Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

Idk lol, I’m just assuming that it’s him cause spilo said something similar to that.

1.) Did not force tanks away
2.) Where’s your proof ^
3.) He does not dominate the entire game if you have the braincells to actually focus him
4.) Can you send me a clipof where a Genji dominates your games

I’d disagree lol… I think there’s a general consensus among higher tiers that Genji is trash. If he WAS OP as you claimed him to be, why isn’t he dominating higher tier games. The reason is simple: plat players do not know how to focus genji players. I play in that rank as well, so I know EXACTLY how its like to play the character at that rank.

You’re assuming TooEasy is Spilo?

But you TooEasy said:

And said they copy and pasted something from an contenders coach.

PS: I searched for “coach” first mention of “coach” was post number 253.

Nah I’m assuming that tooeasy is talking about Spilo cause spilo said something similar.

But I’m not arguing with Spilo.

TooEasy said it’s okay to disagree with them but not with a coach… who isn’t here.

Ironic he’s getting mad that people aren’t reading his posts but he can’t read himself according to his responses

I copy and pasted coaching advice from spilo and what he thinks of the post-gauntlet meta

Yeah, I agree with you that Genji is hot garbage but don’t call people trolls just cause they disagree with you.

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He’s taking things purposely out of context to ruin the experience on the forums. That’s called trolling I’m 90% sure

Egryn, you are known on this forum for not knowing what you are talking about whatsoever.


Genji isn’t OP. Stop whining and get good

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You said you did that 4 months ago.

You only joined the forum 12 days ago.

So what does that have to do with this thread made 23 hours ago?

I respect your courage

Why would they nerf this poor hero. He really isn’t that good

There are plenty of top500 Genji mains who are 4300+ from last season. The idea that he’s “trash” is factually untrue.

Doom players too, and he’s also trash so wtf
Like if he had 0 players on top 500 while being as fun as he is it would mean that he hit 1dmg per shuriken


This isn’t about Doom this is about Genji.

Egryn is one of the best posters on here because he hasn’t been absorbed by the hivemind y’all adhere to.

You want to balance the game around pro players who are… idk… 500 Korean kids? Who cares about these 500 Korean kids when the game has millions of players like you and me, and to people like you and me Genji is extremely oppressive and cheap.

Doom is actually a good design of a flanker because his hitbox allows him to be punished, a half decent Genji is never punished, EVER.


Much love. I can tell you have a big brain.

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I mean hes more effective fighting against bad players. Not that he himself is good