Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

Because he’s a cyborg ninja.
Why hasent he almost never played in the pro scene? Because he’s trash.


Uhm… Egryn…

read the room, pal…

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Umm… not sure if I understand this, but people do switch in gm

No because I am mature

Says the people who want to nerf a weak hero

That made 0 sense

But still, genji doesnt need a nerf, you need to get better at countering him

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Mei is good for the game because she’s a tank buster. She takes care of Hog who enables sniper meta and also takes care of Hammond effectively, something the game is lacking. She has an ult that isn’t overly oppressive and requires teamwork, she’s not a selfish hero by any means which i love.

Extremely viable as in 5th lowest picked and never played in the OWL?
Plat only plays him because mcrees are idiots in plat and he’s an appealing hero because he’s a ninja

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Genji is fine…
It’s Roadhog who is being ignored.


Hog is good right now.

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Nerf more tanks?
Nerf tanks when they are by far the worst role
At first I thought this was I troll post but it’s actually serious. Thanks for making me laugh today though :grinning:

I like how players continue to ask for their counters to be nerfed instead of their hero buffed.
It’s Mei needing buffs, roadhog and ball are the only 2 tanks who aren’t throw picks

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He is broken good… Yes lets give a tank the pick potential better than MOST DPS, a massive HP pool, Self-Heal+Damage Mitigation, While Feeding Ult charge to the enemy DPS but not your Support.



That doesn’t mean no one is.


They could would play a clown if they thought it would give them a slight competitive advantage.

They literally do it for the money, nobody win’s because cyborg ninjas are cool.

What’s so terrible about it? Because it doesn’t work on all attacks?

This is just so selfish, this is the self-entitled behaviour which people are fed up with, what about all the heroes who don’t have beam attacks?

Oh really? You’d never whine how weak genji is?


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Noooo you just don’t get it. The ball is rolling our team and we won’t run CC ;( Blizzard please nerf tanks!

Currently there are 3 broken heroes: McCree, Roadhog and Genji.

Bormir: “They have a troll!”

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Lol. Hog is balanced. Genji is one of the weakest heroes next to bastion. Only mcree is op because blizzard fanboys him

Stop making genji and hog threads. No one except hardstuck bronze reaper mains actually thinks they are OP

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Some of the lowest damage of any DPS, and is inconsistent from 10 meters out

as someone who plays Doom, Tracer and Genji, Tracer and Doom both have better mobility

So does every other DPS ultimate? not to mention Genji’s ultimate has a while 6 second window for counterplay

More than half the heroes in the OW roster can bypass/cancel reflect

Its actually pretty mid-tier charge levels, on the same plane as supercharger, also dont bring gravity into this when we have characters like Sigma and Zarya.

I thought you just said his damage was already great?

If you buff, then nerf a trash hero, they are still trash…


you are living in a false world there, he is not broken


at least I didnt say:

Thats rude and ignorant

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Oh yeah absolutely. A tank with 600 hp with self healing, 20 meter hook who does 300+ damage with his left click and have zero hard counters is completely balanced.

Roadhog (4th most picked Tank) no hes fine, just dodge hook.

Genji (9th most picked DPS) he’s unironically trash, he needs a buff.

McCree (2nd most picked DPS) still doesnt need a nerf, but you were closer this time!

Ana, Zarya, Zenyatta, Mei are all hard counters and reaper and sombra also soft counter him His health is nothing if you can actually land shots. His DPS is actually the 3rd lowest dps in all of tanks. His hook never can actually hit a target beyond 15m unless targets are stagnant
His self heal actually makes his head 15% bigger and one of the only self heals that has a 2 second window to stun! Wow!

There’s a reason hog isn’t played in the pro scene

I don’t want to rank shame by any means, but if you think hog and ESPECIALLY GENJI are OP, then you need to get to a good rank where teammates actually know how to deal with them. Genji is trash and hog is in a good spot

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Reaper, Mei, McCree, Ana, Zen and Shields are all hard Hog counters

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