Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

i am pretty sure those support players hate doom more than genji.


gimme a bear

Great damage? Leaving everybody 1hp isnt great damage. Tracer’s got great damage, for example.

To be honest, his mobility is great but he’s not the 2nd one. Lúcio can take that place.

That’s true. It shouldn’t be like this. But what about grav dragon? What about EMP grav? All of them give you free fights.

I can make an entire rap of all things that can go through reflect. In fact I’m going to tell you what counters deflect after if I’m in the mood

  1. His ult isn’t nearly the fastest to charge. It’s got a common cost.
  2. He’s already got a 60m/s inconsistent primary fire, he needs no damage fall-off or projectile fall.

Instead of nerfing mobility, taking out power of his dragonblade and revert his deflect time buff and spread, and buffing dps of his secondary.

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Thank you for the work you do. Support players deserve better

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Not at all a biased, Genji playing view though, right?
Take off the rose-tinted glasses, take an OBJECTIVE view point. The character needs no changes, it suffers from things around it being busted, that does not mean that you buff up something else to busted levels, you bring them ALL DOWN TO MANAGEABLE LEVELS.


Overall, only 2 damage heroes are picked more often than Genji.

Then why is Genji so popular in every rank except GM?

Devs never said anything about only GM, they said they put special consideration of “high ranks” yes, ranks, plural, GM is a single rank. They cannot possibly mean only GM.

Even in GM Genji has a median pickrate for a damage hero.

The disconnect is Genji doesn’t get kills but just slows everything down with deflect.

Deflect has a huge hitbox that can so unpredictably instantly appear and not only deflect damage be redirect it back not just at the source of each damage but wherever would be the worst place to focus it.

Even if genji doesn’t use deflect Genji just being around forces every non-beam enemy to at least lower their fire rate to shoot at random intervals, you cannot shoot at your maximum rate, the maximum rate is the predictable fire rate. You MUST do this until Genji uses deflect then everyone has to wait even more for the needlessly long 2 second deflect duration.

This is the perfect response to Genji and it sucks.

Genji is - himself - being useless, he’s not getting good damage, but he’s slowing everything down.

Except it’s a really unbalanced tank where this is useless against beam attacks and other weird things like Sig’s accretion.

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Fun hero, he isn’t a pick you can flex onto so a plat genji player will have a 50% win rate on him because that’s their rank with him.

What’s fun about holding up deflect playing a waiting game with the enemy while your allies behind you get all the kills?

Deflect is nothing like a barrier in terms of limitations, you can pour enough fire into a barrier to destroy it in literally less than 1 second, but deflect will stay up until a stun cancels it.

So why are the least fun parts of Genji’s kit so coveted?

Because it’s not about fun, it’s about power.

Deflect is extremely unbalancing.

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Simple don’t shoot deflect (unless beam) or if you play a splash character aim to the side of deflect

That’s entirely the problem.

You just can’t play the game for 2 seconds and Genji’s allies standing behind him can freely shoot into you.

Genji didn’t get that kill but what are you going to do? Genji is blocking with Deflect.

This is fun for you? It’s only fun because it’s powerful.

Splash damage is pathetic in this game. In games like TF2 near the entire damage of attacks is splash and it drops off to only 50% at the edge of the splash radius.

And the deflect hitbox is huge, it’s not worth it even trying to thread the needle of getting close enough to splash yet not so close that Genji can run into the projectile to deflect it.

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Haha deflects range is abysmal :joy: I’d remove the ability entirely and replace it with a smoke bomb if I could

You can easily splash to the side of it unless he’s literally on top of you, that’s why ana is such a good counter to genji, literally nade him and u win only way the genji can beat you is if he’s better than you or he gets lucky with the spread

Even then u got sleep for after deflect

Tbh I’ll admit on projectile hero’s deflect is Ohkay/ boarderline good ability as you can not only predict but react to those abilities (like crees flash, zen orbs,) but on splash dmg like pharah rockets or Ana nades or hitscans abilities (better yet beams XD)

Deflect is like a 3/10 ability


Doom Fist player crying for Hog and Genji nerf each patch.
Doom is more cancer than them sorry mate.

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Oh you just TRY suggesting anything that could in any way be considered as a nerf for Genji and you’ll be false-flagged.

I’d love for deflect to be a more fun ability but there’s such flip flopping between whether it matters that Genji is fun or whether it’s more important that Genji is powerful.

Which is what they’d do as that’s what stops splashing to the side.

Ana’s nade is different, it has zero damage falloff on the splash radius. And a huge radius as well.

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Thanks for putting a smile on my face today :grinning:

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Also, no. Hog and Genji are for people who are generally bad at the game and want the easy way out. The only way is to abuse heroes that are objectively overpowered.

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God damn, how did I miss this post?

You’re right about ana nade but also other splashes like zarya right clicks or pharah rockets are annoying to deal with also abilities like moira orbs are literally cancer as you have to take like 80+ dmg before you can actually deflect it so it’s pretty much a trap to even attempt to deflect that ability

Plus if you choose to deflect reins fire strike at the perfect time it’s a 50/50 (idk the exact percentage) that you’ll deflect it but also take the dmg due to latency or something I have no idea maybe it has the same bug that zaryas bubble used to have where it can accept the same dmg values twice

So deflect on the side of the person being deflected on can seem braindead but it’s literally because it’s horizontal width is so small along with bugs etc that the only good way to use it is to get into someone’s face
Or sit back and get luck/ predict a sniper shot

Like I said before replace it with a smoke bomb and we Gucci

It’s super hard to get the deflect dmg card ever since they nerfed it’s horizontal range even with the extended duration ( I wish I could compare the stats but I’d assume it dropped a bare minimum of 600+ dmg each match across the board since the nerf)

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Good post, i agree with this. Best mobility and best ult in the game.


Just press W.

Deflect hitbox has depth and orbs lock on is distance from centre to centre.

You’re moving towards the orb at 6m/s while the orb is moving towards you at 5.5m/s, the closing speed is 11.5m/s so Orb should only do about 18 damage before you can reflect it back to then deal potentially 182 damage to them.

The “perfect time” is not deflecting instantaneously before it hits, you can begin the deflect at any point after Rein has committed to shoot.

It’s way larger than the apparent size of deflect, it’s way larger than necessary to protect Genji from frontal attacks. It’s enough to deflect shots that clearly would have missed passing behind Genji’s back when more than 90 degrees off to Genji’s side.

We don’t see the problem yet he hasent been played in OWL for 8 months. The only time he was played was when he was blatantly OP

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