And... we only get a DPS hero in OW2 Beta

Are you able to provide any insight on the first beta selection process?

Is it randomized who gets picked?

Or is it based on whether or not you’re a big influencer/streamer/twitter/youtuber personality


We already know big Content Creators are getting access to the closed beta this week so I’m assuming they will in April’s too. Not really a surprise there, also not a bad thing at all. Most of them have been playing OW since launch and dedicated much of their life to making content for it over the last 6 years. They deserve beta access and it’s good for Blizz to give it to them marketing wise.

Personally for the rest of us I hope beta access is given to people with older accounts/higher levels. Reward long term/dedicated players first, then trickle down to everyone else

If I, a plat border player who has played consistently since launch, don’t get beta access, but my friends who bought the game 4 months ago do…I’ll be a bit upset lol


My thoughts exactly.

As someone who grinded and put in 3000 hours to reach max border level, I’d be upset if Johnny WeepingWillow who played the game for 20 minutes got beta access instead of me


Only a new damage character available? They lied to us, those dastardly fiends, clearly this is the only character they’ve been working. I would know, my gruncle lives at Nintendo

This is a good question. It should be easy enough to reveal how many of each role has been finished. The only thing it gives away is that there are x number of new heroes in x role. That should be sufficient to satisfy their “keep it a SURPRISE” mentality while giving bare minimum information.

That is… unless they don’t have heroes that have been finalized besides Sojourn. Because it can always turn into a Sombra/Echo situation.

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Jeff has said in the past that they are working on many heroes at all times and that was like years ago.

Is this supposed to be a hint for more heroes at launch?


I think the implication is that they are “working on” all the heroes. It’s a beta. Even Sojourn probably wouldn’t be considered “finished” yet.


Everyone getting worked up about poor wording and minimal reveal. Could we… like not?

For once?

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Not really. Most players aren’t on the forums. I’m not here much even, but I pop in sometimes.

But the stuff coming out of blizzard is “We’ll communicate more” followed by no communication. Or “We care about our player base” a statement that only needs to be made when actions show the opposite. And we do know that actions speak louder than words.

So as of now, I believe very little of what they say. I’ll believe them when I see it. Until then it is more mere words.


If we get that many then Overwatch 2 will be Paladins 2

but would it be f2p?

Hey, WeepingWillow is a good name TT

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I just wish they’d be less frustratingly vague.

They’ve been “working” on new heroes since the game came out, this actually tells us nothing about how close they are to being done.

If for some reason, they don’t actually have many new heroes done, I’d rather they just tell us straight instead of being so cryptic.


3 years and you are still working on adding to more than just DPS??? To late I’m afraid.


A valid concern. I think Andy might just be trying to not accidentally set the wrong expectations. Like if they were to declare Sojourn as finished, and then beta comes around and she’s super unbalanced… then everybody panics that she’s not gonna get any changes before the game’s out etc. etc.

It’s from a Dane Cook standup lol, props to anyone who knows what I’m talkin about

they could put launch brig level broken support or tank and it would still be a breath of fresh air than nth dps76

Probably why they’ll stick to DPS until they hash more things out, is my guess. Wouldn’t mind being proven wrong, I must add.

Why my theory is, ow2 announcement was rushed, so on the 11th hour they needed a new hero to exhibit, so they took soldier and reskinned him.

Past three years they have a 3-4 heroes in wip stage, but sojourn is all they got ready to play.
Which just shows how poorly managed and executed the development of ow2 is.This is not on team 4 though its the upper management being a obstacle course and event around the world and at blizzard.

Would be happy to have this debunked.