Ana Opinions from an Ana Main

Maybe Fulton balloon? My wiki says it also called Skyhook

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Yup! Her kit is fun, her lore is genuine, her playstyle and skills are engaging. She’s a great character!

Ah, but is it fair to rely on another character’s abilities to make a character viable?
And I think this is one of those “overwatch gameplay should be about the gameplay” little rules, not realism. Anyway, her POTG isn’t unbelievable, it’s badass!

Yes, rein does have a higher pickrate than winston. Now that winstons out of the meta, Ana’s pickrate is rising again. I’d even go on to say that Ana brings more value than mercy this meta, the problem is mercy still does the bare minimum easier.

Using pickrates to define which hero is the best isn’t reliable at all. You would believe Rein is better than Winston with hero pickrates, but a good dive comp with Doom - Pharah over Tracer - Genji will obliterate any deathball comp. Dive still beats deathball, you just need the right damage-dealers to get rid of the supports and allow D. Va and Winston to jump in and destroy everything.
But Hammond will shift the meta towards Dive anyway. It can do wonders against deathballs.

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I’d strongly disagree. No matter how infrequent or unreliable, rezzing someone back to life while mitigating the respawn timer and walk back is single-handedly the strongest ability in the game. I’d say, in theory, sleepdart is one of the strongest as it has so much shutdown potential that it’s crazy, but that requires infinitely more skill to land sometimes than rez.

Yes, Ana has more healing, but Mercy has more reliable healing and much better self sustain.

Ana Ana’s pickrate may be increasing, but she still has to worst win rate of all of the Supports.


And like I said, that is a huge reason why she’s being played so much. She does the bare minimum, easier. With that being said, in this meta where nothing dies unless it’s ult combo’d, res is kind of useless. Much like pro teams are scrimming with Ana as off healer right now because Zen’s ult is useless, it’s just being burst through.

Of course she does, even in triple tank her winrate was worse than mercy’s because only what, the top 15% of the playerbase has the mechanical skill to play her effectively. Check overbuff right now. in diamond and above, she’s got positive win rates, which implies the people who do have that mechanical skill to play her effectively are doing just fine with her this meta.

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Ana’s utility is great but it’s harder to pull off than pressing right click to give a sniper an easier kill, rezzing a fallen teammate, pressing q to become the most versatile hero in the game and pocketing some damage-dealers. Between a character who can do everything easily and one who can do some things more effectively, there’s no contest.


This exaggeration is so gross and extremified that I can’t believe you are legitimately using it as the backbone of your argument.

Zen’s ult completely nullifies Grav-Strike, and, on the PTR at least, DragonStrike can no longer be damage boosted.

This is flawed logic. Most people who can’t player will chose not to because of that fact. Widowmaker has a higher win rate, and her skill gap is similar to Ana’s.


Helps, but you should have a Sym in your team. Ana needs something else…

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This community needs to be careful with Ana. Understand her role, and do not put her in a generalized version of balance with other healers just because she is in that category, because for other roles they have easy options. If you use this for your approach to Ana, your most likely to dull her down and ruin her. Understand she is an important playstyle of a no mobility sniper adding unique gameplay.

The problem with mobility is that it becomes a huge advantage for a sniper with damage as you are freely giving them hard angles to reach. She also has strong utility that can be problematic with strong mobility. Only in a small form of mobility that DOES NOT work as a disengage or an escape, but ways to improve on her sniper distance playstyle getting highhground. If you want a mobility option I would recommend a vertical high-cooldown slow climb, like a rope to a ceiling she has to climb. Along with a vertical LIMITED option I would also agree to fixing her damage against armor, and giving her 80 dmg back as it helps her hold her distanced ground solo as a sniper should be able to make use of, their range being their strong suit. No one in this game, but Ana has the hardest time dealing with 1v1s like Tracer, worst when enemy heals / regen / armor gets involved. No one.

Otherwise your stepping on ground between balance issue of Widow / Ana, and you are ruining Ana’s playstyle.

1 of the unique things about Ana is the idea of no mobility on a sniper, DONT RUIN THAT. CAREFUL.

This is my most updated vers. of Ana feedback that goes in-depth about my thoughts on her since you share the same interests in a care for Ana.
Address Ana --- [FEEDBACK]


I wouldn’t mind a bit of mobility tbh.

However, i’d vastly prefer some sort of self-sustain buffs because i’m sick and tired of constantly chugging a jar of pee at my feet.


What if Ana were to recover a bit of the damage/healing done per shot as HP? For example, if Ana heals a teammate and hurts an enemy, she would recover 25 HP, or something.


25 HP in total, of course.

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It’s only extremified if you take it literally. The point i was making was things die a lot less this meta. Too much armor and too much healing.

Zen’s ult does not stop grav+dragon, it is being burst through with damage boost and rein swinging into it.

This isn’t current patch, and hasn’t been confirmed to hit live yet.

I don’t see your point here, or how that’s flawed in the slightest. That’s almost exactly how it was during triple tank too. That’s how it’s always been.

Even in triple tank, Mercy was still played a good amount of the time because a good amount of the player base couldn’t use Ana effectively


I totally agree on the mobility thing. The more comments I read the more I think she just needs the tiniest of vertical movements. Like a ledge-hoist. Just tiny!

There’s really no reason to avoid ruining “no mobility sniper”. Sure it’s cool! I love the concept, too! But the gameplay shouldnt be balanced based on what’s cool.

I think the only reason I’m not worried about the lack of self heal thing is because I like the decision-making. I think it keeps her from being overpowered. It’s either “survive or save your teammate”. All healers have to make that decision in some way, this is Ana’s way of making it. Otherwise she could just spam nade into battles. Plus if your a good Ana you’ll never have to use it on yourself until you get flanked.

Its not just that its “cool” its more so that its variety. Like Ana is the only healer to aim, that adds variety… but people dont care? “just let her heal through shields, let her have low cooldowns on utility” (etc). give her easy options like other healers have?.. thats the problem with balance / ruining a playstyle / core-identity. As everything needing mobility to be at advantage is so stupid.

We never see a sniper in this game not have mobility. A playstyle like Ana’s is important to preserve and keep safe with caution.

Too many players are so into balance over their head, they forget about skill / core-identity of Ana recommending ideas that could hurt her playstyle. I am sure they mean well, but are just unaware, and more concerned with balance than proper care for her.

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Yes it does. Well, aside from the 6dmg per second for the 4 seconds from the Grav itself.

Don’t remember Hanzo or Zarya getting a dmg boost or Rein ability. You cannot expect a single support ult to keep you completely safe regardless of what abilities the enemies are using.

This is irrelevant. Requiring good mechanical skill is not a steadfast reason for a low win rate. Sure, it contributes, but other heroes have a higher winrate despite require a similar, or arguably greater, amount of mechanical skill.

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Okay yeah, I could see that. Do you think a ledge-hoist would ruin that too much? I’m think about Anubis, on that building right over Point A. It would let her reach that, but no other places she couldn’t reach before on that map. That’s barely affecting her playstyle, you know?

Yeah, I would want to see it in action 1st, but just not a disengage or extreme mobility like Widowmaker. She shouldn’t be flanking the enemy to drop utility on them that is powerful, or being able to get to angles where she can give her huge advantages on her damage.

It should be strictly to improve on her sniper distanced playstyle. Meaning you shouldn’t be playing Ana like a healbot Mercy 2 feet from tanks. She should be playing at a distance. That is a concern to fix.

Not mobility to be viable / ruin her playstyle.

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Can Ana take the Moira slot in deathball? She did used to be the tank meta main healer.

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