Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

Agreed. Genji is kinda like reaper in that he destroys noobs but he gets worse the higher up you go.
Maybe rework him so he’s just viable anywhere. Doesn’t destroy metal ranks and isn’t dog in high ranks

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The contradiction is real.

He doesn’t need a rework, , most non-forum users think that he’s one of the better designed heroes in the game.

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Genji is not cheap if you know what you’re doing, I play against him as much as I do as him and I can kill them quite easily. Maybe that’s just a you issue?

A. If a genji is never punished, my advice to you would be to actually look around your surroundings. That’s how you’ll climb out sweetheart.
B. Genji doesn’t have cc in his kit and his base damage is worse than some of the support heroes like Baptiste.

I was against them keeping the spread because it made him easier at low ranks since he’s more accurate but he’s a meme at high sr because what he needed was the 30 damage and not the spread. By keep the spread we’re left here where he stomps low sr players but is a meme pick in masters+.

ana with her sleep and nade is some of the biggest genji counterplay that there is. Have you ever even played her?

this is the worst bait ive seen in a while

this guy has a massive hateboner for genji and roadhog
take his posts with a grain of salt large enough to bludgeon a man.

keyword: overall. genji is the plat to-go pick to lose games and then cry about how broken lucio is after he booped and ulted his ult

No, Genji has good stats even in Plat.

In plat Genji has an extremely high pickrate, second only to McCree (in damage queue), this means the pickrate is so high that mirror counters are common. When you are mirrored that will push down the hero’s winrate to 50% as neither team has “the genji advantage” as both teams have Genji.


He’s a meme outside of that elo is the problem. Even in diamond he’s been falling off

If we balance around low sr then balance would be in a worse state then it’s already in. The reality is you don’t know the game as well as a top 500 player so we can’t balance around you. People were complaining about the rein buffs but they didn’t do anything because he has a massive hitbox, moves slow and has to be close to you at all times. They’re not going to nerf him because he’s good at lower ranks.

Balancing his kit is going to affect all ranks from bronze to top 500. There’s no reason for him to have deflect, dash reset and wall climb as passive. They need to rework him entirely, removing deflect is step 1.

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Poor Genji, has the worst pickrate/Winrate… oh wait, he is no way near that.
You really can tell a lot about Genji/Doom players, they like to be the ones who do what they want and run away.

And how would you rework him without gutting him?

A high skilled hero with almost negligible value outside of blade why would he get nerfs.

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Put more focus on his shurikens and buff them slightly. Remove deflect entirely, make wall climb no longer a passive instead have it an ability and remove dash reset completely.

That’s my opinion. I’m not going to discuss this any further.

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I don’t hate Genji, I hate people trying to make a game with already too much damage output, too much mobility, even worse by buffing a character that already has both.

It’s stupid. Because a character isn’t the absolute best character in existence DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY NEED BUFFS

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You’re quoting what you say, but passing it off as somebody else now? This is literally you. Everybody who doesn’t agree with you is a troll, bad, idiot etc etc and needs to L2P.

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“Why did Blizzard not nerf a DPS who is provably underperforming?”-The OP of this thread. If you are struggling to deal with Genji right now, then that is an learn to play issue not a balance issue. It is not Blizzards job to nerf heroes you play badly against.

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