Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

dude, you are just spitting out nonsense

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Ahh the old “I can say what I like as long as it’s a joke”

That was the part where you were trying to belittle Egyrn.

There’s a difference between “trying” and “I have this secret intent that you can’t prove I don’t have because you can’t read my mind” I can see what you said.

Would you show the respect of saying why it’s nonsense?


Just accuse.

This is the typical behaviour I see all the time when it comes to supposedly equal and respectful discussions that even involved Genji tangentially.

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This is getting a little old at this point, i’m just going to perma mute you.


You know what. I’m going to apologize. I’m sorry for my poor behavior even through belitting Egyrn was not my intent.

Honestly any players who ask for nerfs, don’t play the certain hero.

Which is why many want their mains to be top tier and their mains’ counters to be bottom tier.

I try to play a hero before I call them op, I feel like everyone should do the same.

You have no idea what you’re saying do you? You can kill genji mid-dash from deflect cause of how bad his lingering hurtbox is.

Here lets go through characters who beat a genji in this hypothetical 1v1 you’ve made. Sure, lets forget this is a 6v6:

Just because a DPS doesnt have cc in their base kit. Doesn’t change the fact that by deflecting you enable better positoning and cooldown on abilities.

Freeze = slows you down and you’ve wasted 2 abilities in your kit. Looks like we’re going to wait another 6 seconds to initiate a team fight :+1:

Hack = goes through walls and engaging the sombra means you build her ult quicker. I’m sure EMP isn’t an oppressive ult guys :+1:

Flash = Good luck reacting in 350+ ms to a flash with a range of 7m consistently. And even then if you did you still wasted two kit pieces for a flash which can reset by the time you re-engage :+1:

Rock = Doesn’t matter, Sig still rocks Genji and farms him for Flux.

Bash = Doesn’t matter, Brig still farms Genji for rally and inspire.

Fist = If you really want to. But you’re denying Genjis kit by not diving.

Do I also need to remind you that Overwatch is a 6v6 team-based game? Not all the DPS have CC but that doesn’t change the fact that supports and tanks do. So go ahead please deflect infront of a Sigma to bait out rock and then die immediately after.

My comment against Masters isn’t disrespectful slander at all lmao. You start to truly learn the game at 3900. I don’t understand how this is contested?

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This guy/girl is right

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Why are you trying to defend your self for calling genji mains rude and entitled?

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I don’t know man. Apparently, he’s some mastermind who can read our minds and assume whatever we’re thinking :man_facepalming: :

Why are you trying to defend your self for calling genji mains rude and entitled?

It’s strange aswell cause he indirectly called me and others this when I’m a two-trick Ball / Sig player.

yeh this guy is 100% a troll. please close this post mods

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Unfortunately they don’t. I used to say Doom is OP. But when I tried him, I realized why they say he’s weak (But this doesn’t mean I don’t hate playing against him).
The problem is many people refuse to have variance in heroes they play. If a hero is meta, it’s understandable to ask for nerfs. But if a hero is not, then asking for nerfs means nothing. The whole balance in this game revolves around the metas (mostly). This thread however, is just clearly an obvious hate towards a certain hero.

I’m truly devastated.

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Do you have any proof for this at all?

You could be referring to some aspect of the game that affects every single hero and doesn’t warrant any special treatment just for Genji.

So don’t use deflect when fighting only mei.

Again, special treatment, this is a problem for everyone but somehow only Genji needs special treatment.

That’s a very attainable reaction time.

No I need to remind you of the comments I already made how Genji can deflect an entire team’s damage.

Yeah it is, it’s the treatment you don’t have a second thought about smearing on others but wouldn’t accept getting the same mistreatment.

That’s a loaded question.

More disrespect.

No I can read everyone’s words.

You can’t say what you like then claim you have some exonerating thoughts with no indication of those thoughts but “ahh you can’t prove the thoughts DON’T exists!”

it’s not strange, I never said the only people in the history of the universe to be disrespectful were Genji mains.

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Agree. People at low ranks cant hit him when he’s leaping all over the place, which is why we got Moira.

He does need some of his power moved from his ult to his main abilities though.

“No one could GENUINELY have a problem with Genji, they must secretly know he’s fine and are only pretending to have a problem with him. To troll us.”

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yeah, no one could genuinely have a problem with him hes literally one of the worst dps in the game right now, not being able to hit him does not make him op. launch the kovaaks 2.0 and get good

Then why are only 2 damage heroes played more often than Genji?

You said “in the game” not “in GM” but “In the game”.

So much for the hurtbox glitch.

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Sometimes I wonder if people here have actually watched the overwatch league or look at overbuff :thinking:

You say you aren’t trolling because he’s the 3rd highest played dps when he’s the 5th lowest played hero