Ana sleep dart hitbox needs a nerf

You eliminate any unusual numbers by just going by sleeps /10 minutes. Simple

okay, but if you’re still averaging 10 sleeps and the avg for high rated Ana’s is 6 then that doesn’t change the point I’ve made.

Stop trying to nerf supports that have 0 mobility and no other way to survive… You’re probably a Genji main that got mad you got slept.



hitting 10 is masters isn’t equivalent to hitting 10 in high gm.

I could hit almost every sleep off cd in platinum. Doesn’t make me better than ml7 for example

I, as a currently masters ana main, have a sleep accuracy of 28% and an average of 6 (5. something but you get the point) sleeps per game.
you really want to nerf something that lands 6 times a game? why?

like, ana is quite strong but its not because of sleep. nerfing sleep wouldnt do anything other than maybe make kiriko look worse since there would be less things to cleanse.

edit: after checking my stats again, my average sleeps per game is lower than I though. 5.16.


I never said it did.

having higher than average sleeps is not saying you’re a better player overall.

I get you’re trying to make the argument of less mistakes being made to get slept, but we’re talking about an average either way for higher players. it’s relative. and you being exceptional with with ez skill shot isn’t across the board for every Ana either. That’s really the over-arching point being made for my half of the debate.

Sleep is in a good place. Long CD, that if you want to climb, beyond low Diamond, shouldn’t be held for nothing but tanks. Most players simply aren’t landing 10 sleeps on average per match.

Most players are also exceptionally bad. You balance for high end, players who wanna get good learn and figure it out. Otherwise it changes nothing for them.

That’s pretty bad homie won’t even lie to you. But the rest I agree with, her nade is what is overpowered. I still believe sleep hitbox is WAY too forgiving.

so you basically just admitted your being carried by the huge hitbox sleep provides and still miss most of your shots despite being masters?

I’m aware most players are exceptionally bad. I never made the proposition EVER for balancing bottoms up. You’ll never find a single post in my history suggesting that.

If you go back to the top from my initial post in this thread you’ll see my position to the OP.

You keep bringing up this per game nonsense. That is like 90% of what I’ve been debating. Bad players getting low sleep numbers is not reflective of sleep as an ability, rather the player. It’s a massive hitbox. Same size as pharah rocket, that’s HUGE. Too forgiving of a hitbox for a cooldown that has massive impact.

Same guy that thinks Genji is fine… Geee i wonder why he might not like sleep darts.

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Can you tell me what you think the point of my original post was in this thread?

Lmao Junkrat’s trap takes more skill, then, huh? Well then go play Ana and hit T500 if she’s so OP.

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ur using commas wrong one, and two whens the last time a junkrat trap hit u? lol, and t500 is filled with ana because her kit is the most op out of all support LOL you just proved your own argument.

genji can literally DEFLECT sleep darts, what are you on kid, they arent even nerfing the part that genji is op in, his nano blade, WHICH AGAIN is anas fault, his normal blade isnt anywhere near op, so why nerf genjis damage for shurikens and not damage for nano? it doesnt make sense, cause blizzard doesnt know what their doing.

its not as bad as you think it is. its not good by any means but when you use it on flankers more than tanks, the stats look a lot worse. sombra has been prevalent since launch, if you want to hit her when she hacks you need to activate the ability before you see the sombra and hope your blind flicks land.

i just think sleep is the wrong thing to be nerfing.

how am i being carried if I still miss?

despite is the wrong word to be using here. put me in a plat lobby and id hit them consistently. being masters means playing against masters. idk if you know this but masters players move and position like masters players.

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cool story, maybe you should go play owl if you never miss your sleep dart😏.

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broski that still doesnt change that her sleepdart is literally the size of a needle and it hits like an explosive, how is that fair? one dart and u literally get a free kill and ur opponent almost has no time to react so they just avoid altogether until you use it and make a mistake

Just play Kiriko… Ana instantly nerfed then.

using suzu on either anti and sleep is really hard to decide, and its on a 15 second cooldown, ana’s utility is just insanely op for a support