Ana isn’t OP, the entire Support Class has been powercreeped

It’s not “again”. Her initial design is messed up due to how much they gave her on release. At the highest levels she has the heals of a main healer and the utility of an off healer. To this day I have to wonder why they gave a healer the ability to give an anti-heal debuff.

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Yes, but that isn’t factoring in the D.Va rework which helped Ana and hurt Zenyatta.

That isn’t true at all, the best DPS heroes last patch were nerfed and the best DPS heroes this patch are arguably DF, Sombra, Tracer and Genji, and considering Tracer and Genji used to be much better, I don’t think it’s fair to say the DPS class has been powercreeped at all.

It would have been reasonable if their response to 8s grapple was to buff Genji, but they made the correct decision and nerfed grapple to 10s.

rip! but they always boost one support pass the others. they could all have the same healing mech and heal at the same rates and if only 1 had a far better utility then the others then they will most likely pick that 1 support over others. thats why rework mercy was soo op her utility pretty much dwarfed the other(res and mobility) supports. now that ana has more utility with her ult and mercy’s was nerfed into the ground make her utility less and less viable. she still playable yes but why would you ever pick a support with less utility? Ana is way better right now. well thats the problem Moira vs Ana well Moira only does 2 things damage and heals but Ana has Anti-heal which stop half of what Moira does. Moira does lack utility at most she provides aoe healing. every other support gives either damage or speed or a sleep/anti-heal! I love all the supports and just want them to be balanced is all and fun!

junkrat: projectile size increased by 33%

People tend to overlook things like aesthetics when looking at pickrates, as if every hero was equally appealing or all visual styles attract equal amount of players. Heroes like D.Va, Genji, Mercy and McCree will always be over-picked regardless of their power level. Meanwhile Zen, Orisa, Roadhog and Torb will always be under-picked.

Note: only relevant to public games and not pro matches.


Happened shortly after the 70 damage patch, which was well after the dva rework.

Edit: from another AMA literally today:

Right after these 4 are the snipers, which are still stronger overall from previous buffs, and their nerfs brought them in line with how the supports are currently balanced(i.e. powercreep); it’s the same for DF and Sombra. That’s 4/6 of the reasonably meta characters. Against the occasional Brigless comps that look a lot like early S4, you’d expect the straight buffs to McCree, 76, and Mei to make them marginally competitive, but we’re not seeing that due to those 4 DPS powercreeping to match the supports.

The biggest change feels more like “hero inertia.” Once a high-skill hero becomes “meta,” it becomes a lot harder to become unmeta. I’d argue that current widow isn’t a ton stronger than 12sec widow (ie. not enough to justify the statistical increase). However, once heroes like Genji, Tracer, Hanzo, Doomfist and Widow become meta, they now have a playerbase who have the skills necessary to use their high skill cap to their advantage… so they don’t shrink back to their lows before.

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Compared to the old Widow, new version has 2 sec faster Grapple, wall-hack on mine, 2 her best counters nerfed (D.Va and Genji), Mercy changed into ultimate pocket and Brigitte hard-countering whole dive comp.

New Widow is a lot stronger relative to the roster compared to the old Widow.

As a support main, the game feels fun and balanced among the supports for the first time in over a year.

What about Junkrat? He isnt that good in high tiers.
Also buffing him would help lower tiers because he counters Brigitte.
However I do see people asking for a Junk nerf again which is a never-ending cycle.

Gold is the median. Platinum is the high descending curve already.

80% of the playerbase is silver to plat. Bronze is really bad, Diamond is really good.

We had no official numbers since the one I linked above (and you put in your post). Third party sites always have skewed data because they require voluntaries donating their data to the data pool.

If you are using third party data, you should compare the evolution of the numbers with their own data from the past. It’s still not a precise data (especially compared to Blizzard’s data), but you are comparing apples to apples.

Zen is still the same as ever, you know. Not “entire” i think.

Ok, if widowmaker’s pickrate increased something like 50, 60, 70, 80%, that would make sense. But her pickrate increased almost 200%*.

2 seconds of faster grapple is a good buff, but not amazing. It gives the divers 2 extra seconds to dive on widow. Regardless of the cooldown length, if you dive widowmaker /w her cooldowns, she will escape… and won’t have another grapple for the duration of the fight. It does somewhat limit her trick-shots though. The wall-hack on mine is situationally useful, but not very impactful in the grand scheme of things.

Also, D.Va didn’t even have micro missles back then, so she was arguably a worse counter for her. Not to mention that the D.Va and Genji nerfs weren’t all that significant in terms of power (esp. in the diver vs. widow matchup).

The Mercy nerfs did affect widowmaker significantly against a dive, but can still keep widow alive against a single flanker. In addition, Mercy’s rez remains unchanged, which still synergizes extremely well with widow.

And no, Brigitte does not hard-counter the dive comp. Dive vs Deathball vs Bunker almost entirely depends on the map + preference now. You run dive on maps like Gibraltar and run deathball on maps like Control center.

I would argue that Roadhog has always been very overpicked, even when he was good. And I say this as a Roadhog main of sorts.

Why? Because he’s the go-to tank for people forced into the role that don’t actually want to tank.

Fair point. Same as D.Va for me or Zarya for many hitscan players. However imagine what Roadhog’s pickrate would be if his aesthetics were similar to D.Va (say, D.Mon) instead morbidly obese shaved chest-less oaf.

Yes their is healer powercreep.
Right now except moira all healers needs nerfs.
I mean Goats don’t run dps (even hanzo is not that played) because healing right now is out of control.

And I see people saying dps powercreep ?
Nah only for Hanzo the two other Doomfist and Widow are good because healers powercreep gut nearly all of their counters

It’s 300 burst heal, and technically 10 less damage compared to the days you are thinking of (she used to have 80, then 60, remember?).
I agree with your point still

What I’d actually like though, is a new form of antiheal. It doesn’t have to be 100%, like bionade.

I pretty much agree wirh you but this is something no one can claim.

Once Mercy was nerfed to 50HPS it’s highly possible Ana and Lucio would’ve become more popular even without the buffs to their ultimates.

When you quote pro statistics you’re essentially saying you know of a couple of people who can play a bit of Mercy and do okay. Even Bastion has one or two players in GM who main him and do okay.

While pro tournament statistics can be useful, I suggest you don’t base your evaluation entirely on a small and highly selective sample that is hardly applicable to player base.


This is a burst damage and burst heal meta. Heroes like Soldier, Genji won’t stand a chance against the amount of healing that is currently standard. Nano usage went from “let’s nano blade” to “my rein is low”. This added to Brigitte’s armor pack results in 6 men needed to shutdown one player, be it a Doomfist or a Sombra they are even harder to kill.

I think the amount of burst healing should be tuned down, 300 hp is overkill for a squishy hero and for a tank it’s just enough for them to win the fight. Similarly Brigitte can save any squishy every 6 seconds.

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I’m just pissed off because Lucio can’t heal as much as he used to. I couldn’t care less about the speed boost, that should have been nerfed again after cutting its range and speed boost cap. Make Lucio a real healer again