Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

This is bait right? If your a doom main you would have no problem with genji

0.6% is not median pickrate.

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Mccree: 5.94%
Tracer: 5.62%
Echo: 3.5%
Ashe: 2.21%
Hanzo: 2.2%
Widow: 1.84%
Soldier: 1.24%
Doomfist: .94%
Genji: .62%
Pharah; .59%
Junkrat: .44%
Sombra: .41%
Mei: .38%
Torb: .37%
Sym: .28%
Reaper: .1%
Bastion: .03% (poor bastion)

Find the median. I’ll give you two hints. There are 8 heroes picked more than him and 8 heroes picked less than him.


No arguments to defend that Doom is also played in high sr? Because with your own calculations, Doom is also broken in higher SR, even more than Genji? You’re just a troll
For some reason you got the post flagged

Ok Franki, that’s the 10th time i hear this. I’m gonna go ahead and perma mute you.


No arguments. You’re not giving me arguments. That’s why you’re a troll and nobody takes u seriously.
Whenever you say anything, you don’t give arguments. You say that Genji is op and that GMS abuse him (.72% pickrate) and that Doom is trash (.94% pickrate)
Accept reality and improve at the game or buy a mouse. It’s like you don’t want to hear reality, and you’re in your inner ego bubble and blame Genji your missed gamesense and garbo aim

Learn to counter reflect. Or play Genji during some time and you’ll realise how many times you die through deflect. It’s not difficult, just LEARN what counters him.

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This is an Egryn thread so I didn’t want to reply, but I just hate people misusing data to make them seem right, so even though I hate giving this kid the attention that he tries to badly to get, I feel like I need to stop this biased misuse of data.

Look, yeah he is in the middle of the list, but median doesn’t mean a lot when it comes to pickrate, you’d be given a much clearer picture looking at the average, which means that heroes who are above the average are more likely to be stronger while heroes who are under the average are more likely to be weaker, a median doesn’t take into account that one hero can be 99% of the overall pickrate, leaving you with a lot of bad heroes, which half of them are above the median, does that mean that they are too good or that the median hero is fine? no, it is just a list, which doesn’t take into account the numbers themself.

A balanced DPS hero should have ~2% PR

33% / 17 = 1.94%

Now because we are using Overbuff which has inaccuracy in data, I’m to change it to be more in your favor but more accurate with the data list that you provided

26.71% / 17 = 1.57%

*26.71% is the sum of all the Pickrates that you gave.

Which still means that Genji has almost 3 times less Pickrate than what an average power level hero should have, which in turn makes him not an actual average pick as you suggest, picking a median as an average is such a rookie mistake when it comes to this type of data, it’s like directly comparing a DPS pickrate to a Support pickrate, you don’t do this stuff because it leads to false assumptions.

It seems to me like you bring in bias, which means what you show is more likely to support your claim, so easily you’d pick the option which is more misleading but supports what you are trying to say.


A meme? What exactly is the “meme”?

Yes, in a perfectly balanced game each dps hero would have a 1.94% pickrate. But, because this is an fps where heroes have very unique kits, it will never be perfectly balanced. Can you think of any fps out there where every hero or weapon is balanced? I can’t. There will always be a best hero and a worst hero.

Serious question tho, why is it when someone says something blatantly untrue (like the guy I was responding to), is it that you guys are so quick to call out the person who points out that they are lying rather than the guy who made the untrue post in the first place?
To me it comes across as hiveminded, biased, and isn’t a great look.

It reminds me of this thread:

And this thread:






Oh look, again, 5 games played, 4 of them wrecked by a Genji.
What a surprise, it’s so fun of a game to play.

If he has a SLIGHT skill advantage, he is the most oppressive character in the game. I swear 75%+ of my losses are because the opponent has a Genji and my team doesn’t, that’s how dominant he is below 3500 rating. You might say he gets no play at GM level, oh well, because when he is played below 3500 he completely destroys entire teams on his own as even the counterplays to him aren’t counters unless you are great at the game.

You can’t consistently land stuns on a target so mobile
You can’t consistently sleep a target so mobile
YOU WILL DIE to his ult, it’s not a question of if he’ll kill, it’s a question of how many he gets with it.

Sorry but, Genji needs nerfs, not buffs. As i’ve said before, i’d rather play against 2 Tracers than 1 Genji. At least with Tracer it’s only 1 axis of mobility you need to worry about, not a double jumping, bouncing off walls, parkour robot with literally no hit box.

