Before the Mercy rework, Lucio maintained a near 100% pickrate in pro play, and he was the top hero in the game even after his rework.
When the Mercy rework hit, Lucio instantly dropped into obscurity, overshadowed by Mercy’s ridiculous Resurrect output and her new found utility and survivability.
Now, Lucio was the most picked support in the OWWC Burbank Stage, and he is the second-most picked Support in GM after Ana. What changed?
In addition to the many Mercy nerfs, Lucio had his Boop ammo requirement removed, his wallriding abilities streamlined, his ultimate shields buffed by 50% and his Aura’s AoE increased by 44%.
Lucio was not the only hero to experience significant powercreep. Ana fell off during the pre-Mercy Dive meta as a direct result of D.Va being able to consistently eat Biotic Grenade and Sleep Dart, making Zenyatta the better option.
Ana did not need a 600hp burst heal, 4 extra shots, shooting through teammates and 10 more damage per shot. With D.Va getting her DM duration cut, she can no longer make Ana completely useless, and thus Ana would have been more viable had she not been changed at all. Even the first buff back to 70dmg would have been enough to bring her back into competition with Zenyatta.
The issue was never Ana and Lúcio being terrible, the issue Mercy being disgustingly OP. In Blizzard’s effort to bring Lúcio and Ana back into the limelight, they brought what was already arguably the strongest class another leg up.
So, what is the solution? Nerf Mercy, Ana and Lucio more? Probably not the best idea. Instead, Mercy should probably receive some sort of rework and the recent buffs to Ana and Lúcio should probably be reverted.
The balance of the individual supports themselves isn’t the issue, the issue is that the entire class has been buffed.