Ana is the only sniper that can't run away

This is a great idea!

Something people keep forgetting.

I would put sleep dart on a 10 sec CD and reduce it’s duration to 3.5 from 5.5. The full duration is rarely needed outside of stalling our transformation ults, and it’s arguably better to outright kill them anyway.

Then I would change the way her primary delivers healing. I would make about 60 of it be instant(not over ~0.9 seconds like it is now) and give her the same additional 50HPS (over 3 seconds) overheal that Moira has. The goal here is to compensate for how much harder and less reliable she is at healing smaller targets(1 dart will now heal a squishy for up to 110 HPS over time) while reducing the impact of her niche/pigeonhole in spam healing tanks(tanks don’t benefit as much from heals over time since they are big targets with large healthpools).

Just to name a few changes that stay true to her current design and would still help bring up her viability, imo.

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Well, it doesn’t do its job very well anymore…


Well presumably she’d be close enough to her team to just run back to them so that they can help with the Winston. I think sleep dart as an ability is just meant to buy time. “Winston’s sleeping!” is kind of keyword for “Help me kill monkey”/“Monkey’s on me”

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Maybe buff sleep dart by speeding up the travel time? This is a skill shot and I’d like it to stay that way but I think it hitting enemies instantly will help a ton more.

so then you have a disengage on a 12 seconds cooldown
that can instantly be reversed
and has a wonky animation that makes it very hard to aim and direct
and lets just say
lets just say
that the sleep actually works as intended
then you have to deal with 5 other enemies.
really helpful disengage huh
but yeah, its totally fine that other healers have fade, shield bash, guardian angel, just general high mobility, and discord orb?
hmmm not really catching on Jeff


She shouldn’t be able to run from everyone though. Would you give her 6 sleep darts?

Do you understand how made up scenarios work? Because yeah, you are using a scenario where the WORST possible case happens : A 500hp hero with high mobility jumps you. How about … you see a Pharah hitting you (with no mercy) and your S76 ? Oh yeah, we dont talk about that scenario where you can snipe out pharah from the sky and Moira/Brig/Mercy/Lucio/Zen cant.

See ? i can bring things to the table too. Yeah, if you get DIVED it is a HARD scenario for almost anyone, Ana is no different but Ana has sleep and just like all Dive scenarios, someone has to be there to peel for you. You are not supposed to escape a Dive by yourself because … almost no one does.

Welcome to Zen’s life and yes, attacking is a Defense too.

Wait what?
What quick escape? Zen has a quick escape? A body blocked mercy has a escape? Brig has a escape? Lucio jumping like a maniac and not healing anyone and expecting bad aim from the enemy has a reliable escape? Nah.

Ana does 70 damage per shot, the HIGHEST DPS of the healers, has a sleep and a 60 damage ANTI HEAL nade with a very forgiving hitbox. Get used to defend yourself and then switch to Zen, and tell me how hard Ana’s life is. Please do.

No, I would give her this:

She already synergizes well with Lucio, and this would make it even better.

It would also fit well with her character design, because it’s all about status effects.

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Ana is probably the last and only high skill low(er) reward character left.

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Patch Notes, June 8th, 2018.


New ultimate: Go to Sleep.
Using her soothing grandmother skills, Ana instantly puts all enemies within 20 meters of her to sleep.


Then why not make her have 2-3 sleep darts like Junk?

Lmao! Highest dps? She does about… 80 dps or so, Zen does 120, Mercy does 100. Her dps is fine, but dont ever say she has the highest x)


So it basically more than doubles your teammate’s speed. That’s too much and slightly op. They’d have to take away the anti-heal properties from it to balance it. And I think anti-heal is way more useful than speed.

Including her teammates, nap time for everyone, no risks of anyone waking up someone.


Congratulations, you are instantly out of the conversation.
Are you comparing a PROJECTILE weapon DPS with a Sniper HITSCAN damage?
Zen 120 DPS ? with what mate? Denying his team mates with orb and using a PROJECTILE weapon to smash heads? Yeah, super easy. Just like hitting people with a HITSCAN weapon.


Clearly you didn’t read it right if that’s your summary.

It only buffs speed by 30%, which is the same as Lucio’s basic speed buff.

If anything , the game needs less mobility, not more.

Widow and Hanzo already has too much mobility. Her hook buff should be reverted, his lunge cooldown should be increased.

We shouldn’t cover too much a character’s weakness or else they would virtually become no weakness.

Stop powercreeping.

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It’s also the absolute hardest Stun in the game to land, and is the only one that goes away when the enemy that is stunned takes the smallest amount of damage. They wake up if you cough in their general direction.