Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

How do you mute im getting tilted over trolls and I need to chill out

This isn’t trolling, I’m asking you to expand on your reasoning and saying why some of your reasoning isn’t good enough.

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Does anyone know how to mute

They’re good changes. Firerate and damage wouldn’t be a problem with old spread if they increased the ult charge cost. But if i may be honest i only want one or the other and not both.

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Click on someone’s profile (make sure it’s not private). View activity. There is a section that says “Normal”. Click on it then select mute.

Also why is this thread still going on?

Thanks. It’s because we’re giving attention to trolls; I admit I messed up

“They don’t have the same opinion as me so they’re a troll” - Random forum user.

Genji needs some help but don’t call some a troll just cause they don’t agree with you.


So thinking you know the meta when you’re a gold bastion main arguing against OWL coaches isn’t trolling? What is trolling… I thought I knew what it was

Uhh yes, it’s not trolling.

Because I can read the statistics on Overbuff.

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Genji is my most played hero and I think that he needs help. Also, people can have opinions you you know?

He just stated his opinion, he hasn’t said anything inflammatory so far.


This is such a dumb comment you have no idea what you’re even saying

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He said my reasoning isn’t good considering my post from 4 posts ago was copy and pasted from a OWL contenders coach and he continues to argue that genji is op. While I can get having an opinion like that it pisses me off when people think they are self entitled enough to argue with an expert in that field. It’s like a high school dropout talking about physics with a physics PHD

While he has the capability to debate with me, a masters Tier 3 open division player over the state of genji, debating with someone who’s JOB is the most effective heroes and tactics rubs me the wrong way.

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I agree with you that Genji is underpowered, but he can have an opinion as well, you know? Just cause they don’t agree with you doesn’t mean that they’re a troll.


I am not aware of that post.

You only joined the forums 12 days ago.

No, I said Genji is not bad.

So anyone who doesn’t think Genji is in a woefully poor state is being purposefully insincere just in an elaborate conspiracy to irritate you!?!

What expert?

Who are you referring to?!?

I am not aware of this individual!

I said it 4 times. This is why I said you’re trolling. It’s like you don’t read to piss people off.

Spilo from British hurricane

Which OWL contenders coach?

This is literally the first mention of them.

I searched this thread, the first mention of any coach was post number 253.

Spilo, he’s the coach for British hurricane(academy team for the London Spitfire.)

TBH I only have an issue with Genji when I’m playing Support and he is jumping above my head spamming shurikens on me. He doesn’t make me feel completely helpless but he does make me feel like I need more skill to deal with him than he does to deal with me (which is annoying).

When I’m playing tank or DPS though, dealing with Genji is always a piece of cake.

Literally the first mention of “Spilo” in this thread.

Overwatch contenders coach

OWL coach

Typo for OWC

Even contenders coaches

I’m going to stop responding to this egryn Just flag him for trolling and move on. I really don’t want to be toxic but if this guy a troll he’s illiterate