He ruins almost every game he’s played below 3500 and that is not OK.

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I laughed out loud.

because an avg 0.72% pickrate monthly is totally healthy for a hero to have in GM


So necros has no idea what he’s doing.


They nerfed Sombra when she had the lowest win rate in the game of any hero, in every single rank.

Don’t for a moment think that the dev team isn’t above doing some crazyness from time to time.

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Right, this would never happen in reality, but you use it as your baseline to determine what is balance and what is not, when something is around 2% PR you’d consider them balanced, when something is lower they are likely to be weak, and when something is higher the hero is likely to be too strong, the problem with using the median is that it shows you who is in the middle of the list and not who is average, when you are trying to find what is balanced you’d go to the average and not the middle of the list, as we have seen with the example you gave, a median isn’t always the average or at least close to it, which can paint a very misleading image, yes, in other things the median is useful, but in this case, it is meaningless for the most part, as we are looking at the balance of one hero and not the state of whole role.

Because that guy obviously didn’t understand the difference between median and average, he had the right intent, he tried to point out that he doesn’t have an average Pickrate, it is a mistake, but it is understandable, you and TREB for example used the median as your go-to option to judge if Genji is balanced, which is wrong, as this just makes it seem balanced when in reality he isn’t that great, you had the choice to pick both and chose the one which makes Genji seem better, it is lying with statistics.
I don’t know if you really agreed that using the median is a good option or not, but it seemed to me like you did, but I might be wrong and you just tried to point out the difference to the guy.

And I’d like to point out that if someone is on my side and lying about this I would not be on their side in the argument and might even point out them lying, as I don’t want to be associated with people who try to manipulate to seem like they are right, even more so if they are fighting someone to be right and to not point out the truth, because that just paints a picture of me and the other people on my side which are fine.
People make mistakes, and I can forgive them, but when it comes, again and again, it is a lot harder to take someone seriously, as it seems to me like they are not really listening and are just trying to come out as the right person at the end of the argument, rather than having a normal argument and trying to understand what the other person is saying, and I’m not saying this for no reason, I say this because I see more people on the other side not listening to me (this might be due to slight bias as I wouldn’t be likely to have an argument with someone on my side), and when I come with counterpoints they just ignore it and ramble about something else that doesn’t really matter, or would point out random stuff to make them seem more “moral” or “right”, all while ignoring the actual point of the argument, that’s my experience with certain people, so no side is perfect, but that doesn’t mean we should carry our perception of people from the other side while having an argument with someone, as the side you pick doesn’t define you as a person, I had great arguments with people who I don’t agree with, and even came to somesort of middle point with some of them, mainly because I don’t let serotypes fool me to think that the other person doesn’t understand anything and is just stupid, some may be but not all or even most of them are, and that is something that you understand only after you take off that bias of being always right.


I most certainly did not, prior to this post I made two in here, one was a response to a guy who claimed that genji had one of the lowest pickrates above diamond (genji has the 5th highest pickrate out of 17 heroes in masters), and the other was the median post where I listed every dps heroes pickrate.

Thats noble, I just don’t really get why you responded to me in the first place when all I’ve done was point out two posts in here that were untrue.

Thats fair, and I feel the same way.

I’m glad you admit to some bias, it drives me nuts on here when someone claims to not be biased. We are all biased.

How about this, I will not call out people for pulling fake claims out of thin air (like genji having the 4th lowest pickrate, or having a sym tier pickrate, etc) if they don’t pull claims out of thin air, does that seem fair?

Honestly two months ago, I would have been fine with the devs shifting some of his power away from blade and put into the rest of his kit. The more I see these forum genji mains spam the forums daily, false flag posts just because they disagree with them, call people names (yesterday alone i witnessed treb get called a troll, an idiot, and a clown, just because he disagrees with them), and cherry pick stats or outright make up claims, the less I want him changed.
I don’t think doing any of those things will help non genji mains and people who legitimately think genji is fine warm up to your side.

Also thank you for being so respectful and mature.


Where is the proof of this?

I keep citing proof Genji is doing well and people keep saying “nah, there’s proof somewhere he’s underperforming.”

Pickrate in GM isn’t proof, especially as even in GM his pickrate is median.

