Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

You really hate Genji for no reason, don’t you? He is not that hard to deal with outside of Blade. If you honestly can’t deal with him in his current state, then sorry to say it, but you’re trash.

The post mentioned had several solid nerfs to the cyborg boi. All so he can get 2 more damage. This is not a buff. This is a powershift so he can rely less on blade.

Or is it you don’t even WANT Genji to be useful outside of his freaking ult?

If that is the case, this discussion is not for you. We only invited people with rational, mature mindsets here.

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So true. So so so so true. You don’t know how right you are.

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No. No they don’t. Genji buffs do not break the game. Genji powershifts do not break the game. It is not Genji’s problem that you’re incompetent at dueling him.

What breaks the game is biased balancing. Like the way you want the game balanced.

Come back when you’ve actually tried playing Genji. His life is a literal nightmare when he’s not ulting.

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Almost as if genji isn’t played above diamond.

Here’s some tips in case you guys aren’t actually trolling:

  1. Hold high ground against genji. Genji is like a butter knife through a ribeye trying to shield break. Forcing him to play on the ground without easier headshots + shooting into shields means he isn’t charging his blade
  2. Genji is trash outside of blade. Try to just keep cc’ing him and unless you’re below gold your team will follow up on obvious CC especially if ylu call it out
  3. Ult track. Knowing when genji has blade is almost as good as denying it. For example, if you’re Ana and you know the genji has blade and your zen doesn’t have trans, you can nano your zen so be charged his ult quicker in response to blade. Another example is saving whole hog or molten core to zone genji away from your teammates making blade useless

If ylu take away blade genji is actually 10x worse than bastion. Knowing how to counter blade and how to deny genji from getting ult charge is the only thing ylu need to do. Saying he’s “OP” is silly and fundamentally flawed.

Only combined with nano, but to get a 6k only with it and without teammates damage is impossible.

That can easily be countered by beam weapons and most CC.

So you’re saying you want his shurikens to have bullet drop? might aswell add that to every hero in the game.

Nope. We are willing to give away plenty of things in exchange for a powershift but mobility isn’t one of them. We don’t want yet another hero feeling even clunkier to play.

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I gave him like 5 nerfs and 1 buff in my post and people said that I buffed him too much.


No, I don’t have to be part of a special class to have the right to say that.


No, Genji is one of the top 5 most picked damage heroes in Masters.

That depends on a loose definition of “team clutching”.

That’s a claim. Can you say why?

For what reason?

How does mei deal more damage per second?

Yeah, he does 248 damage in 0.75sec

Genji’s Shuriken are almost twice the velocity of Sigma’s rock, non-arcing and have no cast-time delay.

This is the disrespect I’m talking about.

Now you’re going to claim I’m being rude.

In every single rank Genji has a far higher pickrate than Bastion.

Of course a tank would have higher playtime, there’s fewer tanks for the same number of slots.

Only in GM does Junkrat have a slightly higher pickrate than Genji.

Asking for a reason why your claims are true is not “nitpicking”.

Is “No one” the real name of “Widowmeiker”?

The statistics back them up.

I never said that.

Your whole argument is based on fabrication Genji has a low pickrate in Diamond and Masters.

Only 2 heroes have a lower pickrate than Bastion in Bronze.

It means you’re wrong.

Immediately contradict what you’ve just acknowledged.

He has swift strike and wall climb.

That’s not advice, that’s another unproven claim.

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this thread is literally plats losing to genjis because they dont know what counter switching is and refuse to do it because “le hero is op not because im trash at the game”

like bro anyone here can ask actual players (t500s) and ask for their opinion they will all mutually agree that genji is currently trash


Oof. To be honest, i’d not even mind if they just reverted Genji back to pre buff state. That Genji was thousand times more fun than this one.

Those were basically my changes except that I partially reverted the spread and instead of the fire rate I gave him the damage back.

They think most heroes are trash.

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my singular fact to back this up is the fact that you’re still replying saying genji is good that’s how i know that this thread is filled with plats not able to play this game properly

because most of them are lol

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Did you mean to type that?

This is so hard to keep track of people endlessly saying what I know isn’t true what they are obviously exaggerating about.

So it doesn’t mean anything that they say Genji is trash, it’s nothing special.

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yeah almost like the current patch makes almost every hero unusable and its not because of the players its because of blizzards trash balancing methods

jesus christ i can really tell you don’t play the game theres no way you have time to play the game with almost 6000 posts on here

click the play button for once

I don’t think that insulting them is the way to go about this chief.


They’re just going to accuse you of insulting them for saying they shouldn’t insult people.


congratulations bro, or sorry for that. I ain’t readin all this.

Don’t put it on Genji.

Dragon blade is completely balanced and counterable.

The nano is the problematic thing having no way to deny, stop or avoid.

Tbh it doesn’t help a lot no tank provides any real close range protection…

Comparing hook and bubble up close to Rein’s shield for range is like comparing Moira’s damage to Soldier:76 or something.
Not much if at all you can do with them.

So overall Genji is really fine doing the same damage in his ult like other ults like Bastion’s or Soldier:76’s while putting his life in a bigger risk.

It’s mostly the nano who brings the troubles.

You say that every time things aren’t going your way. You pretend you didn’t read it and claim you refuse to read it.

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You can’t prove unproven claims with more unproven claims.

That’s not detailed.

Why is this so hard for you to accept that your reasons aren’t good enough?

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