Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

You still immediately contradicted yourself. Like… immediately.

It was the next line.

To object to rudeness is not rudeness.

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You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, he’s been played in OWL multiple seasons.

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Saying ‘Rude and ignorant’ is nothing like “Genji mains have a well earned reputation for disrespect for others and self-entitlement”

“Because you disagree with me”

Cool, that doesnt mean much but ok

Deflect doesn’t work on any attack done by 80% of the DPS cast right now, I’m genuinely confused by what you’re saying. If you deflect and cancel you have a large window to be shot / die before you dash.

I know this because I’ve played the character in masters - a place where people start learning basic mechanics of the game.

Have you forgotten that you can stun Genji with Bash / Rock / Flash / Fist / Freeze / Hack ?

He was played in season 1, and then played for 1 tournament in season 3 and then got nerfed back into trash tier, your point?

Yeah. He was played in the playoffs during gigahog And the 2 months before double shield in season 2. 2 months + 2 months is 4 months out of the like 30?
Hog in theory has a good base kit but bleeds ult charge like nobody’s business

He has downsides as well, massive hitbox, limited by range, weak to cc, can be focus fired.

He was played in OWL season 1 and got replaced by widow, he was non-existent for most of season 2 and 3. I watched most of the games, the only teams to run him before the buffs were the hunters and the titans.

he was played by like 2 teams during giga-hog, and they both lost when they ran it

i dont even think THAT counts

Seoul did pretty well with him, but then again Profit. I’m pretty sure that NYXL and the Charge also ran him. He was decent at contesting 2x sniper.

Seoul did good with him against some pretty terrible teams, and then again, Fits was hitting an all time high and they finally had a good read on the rest of the meta, they even called Genji a filler character

Charge ran him for one game

NYXL have Haksal


oop looks like the OP left

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Well the thing is, he commonly does get shut down by simply getting out healed, his damage really isn’t that good and can be healed through by a lot. Although it doesn’t out heal damage it gives enough time for the divee to shut down the Genji or for back up to arrive. His wallclimb makes him move in a straight line and is predictable. His double jump makes him predictable. And I could say dash is predictable but I’ll be nice because it is a little fast.

People want the Deflect and Spread changes gone, as they made him a lot easier and less risky which required the compensation nerf of his secondary fire recovery time. Reverting spread and deflect changes and buffing damage and recovery time back to where is was as well as some Dragonblade nerfs is what they mainly want, as dragonblade is quite a strong ultimate especially combined with nano.

edit: he does have great mobility butt hat is the one good part of his base kit

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This is the truest thing anyone said in this thread.

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I’m almost certain Doomfist is more annoying to Supports than Genji.

If I didn’t know you were a Doomfist main I would’ve thought you mained genji


Generalizing people is a bad thing to do, don’t attack someone for a hero that they enjoy playing.

His mobility is fine, it moves him in a predictable arc.

Just because genji mains have a sense of self - entitlement doesn’t mean genji is OP. He is far far from being good. Genji has a .7% pick rate in GM :thinking:

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That’s beyond hyperbole.

That’s totally misleading and deceptive, could you show me an ounce of respect and not resort to such fabrications.

It’s not 80%. It’s not even 20%.

Genji can block some of the attacks of 100% of the Damage Heroes.

i’m only confused as to whether you’re genuinely lying about being confused.

Then don’t do that.

You can instantly dash while deflecting.

Utter disrespectful slander.

Bash = not a Damage hero.

Rock = not a Damage hero.

Flash = Dash cancel when thrown overhead, you definitely can’t throw it directly at him or it’ll be caught in deflect.

Fist = Play outside of his uncharged punch range then dash cancel if he tries to charge.

Freeze = that takes 1.5 sec, more than enough time to respond.

hack = 0.65sec to realise she’s trying to hack and respond.

He replied only 9 minutes before you made that comment.

This is the kind of disrespectful snide comments I’m talking about.

I didn’t attack them for what they played.

I object to how I am treated by such self appointed advocates.

There is a pattern of using disrespectful conduct to get one over on people.


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There are a lot of genji mains, so there will be a lot of toxic genji players, that doesn’t mean that most genji players are toxic.

Yea my bad, I’ll edit it.