Another ExC and no Genji nerfs

this is older this are clips when he actually was op and powercrept him now hes pretty mediocre/bad

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but honeslty he is not easy to abuse to higher rank. ik these because im a master at abusing heroes which is sad but ive abused 3 different broken heroes to diamond/masters without even practicing them ive abused brig sigma and echo all to diamond and masters i treid genji but he as to hard to abuse because how mediocre he was.

oh yeah i also abused hanzo to diamond and i suck at aiming

You are that bad, sorry to tell you that. Your “suggestions” for Genji, just make him even more ridiculous to deal with. If anything, he needs nerfs.

I just faced another Genji who absolutely destroyed the entire team endlessly. Like i’ve said before, and will say again. I don’t care what the top 1% thinks about a character, the fact that if a Genji outskills his opponents by even a tiny bit in a game, he will completely destroy that entire game for all involved.

That is NOT fun, and it is NOT good character design, and buffing the potential to further that dominance will do nothing but drive people away.

You already forced tanks away, do you really want to force away supports, too?


You’re probably better than you think.

so someone that out skilled is not supposed to beat you

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In general anyone who plays Genji isn’t a skilled player.

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Looks like you got outplayed then, it really is a l2p issue.

That montage is from when Genji WAS (keyword “was”) overpowered and has since been nerfed.

You would think if Genji was OP he would have more than a 1% pickrate in GM… riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

mans really just called Sinatraa, Haksal and Sp9rk1e unskilled PEPELAUGH

get gud ur just bad 4hed

Sinatraa wasn’t really a genji player, he mostly played doom but could flex onto genji.

he actually was mostly a Genji/Tracer player, just not in OWL his streams were almost always Genji/Tracer

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I thought he only played tracer. I don’t remember him on genji

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He still doesn’t realize how dumb he looks

Look buddy, you clearly don’t watch any pro scene whatsoever. Yeah, cool, genji is good at metal ranks because people don’t know how to deal with mobility. Saying genji is “op”, that is your prerogative. Saying genji is anything but bad above diamond is silly and a fundamentally flawed statement. He has one of the lowest pick rates above diamond, even then they only pick him because his playstyle is enjoyable and he’s fun to play. He gets team clutching ults once in 3-4 fights and that’s it. Genji’s mid fight is ultimately bad and saying it isn’t is foolish considering even Mei does more dps than he does.
Genji doesn’t do 240 in .75 seconds. Thats if you land almost all shurikens at a projectile speed almost as fast as sigmas rock. Once ylu clip 10 times of hitting sigmas rock from 20 meters against real people, then I’ll believe the combo is effective.
Now, for the actual reason you look like a :clown_face: besides the 2020 summer
showdown, GENJI HAS LESS PLAYTIME THAN BASTION, a hero who is terrible according to 99% of the people. Even hog and junk rat have more playtime. He wasn’t even played much in dive, something he’s supposed to be “good at”
Go ahead, quote me and Nick pick everything to your liking. No one here’s besides egryn agrees with you, LITERALLY NO ONE. Respect to egryn atleast he honors he is a one trick although he’s statistically wrong
No one here cares that you manage to not kill genji when Zarya hog mcree and Mei exist
Your whole argument is based on genji being good in metal ranks. That’s like saying bastion is op because he dominates bronze
Nice logic

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sorry egry but he needs a powershift, his kit is weak and his ult is too powerful so he needs his kit buffed and his ult nerfed.


Agreed. Blade nerfed and shurikens buffed


Chill tf out my guy.

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He is the fifth highest picked dps in masters (out of 17 dps). How is that one of the lowest?


So played above junk Mei reaper bastion pharah and widow means something