Yes it is, do you not know what median means?

" The median is the middle number in a sorted list of numbers and can be more descriptive of that data set than the mean."

I got called a Troll because I did give arguments.

You can’t win.

Troll is clearly just being used as a smear on anyone who goes against their agenda.

If you really cared about statistics you wouldn’t cherry pick only the data from GM.

Median is FAR more relevant as it shows who is more deserving of special treatment…

The point of that pickrate being median is literally HALF the damage heroes in GM have as bad or worse pickrate.

So how can that be proof that Genji needs preferential treatment?

If that’s an unhealthy pickrate then all the far lower pickrates should be even greater concern and guess what? One thing that’s holding them down is Genji who has a higher pickrate than even them!

He mains Genji when this thread is full of people who say Genji is supposedly the worst hero in the game and shouldn’t be played.

This is why I find it all so insincere.

No it’s right because as bad as Genji is supposedly doing in GM, there are still more Damage heroes who are doing as bad or worse.

My point is even in the most cherry picked sample it’s not that bad.

Not “great”.

But not bad.

People thought median was good enough they felt the need to deny it was the median then when they couldn’t do that “ahh well if it is the median then it doesn’t matter”.

There’s lies then there’s statistics, far worse deception is with the latter.

I really do object to cherry picking only GM data and then selectively only caring about mean and not median pickrate.

I think you’ll find it’s the other way, people say they don’t want to hear my reasons, they refuse to hear my points, they proudly proclaim they refuse to answer questions asking that they clarify.

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I didn’t really know which side of the coin you were on, so I just answered it in case you were on that side.

I felt like you tried to point out that Genji is balanced because he is in the median Pickrate, which now I understand that it wasn’t what you meant, and that you just tried to show that the guy was just saying something wrong, I still think that the guy just misunderstood the term rather than actually blatantly lying about it.

Seems fair, although there is no problem with pointing out those things, I feel like when we point out stuff like that we should take into consideration that the person might not understand something or not use it in the right way, there are a lot of people who don’t lie, but just say something that isn’t true, I know that it may seem counterintuitive, and it is pretty much the opposite of the saying “I didn’t lie, the things I said just turned out to be incorrect” - that points out people who are lying but are just trying to avoid consequences, but there are people out there who just come to the wrong conclusions due to a mistake, it’s not always people trying to make it seem like they are right, so we should always give them the benefit of the doubt, and explain things nicely, show them that they are wrong without jumping into conclusions about them.

Honestly, don’t let people change your mind about a video game hero, if a hero needs help he needs help, how people act doesn’t change the hero’s balance state, I know that there are probably people out there who are acting very immaturely, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are also people who are mature and understanding, people who want to change the hero for the benefit of everyone.
And believe me, I completely get you, a while back I had enough of the spamming of Sym threads (the ones who just said “buff her” without anything else, I was fine with the new ideas, I liked seeing people coming up with ways to fix something), so what I did is just say - “I don’t support Sym being buffed”, Inside I didn’t really have a problem with buffing her, but I wouldn’t go out of my way and say “Buff Sym” or stuff like that, I would just sit outside of the conversation, because I don’t like supporting people who spam, and I didn’t need to either, yes, once in a while I went to a good post about Sym and said that is an excellent rework idea, but not something beyond.

Right, that’s not okay, but you need to realize that those people exist on both sides, do you know how much unwarranted hate some Genji mains get, it is insane, and I truly feel bad that TREB had to experince that, but still, it is something that both sides experience, so I don’t know if it is a reason to pick a side.

I mean, yeah, but again, it is something that Genji “haters” do as well, look no further than the “argument” we had, TREB pretty much lied with the statistics to make it seem like Genji is in a better state, it is pretty much the same stuff in my eyes, as I know that he probably did it because it makes Genji look like he is doing better, so once again I don’t see how this makes you take a side over the other.

Yeah, but those are really not all the people or even the majority of people who play Genji, but something so small can do so much as to change the view people have on Genji mains, which is why I suggest looking at every person as their own and not generalizing a group of people based on a select few, several Genji mains are mature and respectful some even give great ideas with a lot of thought behind them to make him better, yet they are met like some sort of joke to a lot of people, because the perception of Genji mains is so bad, it makes you question what can you do better, but in reality you can’t do a lot, if people want to believe something they will believe it, even if that something hurts others.

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