Ana isn’t OP, the entire Support Class has been powercreeped

There was a point where he had over 100% pick rate, but that was long ago~

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yes, once mercy got reworked

he was the s-tier hero for every single tournament beforehand and his gm pickrate was always at the top


Honestly that might have something to do with the mobility creep. Lucio was 100% needed for speed boost.

Have they actually? I’ve gone from top 2% to 4% on overbuff but that data is skewed cause of private profiles. Where is this image from?

First one is from Jeff.

Second one is from a review of all profiles including private ones, because even private ones show the rank.

Healing and armor stacking is so broken right now. People whine about burst damage and being 1-shot, then turn and ask for mercy buffs and to leave brig alone.

Maybe if heroes didn’t constantly have armor and two healing effects applied to them during fights other chip damage heroes would be more viable.

But noooo “DPS get all the love” and “DPS rule this game”. ECT. So beat.


High Plat and low Diamond are somewhat of a glut for support players who will absolutely die on a hill to play Ana in every situation, even and perhaps especially when their mechanics and positioning don’t justify it.

I highly doubt that image’s validity considering from S2 to Jeff’s last post GM actually grew from <1% to 1%.

The only reason Mercy was picked in GM was because the SR system boosted Mercy mains to that rank. Regular GM players did not want Mercy players on their team, and it was only Mercy Mains playing Mercy, not regular Lucio players (who switch to Mercy post rework).

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Dumbest post I’ve seen today. Big yikes.

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The basis is right, the rest of it is laughable. Ana is better than the other options for her role but that’s only because of the powercreep her and the other supports went through as a result of the ridiculous power of the Mercy rework.

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The S5 dive meta was a low point for supports; it’s hardly a good metric for balance when spending the entire game in the enemy backline and hoping that your supports lived a second longer than theirs was infinitely superior to actually peeling for them.

I’ve asked about this in a Ryujehong AMA, and the response I got was that it wouldn’t be enough unless discord got nerfed. As someone who mains both I’d agree.

You’re not wrong, but elements of the DPS class have already been buffed to compensate such that it makes more sense to buff the rest as well as the tanks.

It was way back when you could have multiples of the same characters on a single team. Mercy wasn’t that great and Zen still had some issues with his right click. Can’t beat double AoE healing with speed boost.

Rein became viable again, once Brigitte was added and even more so with the reworked Hanzo. The very threat of having a Brigitte was enough to break the Dive-only meta.

Rein meta should mean Ana.

Mercy still needed a few round of nerfs (and apparently Zarya, ffs) before Ana was on par; simply because damage boost + Grav + Dragon was just so good.

Dive no longer in every high elo game? Ana becomes viable again.

I agree.
When they added the 4 extra shots and the 300 burst heal I was thinking she didn’t need to compete, she needed to drag mercy to her level.

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So ana is too powerful (aka op) because of support powercreep, what is this logic

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I disagree entirely.

Mercy was not OP, other supports were underpowered.

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How can other supports be underpowered when mercy is the only one that’s good

I think it’s the 1 hero that makes the difference

on top of the mercy rework lucio and ana where good but after the nerfs they did to him the meta shift push him out of the lime light he was great when i started then the aura nerfs happen and he was no where to be found. funny they buff him and Ana and nerfed mercy primary job and the meta shift and now they are good again. funny how they slightly change a pass nerf on Lucio back a little and he becomes good! Destroying characters to make other supports playable shouldn’t be a thing tho Lucio,Ann or Mercy wise. all characters should be fun and balanced. but this type of balance makes it so only 2 can live. its a pattern thats keep happening Ana gets nerf Lucio becomes good. lucio gets nerfs and mercy rework mercy is good then mercy nerfs and Ana becomes good its the same thing over and over why not just balance it? if this is the case Ana might end up with nerfs at the end of this. all supports have been great at healing its just the utility for some of this is always wildly out of control or gutted by nerfs!

It reaches a point where it’s just too much. It gives the idea Blizzard made a pointless nerf to Mercy just to push the other supports, but the net result now is that there are only two true main healers: Ana and Moira. And everything Moira does, Ana does better.

The result could be seen in the Korea Cup that just took place: Ana was pretty much a must-pick, teams ran her everywhere all the time. Secondary slot could go to other supports (even Mercy), but Ana was mandatory. Without her, teams just lost.

Not even GOATS saves Moira - any GOATS match that had Moira as main healer lost to the one that had Ana as the main healer.

Basically, the devs screwed up hard. AGAIN.