And... we only get a DPS hero in OW2 Beta

It is literally e-personalities first, crumbs of invites for everyone else.


You understand it makes no sense to gather data on an environment that does not reflect the release one at all? It would just be pointless noise. The betas are just to stoke interest in their video game. Which is fine, but at least be honest with yourself.


“might” screw up :rofl: I’m fairly certain it’s a complete given that they will screw up. Also I doubt they’ll ever be able to fix it unless they just admit failure and remove 5v5.

Because let’s be honest I doubt they’ll listen to feedback for 5v5 to improve the Tank experience. Everything they’ve shown so far has pretty much been all nerfs the opposite of what Tanks need especially after losing a Tank. And if they do listen to feedback they’re most certainly going to be listening to their private discord people over the player base as usual.


gawd i hate that term, when people first started streaming, i was like these kids are ruining their chance for a career, i was wondering what they would endup when they hit 30s and stuff.

Now they are celebs.


I have no problem with people fleecing idiots and playing video games for a living. I think they’re gross with their parasocial relationships and constant begging, but that’s easy to tune out.

My issue is that blizzard insists on treating these talking heads preferentially. They give them info first and astroturf interest in them by making them trickle it out. It’s annoying. I don’t want to know who any of these people are. I don’t care. Yet blizzard insists on rubbing my face into them any time I want Overwatch news.


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah baby go boom boom.

So, in other words what you’re saying is “I can’t confirm if there will be new heroes available in the later phases of the beta, but what I am saying is that it is possible. Please get your hopes up so that everyone can be let down later.” Hasn’t blizzard learned anything by now?

Also, it’s really nice that the last hero released for OW was a DPS, and that the first and only hero revealed for OW2 is also a DPS. It would be nice if people who play tanks and healers had SOMETHING to look forward to, but it seems, especially with tank players, that we’re just an afterthought.


It’s pretty insane that this far in and the support role, which has just as many slots as the DPS role has 7… and they have 17. The support role is stagnant.

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They already are. All tanks are going to become fat DPS and most supports other than Mercy already are just DPS that can heal. So OW2 will be another Valorant with a much longer time to kill.

With that being said, I’m still looking forward to it, because anything is better than nothing.

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They dont listen to what doesnt fit their narrative.

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That has literally always been the correct way to play Tank though. The passive tank loses and always has and Tank ults have always been too much of a game changer to not focus on charging.

I never got the whole “forums bad, me good” thing either. Whatever turns their crank I suppose.

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lol yeah okay.

Tanks and Supports desperately need new heroes. DPS is stacked already.


And they are going to get them, as the devs have said on multiple occasions now.

uh huh!

First confirmed new hero is a DPS. Nothing else is confirmed at all. Tanks and Supports should be getting a ton of new heroes.

Your best buddy Jeff said they were working on multiple heroes years ago. So they should be all ready, but apparently not.


Which of course means every other hero that they have made is a DPS even though they have specifically stated that there are going to be multiple tanks and supports added with OW2 :roll_eyes:

Y’all are just looking for things to be upset by at this point

Yeah, that’s possible. It usually happens when you are a giant overhaul of a game during a pandemic all the while having your boss put you on useless projects that ended up never making it into the game

I was gonna reply to OP but AndyB has it covered it seems. Sojourn isn’t the only hero, just the only hero they feel comfortable putting in the first iteration of the beta.

There will be more heroes on the actual release, there nothing to worry about on this front.

(And besides, tanks/supports are generally harder to make and balance correctly, so it stands to reason that the first hero to reach relative completion is a simple DPS.

All we know from her kit is she has a projectile weapon with a railgun. How is that like soldier?

There are forum doomsayer, there are forum chill people, and there are forum fanboys. Forun is not a single entity, but yeah, almost everyone will only use what fit their agenda, and ignore the rest.

We’re working on new Tanks. We’re working on new Supports.

When I say “working on”, I mean to say any hero that you don’t know about. They could be in various degrees of completion and testing. I know. I’ve tested and played them all, including the Doomfist and Orisa rework.

What I am not at liberty to say is “you are getting X heroes”, or you are getting X many of this role", nor am I at liberty to say when you’ll get what.

We’re going to have plenty of news to talk about between now and the first beta, and then we have additional beta phases after that. As players ourselves, both Jodie and I are eager to give all of you insight into what’s coming your way. We know there’s a desire for a more concrete roadmap, and that’s something Jodie and I will continue to convey to the team.

I hope it’s evident by now that when I come here with new information it’s always been verified and checked through multiple gates. I get being skeptical, and I get being guarded. If I’m here telling you something, it’s because there’s a high degree of confidence that it’s going to come to fruition.