Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

It’s weird seeing this from someone who plays Doom…

I’d honestly rather deal with a Genji than a Doomfist half the time.

Ana herself has one of the best counterplay options for Genji.

Mercy can bait blade away from team then GA back to team, leaving Genji to swing his sword at air.

Lucio can boop him back and speed his team away

Again I see Doom doing this more than Genji xD

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Yea, and you would think with all the new replies he would post again

Please show me the: “disrespectful snide comment”

ITs way better than calling people rude and entitled

He’s not even meta right now. So I don’t see why he deserves nerfs (Other than being “the most used hero by bad players”)

Just cause a hero is bad, doesn’t mean nobody’s gonna pick them.

Ok this is funny (coming from an ex-Mei main). Even tho she was called Satan for memes, there was a reason. Her primary literally has a stun and her secondary can finish you off if your health is below 150. How is that healthy for the game when literally everyone despises CC? :neutral_face:

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That’s a problem for everyone.

This isn’t only a problem for Genji.

Genji can deal 248 damage in 0.75sec.

134 damage from right click + dash then 0.75sec later another right click followed by a quickmelee.

This outpaces the healing of Mercy, Lucio, Zen, Brig. Moira is faster but she needs to react to it.

Only the highest burst healing like Ana’s bionade can save a target.

In contrast to what? Soldier 76’s far less predictable wall-climb?

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Who would really think that?

That’s a thought you’d want to put in people’s head with your disrespectful attitude.

No it isn’t.

Self-entitlement is different, we are all entitled to be treated with respect, self-entitled is appointing yourself special considerations that are undeserved and unearned.


He has to be in melee range to do that. The other dash + rightclick + melee combo is incredibly inconsistent.

It moves him in a straightline.

That is still the reason he isn’t good in GM, because he gets shut down more easily than others.

Can I not do maths or something where does 134 come from.

No, he moves in a straight line. Easy to predict, why tf are we comparing it to anything else.

I did jsut say they opened with dash.

So unlike any other hero who started fighting at 15m, Genji has a way to close 15m closer.

My point is that Genji even has this wall climb ability that other heroes don’t have.

man I’m sorry Egyrn for stealing your SR. but you need to relax. Just learn how to manage your abilities correctly so the Genji player doesn’t kill you

In all seriousness though, how are you struggling with Genji as doom lol

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He doesn’t have bad mobility, but it is such a part of him and using it in combat doesn’t make them super unpredictable and hard to hit.

He won’t be able to get out if he can’t kill anything.

My point is that it still makes him easier to hit, it’s surprising that people complain about double jump and wallclimb when his ad strafe is one of the best in the game.

Sounds like a get good problem or this is a very weak troll attempt.

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He literally stated he has no problem beating him in a 1v1 in one of his older threads. Makes me confused why he’s mad about him.

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:man_shrugging:half of the players who want Genji nerfs don’t even play the character sadge.

They assume things based of the character’s PR and WR without truly evaluating how the character performs.

Well I just went over how he can very reliably get that kill.

You can’t jump over someone’s head with A+D strafing.

This is the respect I’m talking about.

Want all the benefits of putting others down but no reputation for putting anyone down.

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Doomfist sucks but he still sucks to play against.

lol man. I’m just laughing at you for taking that seriously even though I said “in all seriousness” afterwards

Haksal can’t land that combo consistently.

His ad strafe makes his hitbox wonky and doesn’t make him move in an arc.

I like how you only quoted that part to make me seem that I’m trying to belittle Egyrn for his anger towards Genji mains. In reality, I’m geninuely trying to understand why he hates the character so much.