Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

Genji is fine in lower ranks but that’s because everyone doesn’t know how to completely shutdown the character. Like most of times in plat games, they don’t look at the genji blading. And that’s what loses them fights. But by that same token, it’s not really Genji that’s particularly decent but the mistakes that people make in lower ranks. If we’re really look at Genji as a whole, he’s not that good

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Check my stats lol, I’m definitely not bad at him.

This is what you’re doing. His dps is the lowest for any damage hero.

Nah buddy you just can’t counter a genji so you’re happy that he’s bad,

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And that’s okay?

As long as there’s no CC?

Genji doesn’t need range, he can cover 15m extremely quickly, it’s like Tracer needing range.

R-click → dash → r click → melee

deals 248 damage in about 0.75sec

That’s similar damage to 100% headshots from Soldier 76.


Why are you always assuming that you can consistently land that combo e v e r y t i m e

I don’t.

I know it’s easier to land than 100% headshots from Soldier or similar.

It’s not bad damage.

It’s not like it only affects Genji that time to kill is worse if you can’t land hits.

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yea at this point im not going to waste my time

This was to prove the fact that he doesn’t have everything.

A. There’s an internal delay that stops you from right clicking if you’ve already animation canceled a right click into dash.
B. No one can land that combo consistently I’m talking about his damage on average.

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Idk why I’m wasting my time either, you can’t convince genji haters.

Yeah, because you can’t get away with loaded questions.

He doesn’t need everything.

That doesn’t cause that combo to last longer than 0.75sec

No one can land ANYTHING consistently, that’s not special pleading that only applies to Genji.

You could try.

Loaded questions like “why are you trying to defend yourself” are blatantly not trying to convince.

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Ok, first, how do you ever play him when you’re on forums moaning about him being bad all day everyday?
Secondly, it’s not just me that can’t shut him down, there are endless videos of Genji wrecking games at every single level.
Third, any Genji buff breaks the game. It just does. He’s already busted, you just want him to be a free steamroll and anybody saying anything other than your opinion is “bad L2P” etc etc. You literally belong on Reddit.

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2/3 were nano-blades. Doesn’t matter if its nano or not.

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He said that genji had everything, I was just disproving that fact.

There is a clear delay before he can fire again

They can one tap people with widow consistently, they can’t land that combo.

I have tried, and this hasn’t been getting anywhere.

No because you are trying to defend insulting people and then say I am insulting you when I am simply calling you out

There is clearly a pause before he can fire again.

as a support main i love going aginst genjis there so trash its dumb how my support hero completely makes genji unplayable for less effort needed

Clearly, he’s talking about all the Zaryas abusing the poor Genjis.

Justice must be done. Restore Gongo’s power.

Did he?

Yes… the 0.75sec delay from the first right click!

Swift Strike only lasts 0.3sec!

You’re using two different standards for “consistently” here.

That’s not trying, thinking about doing it and actually doing it is different.

No said I was disrespected.

Saying something has been done to you is not the same as doing that thing.

I counted the frames, it’s LITERALLY the attack interval between right clicks!

I counted 22 frames from the counter going from 27 ammo to 24 ammo,

That’s 30fps video, that’s the 0.75sec attack interval!

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Because after I finish my work for class I literally have nothing better to do, cause where I’m from corona cases are pretty high so I can’t go outside and I like talking to people. I don’t want to spread the virus.

They show you one good game but they don’t show you the thousands of bad games.

It really doesn’t, I’ve made suggestions on how to fix him, and it literally is a L2P issue. Just revert all the buffs that they gave him except for the spread and buff his damage back to 30. After this nerf his ult charge.
Here are my suggestions:

Bruh I’m not that bad.


You mean the most abused hero on bad players. Causes hes got plenty of counter play

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