Ana is the only sniper that can't run away

There are certain combinations of buttons that can be used for mobility options. For example: Jump x2 -> Double Jump, Jump+Foreward against a wall -> Wall-Climb.

It doesn’t even necessarily need to be mobility either. It could be buffs to her rifle or Sleep Dart, as proposed above this post.

That’s fair I guess, but I really don’t see Ana as the type of character to be pulling off acrobatics.

Where as making Ana better at dealing status effects is her signature style.

Well, she has a highlight intro of her doing just that…


I play Ana quite a lot and I have no trouble with her. Yes she’s low in mobility, but just like McCree you are supposed to position yourself in a way that gives the enemy team the least amount of angles to attack from. It is always good to sit far in the back, or close to your tanks. Walls or obstacles that force flankers to adjust to your position are also highly recommended. And as Jeff already explained you also have the Sleep Dart to protect yourself. Yes, you can miss it, but in that case you have made a mistake and usually get punished.
Let’s also not forget about your dmg, it has been buffed to 70 per shot on an enemy which means 3 hits will kill 200 HP heroes.

For heroes like Brigitte and Moira you have the nade to negate their self healing.

In general good hits on the enemy team with the nade are always great. Especially on Hog when he’s about to vape.

As Ana you have to manage healing, dealing damage, sleep dart and position yourself smartly. That doesn’t make her bad. Every sleep dart negating an ult is pure win for your team. Every shot on an low HP enemy is good, and if you are away far enough you easily can keep Pharah or even Pharmercy at bay (if not even kill her).

It takes time to learn her style, that’s all. She’s fun and brings big value to the team.

EDIT: The only thing that I kinda miss with Ana is seeing a potg from time to time.


To be fair though, she’s also the only sniper that has cc.

“Was intended”
So you already acknowledge that Ana has no reliable tool for disengage?

Sleepdart is slow, the animation and travel time (and sleepdart is never in the favor of the attacker)
Her critical HP is around 160. If she drops to 160 she needs healing otherwise she is free kill (even with self heal from nade).
Genji combo +160 damage


It’s too unreliable as a disengage tool. When paired with the fact that her sustain is tied to the most powerful aspect of her kit (her Grenade), she becomes a heavy burden for the other support to keep alive.

Give her some sort of way to get to highground, not necessarily a disengage tool. Prerework Hanzo had solely the ability to wallclimb and no Leap.

If none of these are met, another aspect of her kit, preferably her ultimate, needs to be addressed. It’s downright bad compared to every support ultimate when speed boost was removed as Mercy’s damage boost is often more than enough to do Nano’s job and it’s a base ability with no cooldown!

Are you thinking of addressing support diversity in PTR? The game has been Mercy + Zen meta ever since her rework, and all the other supports suffer hard from it.


Huh just watched it, it’s a bit of a falling-roll after a jump.

Still though, I don’t quite understand the idea of “Ana’s already too effective”, when we both know her pickrate is 3x less than Mercy.

And the Devs aren’t going to give her more healing or more damage.

So that leaves viability in utility, like additional status effects, on the “status effects hero”.

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That’s such a malformed question. That isn’t how it works. You expect the Symmetra to use her teleporter on you, when there are much stronger options to use it for?

How about this…
You pick Mercy, and your Symmetra doesn’t have to babysit you.
Symmetra can fully utilize her teleporter for the rest of her team, who benefit a lot more from it than Ana does.

Similarly, Bastion isn’t viable despite Rein and Orisa existing.
Why? Because he needs a babysitter to work. Instead of babysitting, the Rein could hold a formation with the rest of his team so they can fully utilize his shield without the limitations of a Bastion.


Well not every hero is able to run from everyone

Every hero has a form of self sustain which is usually better than Anas

Moira and Mercy can though, and unless the devs plan on giving Ana some ungodly powerful heals or damage, Ana should be on-par with the characters she is competing with.

Ana should be equally as viable an option as Mercy.

That’s a good buff. Increase the projectile speed on her sleep dart. Ana really doesn’t need much else. The ability to heal through teammates and an increase ammo capacity were huge changes for the better already.

Ana has the universal “high skill” hero problem. They balance her for the top skill players and thus she becomes almost useless for everyone else. That’s just the consequence of having too many high-skill abilities, essentially, it raises the skill floor of the hero impossibly high such that only top masters can even start to see consistent positive results. It’s why they can’t / won’t buff Ana too much. Buff a high skill hero so that non-pros can do well with her and the pros will utterly dominate with her. When you ask for high-skill heroes, you’re basically asking for a crap hero that 99% of players can’t use effectively.

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Not even the pro’s can make her work.


Right now, yeah. But there was a meta designed solely around her.

Which was a tank meta, before all the nerfs and changes around Ana’s synergies.
And guess what? lol
We’re in a tank meta again and Ana isn’t even used 25% as much as Mercy or Zen.

We need to stop limiting Ana due to a meta she caused all the way in S2 and S3. We’re in the end of S10 and she has no been meta for so long.


And then they nerfed her healing, her grenade, her damage, and her ultimate. Hard nerfs on each one.

And suddenly all her weaknesses don’t balance out with those missing strengths.


Okay that dodges the questions completely. I’ll try to be more clearer.

I don’t see how your response proves or disprove whether or not Symmetra teleporter offers a bit of mobility to characters. It seems you are talking about off topic , carrying through babysitting.

There’s proof the Symmetra teleporter works on the ptr, as well as play of the game on reddit…I’m not seeing your point?

I simply asked on a scale 1-10. (1 being bad, 10 being good) How useful do think Symmetra teleporter would be to other characters who want a bit of mobility?