Unless they plan on nerfing all the other heroes down, buffing weaker heroes up to the level of whatever “normal” is, is appropriate.
A global mobility nerf is what I always advocate, yes. I believe this could be the root of solving many problems we have now.
After the mobility nerf across all heroes, we can fine tune others who were adjusted according to the mobility of other heroes.
Truly, the honeymoon phase is over(watch).
I can’t remember the last time Jeff posted on the forums and didn’t get a mass of fawning fans spamming “bless papa Jeff” and other nonsense.
Patience, it would seem, is running dangerously low on both sides, devs and fans.
Ana has hitscan when she scopes, she is also easy to kill if she sits scoped in.
Her unscoped shots needs HITSCAN aim to hit, no forgiving hitbox for her projectile damage unlike other projectile’s. She can’t headshot.
Mercy can do up to 200dps and Zen 240dps if they headshot.
You outright said: She has the highest dps, which she doesn’t, and then you got mad. GG EZ
That’s true. I think you got us covered as well. Symmetra’s new teleporter is a solution to teammates who want a bit of mobility.
Your team did give many recent thoughtful buffs to Ana as well. Thank you for that. I think no matter how many incredible changes are applied, some players would snub it until their favorite character meets “X percentage” pick rate which may or may not be reasonable. I like your game philosophy triangle of balance, where the game isn’t just about comps but also nurtures niche communities.
In short I think some player still want another round of buffs on Ana…I just feel bad other characters worse off like Bastion or Torb, who are still waiting their turn.
well yeah, they’re made up
Because this scenario happens often.
Yes, he has 2.5x my health as well as some armour. He has a constant 60dps beam and a bubble to duck in and out of that blocks shots. You expect Ana to win? Or do you expect her team to drop everything that they’re doing to come save her? Because the latter is the reason why people pick Mercy or Moira over Ana - because they can easily escape and you don’t have to babysit them nearly as much.
You are trying to refer to a scenario where the fight is in your favour? My argument is that the fight is clearly not in Ana’s favour. I’m not saying Ana should be able to beat a Winston, but she should be able to escape like every other main healer.
Yes because Sleep does so much against a winston and dva. Peeling is one thing, and babysitting is another. You need to treat Ana like she is a helpless child.
I’m going to quote myself.
Please make sure to read my post fully.
He can press LSHIFT for a speed boost. If he happens to have amp up, he has a guaranteed escape.
So why is everyone struggling to protect themselves as Ana, even in GM? Is everyone playing her wrong?
This sounds like you’re saying “git gud” to the community. nice job.
Jeff, Ana is supposed to be a sniper, what makes her unique and distinguishes her mechanically is the ability to perform ranged healing. But the truth of the matter is that she’s almost always running with her teammates in the ground-level backline shooting her rifle from the hip, both for the added protection of numbers (as she’s so vulnerable alone and it takes too long for her to position to/from high grounds) and to use her sleep dart offensively instead of as a disengage tool. And in those instances she’s running in the middle of the battle and does need dart to disengage, it’s often unavailable because she already used it and it’s on the long CD, or she’s outnumbered and it won’t help anyways. 9/10 times whoever she sleeps gets accidentally woken up anyways. The thing is, it makes sense as a disengage tool if she’s at range away from her team and being flanked, but she’s usually never used in that context to begin with.
Ana is a support sniper, but unlike any other sniper she has difficulty reaching high ground for the best LOS to survey fights at range. Some people have suggested giving her a “Perch” ability that let’s her attach to or create a destructible platform on walls, it’s an idea that not only lore-wise fits her “Shrike” and “Snow Owl” bird aesthetic but also complements, encourages and rewards her character-defining ranged support mechanic.
What’s funny about this is I was literally preparing a similar post to this I was trying to put some ideas for mobility options for Ana together
It’s mostly because he’s acting uncaring about an obviously underpowered hero, meanwhile also heavily nerfing the only other hero that’s an alternative to Mercy.
