Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

In what dimension is genji op?

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Their gold rank. Pretty sure it’s as simple as pressing H and picking “Mcree”.

There’s a reason (excluding summer showdown) genji almost has as low of a playtime as bastion in OWL

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I don’t think you play genji at all or else you’d realise how soo soo the ability is

Unless you in gold or below where all of a sudden deflect is like a god mode button like high noon

Haha either way I’m glad blizzard hasnt stooped low enough to listen to opinions like that. But maybe if you whine enough they might. So keep sooking about a horrible ability to begin with on a long CD relative to how good it is (literally compare not only echo beam to deflect but even any one of dooms abilities or even crees flash I’d trade any for deflect that’s how bad it is)

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The dimension we’re currently in


according to overbuff…no thats not the same dimension

The numbers don’t lie.

You MUST be doing something wrong if moira orbs are doing 80 damage to you.

We’re not talking about high noon, we’re talking about how much damage Moira’s damage orbs do.

But they should listen to you?

And you’re not whining?

None of those abilities force an entire team to stop firing through the choke just by that hero’s appearance.

According to overbuff only 2 damage heroes are more picked than Genji.


I thought you quit the forums :man_facepalming:

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Look again on: gm this week for all heroes

Because guess what, there is way more than 2 dps heroes above him

Like it or not, genji is weak

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It’s inconsistent how much dmg it’ll do to you but overall it’s half a trap to deflect it.
And i haven’t played genji in a while ( I probably have a few hundred hrs on him in total though) since he’s not really worth sinking hours into once you reach a high rank unless u just play for lols or to pub stomp just better picks in general so I probably don’t have the exact maths but I know for a fact it’s very very unlikely to only take 20 dmg or so whilst running at it head on.

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Pretty simple, Genji doesnt need nerfs.

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What universe is GM the only rank?

You didn’t say anything about GM, you just said Overbuff.

And the devs never said that only the 1% of the playerbase in GM matters. The closest they said was they “focused” on “high ranks”. yes, ranks, the plural. Not the one singular high “rank”. So they couldn’t mean GM.

Like it or not, GM players aren’t the only players that matter.

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Here what people don’t realize, If Genji was bad people wouldn’t play him at all in any rank. Look at Mei, i never play against her or have her on my team because she SUCKS, she’s awful. I’m 2700 rated and i never see Mei. I have Genji on the enemy team every single game. If you think that’s bad you’re delusional.

And Mei is super healthy for the game it’s pretty sad she isn’t played at all.


Half a “trap”?

What does that mean?

Because they know the most about the game, and using their stats can give the best outlook on the balance

Like it or not, you got killed by him and are now whining on the forums

There is such thing as middle ground: not good, but also not bad

I think you are the one thats delusional, you got killed by him so he is an OP monster

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They know about as much as Masters. GM is where certain comps excessively dominate and if your hero happens to be countered by those heroes then it doesn’t matter how good your are generally.

You’re playing into all your counters.

And you never whined that you couldn’t dominate as Genji?

Genji mains have a well earned reputation for disrespect for others and self-entitlement.

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Mei is not healthy for the game, I used to play a lot of Mei and I can confidently tell you that having a cc as a primary fire is not healthy for the game.

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Right. So you have people on the forum that are silver/gold that cry over Genji buffs on a daily basis because they lack game sense/game mechanics and want the easiest way out when he’s the 2nd most played hero in plat and diamond. Genji is the best hero to play from bronze up to and including diamond. Only at masters and higher does he start to struggle more, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad pick. Top 500 is where he starts to decay but he’s extremely viable.

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Look at crees winrates vs pickrates people play what’s fun bro

It’s a game not something along the lines of a job or doing ur taxes

Not everyone’s trying to abuse the system for easy wins they just play what’s fun and has enough difficulty to keep them fixated on playing/ improving (although genjis skill ceiling pretty steep so that’s probably why people quit after they reach high ranks cause there’s better picks and that’s when people take the game more seriously)

Genji isn’t a pick you flex onto, so plat genji players will have a 50% win rate because that’s where they belong with him.

Genji is one of the more useless DPS in this meta…? His entire purpose is to rely on a nano-blade to stay relevant in a team fight. 3/4 of his base kit pieces are a death sentence. His dash is a death sentence due to its lingering hurtbox. Getting consistent 50% shots with M1 requires you to be amongst the worlds best Genji players. Deflect is terrible and serves no purpose aside from allowing enemy dive and cc management.

Blade is also in the gutter. A windup time of 1 second allows for a multitde of characters (Brig, Zen, Sig, Mccree, Ashe, Widow. Less so with Ana) to take advantage and destroy him.

It should be alarming that a character needs 300 ehp and constant healing whilst ulted to survive in a team fight.