Ana sleep dart hitbox needs a nerf

it is not an excuse for bad play

Lol even when you see it hit it misses. Something is off after the patch.

I’ll support this nerf when people understand supports need help when getting flanked for the 6th time in a match.


I’m not mad at all! I should’ve worded it differently, but I genuinely meant to try it for yourself before complaining. That’s all.


recent, i was never affected by sleep dart this much, now its just something i have in the back of my mind each match i face an ana

Actually, her sleep dart hitbox is phara’s rocket hitbox


only skill issue i see is yours cuz you can’t bait it out or respect it. She has no mobility. without it she’s a worthless hero all around cuz she’ll be too dead too often to use any of the rest of her kit. If she uses sleep offensively she’s a sitting duck.

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Maybe fix the hit box but don’t nerf supports


oh, well, the data is still there, it doesnt change the fact that the hitbox is absurd gameplay or not, playing against her ive been slept so many times outside my player model

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Played tank for years. The number of times she yeets it into a tank that gets within 30 yards of her to the times she actually uses it on a flanker is 1000:1. When I stopped playing Hammond, the little guy had to go to a clinic to treat the withdrawal symptoms.

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worthless??? am i playing the same game dude? shes picked in all games and has the highest utility in the game, anti healing? thats huge, disable a full ult? even bigger, and add insult to injury its piss easy to hit because of the hitbox size, and all that to hitscan long range healing that also isnt hard to hit, also who said she cant use sleep at close range? just nerf her sleep hitbox, use it at close range all you want, just dont hit me outside my character model and we good, also, this would mean you want a character with no weak spots + best utility in game? thats some kind of entitled level of karen ive never seen before

Top 500 Ana’s average sleep darts per match is around 6.

That’s hitting any opponent including tanks in a match.

Of course it’s a skill issue, but when you start playing against opponents that understand getting proper value with their abilities, like baiting out enemy abilities and making calls, and positioning in areas that can help if you get slept, you realize it’s not all about sleeping every moment its off CD. Factor that in with being pressured, and everything else and your statement really doesn’t make sense at all.

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that still doesnt excuse that her sleep is not only broken but also easy to hit with its hitbox size, still should be nerfed idk what the devs were thinking

As a Ana main with 1000s of hours. I say yes they did in fact increase the size of the projectile. It’s way easier to hit. But they also changed to animation so that it’s easier to tell when she is shooting it at you so you can use a cool down to counter it if you see it being shot at you. I use it way more defensevly to stop aggression to escape because with all the flankers being overtuned now and no peel, I need something to stop them. But even then it’s still a skill shot

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I’m sitting in the training range right now sleeping Tracer with the circle & dot cross hairs. It’s not pinpoint on Tracer, but it’s not wildly off by the margins suggested to sleep her. I suppose if you want to argue that, then okay.

How many hours do you have played on Ana combined from any mode?

ill have to check but from the short amount of time i played support id say about 2 hours minimum on ana on comp, also tracer has the smallest hitbox next to dva and some other small characters, test it on cas, test it on reaper, it is really insane how much it can hit without touching the player model

anyone who disagrees with this post is coping tbh. Ana sleep is MASSIVE, larger than most projectile hitboxes. I got to mid masters in ow1 on ana with like 10 sleeps/10 not even on tanks, just an easy “skillshot” to land, almost always guaranteed a kill. Granted I’m a fdps player, but the fact I never touch support much and get close to my dps peak on it barely trying should say a lot.

Also to be fair fdps requires far more gamesense to climb on than support by a mile so still makes sense.

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thank you! finally someone who agrees who isnt biased! i dont know why people want ana to be so op in an already support+tank dominated meta

You realize that masters and above are a small minority of the playerbase? If sleep is changed, Ana will need some other more consistent escape ability and her kit is already bloated enough.

Consider yourself an exception for hitting those easy skillshots with an average of 10 sleeps if that’s what you’re saying. 10 sleeps in definitely not the norm even for pro Ana’s.

Now that we’re focused on OW2, players are still saying is OP? I think she’s in a good spot, but OP? Even with Kiriko?

BTW, if you look at my post history you’ll see I’m far from being biased to the point of wanting any hero to be OP (because we are all biased in some way. You, myself. All of us). You won’t see me asking for heroes to be nerfed, you want see me asking for buffs that are out of this world.

But the question I asked Trial, is what is your total amount of play time on Ana? I’m not talking about a few comp matches, I mean total play time period.

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