves nothing?

K he got me again

No wonder their profiles are private

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You will.

The moment Genji has a lower pickrate outside GM.

The best comps for OWL.

I don’t play in OWL, I play Overwatch.

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Your profile is private.


why would i care about pickrates below GM when it doesn’t affect me nor the devs decision on game balance

you sure? my man got the valorant open and he doesnt know

I just found out he’s been flagged for trolling a lot. No point anymore lol

My profile is private because this is my alt. My other account is Bronze 5 star 3150 off tank main. It’s under 18 yo so it can’t post so I use this acc for the forums.

Tell me when and where the developers said only GM affects their decisions on game balance.

You can’t because they never said that.

You still attacked others for posting on an account with a private profile when you post on an account with a private profile.

So by the logic of the user Nonsense your opinion is invalid, your rank is not GM.

Supposedly, only GM matters.

I think the only rule that they operate on is only those who agree with them matter and say it’s for some other reason.

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congratulations bro, or sorry for that. I ain’t readin all this.

Are you sure you haven’t read it but you’re just saying you won’t read it?

I’m not reading all that so congrats or i’m sorry

lol can we just let this thing die

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Since making this post i played one comp game, 2700+ vs a low plat Genji. They rushed through 3 points and get the payload easily to the end, 3 blades to win 3 fights. We then play attack and barely make it out of spawn and lose the game. Nice hero Blizzard, totally proves how balanced he is.

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Point is, he’s not trash, not even close to trash. He literally has every aspect of the game that a DPS hero could hope to have.

Stop moaning about it, stop trying to make the game even more unplayable.

Genji forces entire teams to play around him, and you’re moaning because that team who is playing around him, all 6 people playing around the 1 Genji, and you can’t dominate? He shouldn’t be dominating when teams pick to counter him. Get it into your heads…

Check out these professional, paid players handling the Genji as easily as you say it is. Bare in mind, the mobility and ult has not at all changed during this… And every one of these teams is running 2-3 of the “counters” that you say shut down Genji completely. And, well, yeh. “Shutdown” means 2-3 kills per blade VS best players in the world. I wish i got shut down like that.


Montages don’t help your point, they’re supposed to be filled with the best clips of a player. And no, he doesn’t have everything. He doesn’t have cc, range, or damage. Also since when is genji a badly designed hero lol.

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did they nanoblade o.o

They show that what you’re saying literally is just because either 1. You suck at the char or 2. You’re massively overexaggerating every point.

Both i’d say. Genji is fine.

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also ask your supports to go lucio or zen or something. It counters blade B).