Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

Personally I would love Blade nerfs for kit buffs, but “need” is a strong word.


This I agree with


Then shouldn’t you have more hours on him?


Insanity is expecting them to nerf genji


It has to be bait your a doom main. 1st genji isnt good

He is statistically in a worse state than Doomfist. And I don’t feel bad for Support players at all when Genji is around, because he is incredibly easy to shut down.

I can counter a Genji and I literally don’t play Support.


You literally onetrick a better high mobility burst character if you can’t deal with a genji you’re just bad


This guys makes the worst posts and comments. Actual rank 1 in bad posts and comments.


I know. And they didn’t nerf, symmetra or winston either. Starting to get the idea the devs don’t know what they’re doing.


Pretty sure the hero in your PfP is able to 1v6 in a lot of situations, even though he’s not that good in the highest ranks atm, not Genji lol.



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Oh god egryn, i thought getting a break would do you good but you got even worse

Genji ABUSERS???! Really?? thats such a dumb phrase by the most biased of people

he came back


I play support. He’s just annoying. But that doesn’t mean broken.

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Poor genji getting abused lol

Uhm I usually am neutral with Gengu because I think he’s balanced but daaamnn I wish Genjis on my team were this good :’(

He’s not reaaaaly among the worst. He needs some buffs but not too many buffs so that it doesn’t happen again that thing where they buff him and nerf him in 2 weeks

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Seeing this post gets the reaction it deserves… does put a smile on my face.

I love seeing this post backfiring at OP. Such a delight.


Lmao. Keep whining about a hero your main - Doomfist - counters.

Also, consensus seems to be that most support players would rather deal with Genji than Doomfist.

Don’t waste your time, Egryn is here to dumpster Genji, not to get help.


All of the high-ranking Genji mains have stopped playing him, so it’s safe to say he earned his place among the worst.

Scares me that people don’t see the issue with Genji… Ok here we go again for the 20th time.

He has great damage
The has the second best mobility in the game, behind Ball, which we can all agree is just dumb. But nobody ever brings up Genji’s mobility.
His ult is a team kill potential ult.
He has one of the best defensives in game. Reflect.
His ult charge is one of the fastest in the game, made better by his throwing stars for some reason being uneffected by gravity.

Now, it’s ok to buff Genji damage in some way, but you have to compensate that buff by nerfing the mobility, because after hours and hours of watching Genji after Sorrow moaning on every single post about Genji, i’ve determined that the damage is OTT but, ultimately, counterable… The MOBILITY is not.

Edit - Why am I the only person who thinks that reflecting something called STICKY BOMBS shouldn’t be a thing? They should stick to the blade, surely.