We’d all rather not go back to the dark days of “Switch off Ana/Moira to Mercy or I throw”.
Symmetra’s teleporter isn’t going to do jack #@$ for Ana.
It’s a worthless bandaid fix. You don’t want to synergize with a weak character anyway. Like, seriously. Why would you ever want to teleport Ana over Winston or Genji even? When a teleporter could save Winson and Genji’s cooldowns?
Why would you want to teleport Ana, when you can teleport Zarya and Rein with their ults up? Ana would only be dragging the team down.
To give you a fitting example…
Look at Bastion. Yes, he works with a Rein or Orisa.
But is he viable?
If it slows enemies down by 30 and increases the speed of your teammates by 30 than that is a 60 speed buff. if the base is 1 that means enemies will move 0.7 as fast and ana and her teammates will move 1.3 as fast. 0.7 x 2 = 1.4. double.
If you really think about it, those dark days never left.
Oh are we talking about fantasy scenarios that imply the enemy is still and just spamming emotes? Ok, then you are right mate, Zen and Mercy have the highest DPS
If by mad you mean laughing at the fake scenario where a Mercy pulls out a pistol and kills an ulting Genji double jumping and slashing yeah, i still am
I agree that Ana needs some buffs, but the last thing we should be buffing is her Biotic Grenade. It’s already insane with what it does while being on a 10 second cooldown.
maybe they can give her different kinds of grenades that she can toggle through.
Huh, guess you are right.
Could shrink those numbers a bit then.
Say 20%\20%
0.8 vs 1.2, I.e. 50% relative speed buff
Please settle down. Symmetra’s new teleporter is a solution to teammates who want a bit of mobility. If you think it’s bad you don’t have to use it, you can switch out to other characters who have independent mobility skills.
You took the most innocuous comment and really ran with it. So Symmetra’s new teleporter doesn’t give a bit of mobility? On a scale 1-10 (1 being the nothing, 10 being a lot) How much does Symmetra’s new teleporter impact other players mobility and gameplay?
You don’t think Symmetra’s new teleporter can help Ana or any other players just a tiny “bit?” You can check play of game videos people posted on reddit of Symmetra’s new teleporter in action if you like.
Then unless it’s some sort of passive, or making sleep dart on easy mode, there aren’t enough buttons to give Ana a better self-peel option.
It pretty much has to be grenade or nothing.
Oh i did but the problem here is not my reading, its your misunderstanding. If you dont consider the shoot+grenade+shoot burst damage combo from Ana HIGH damage , then yeah your statement makes sense. The problem is, it is high damage so yeah, Zen and Ana are the Healers that do enough damage to defend themselves and theres nothing you can say to prove otherwise.
Oh you mean that 12 second skill like … the Ana’ sleep? sure. If you sleep your target, you can escape 100%. If you jump like a maniac and the enemy happens to have decent aim, you are toast anyway. Not guaranteed. Not.At.All.
Struggling? No one is struggling mate. Its the meta. There are Shields and Bubbles everywhere and Hanzo ( who happens to destroy Anas because he is a semi sniper ) is super strong so yeah, you dont see much Anas there. Its not her, its the meta. Dont be mistaken.
This sounds like you are putting words in my mouth again, just to pump your own scenarios but no. What im saying is that she has to have DOWNSIDES, weaknesses. If you add mobility to that character, she has none.
“Oh but she cant still regen or heal herself” : Well she can nade herself and if she has mobility she can peel and help herself to her fellow healer or to the safety of a HP location. So yeah, no weaknesses.
PS: IF you add mobility to Ana she would be the first Hero to have that much skills (and she is the ONLY hero with the Anti-heal mechanic).
I agree! Her nade is in a good spot, buff it and it becomes op again.
Tho, I think her sleep needs an increased projectile speed and either slightly lower cd, fires instantly or slightly slowing the cd’s of the slept target(I don’t think it should fully stop them). But at the very least a faster projectile speed would be nice.
The rest of her I feel is in a good spot, its just some parts of her thats a bit unreliable.