Ana is considered more of a healer rather than a sniper. I agree that she has a lack of mobility, but she’s not designed to punish or dodge attackers for trying to dive, but rater to keep them at bay long enough for a teammate to help. She was given a sniper rifle to heal allies farther than anyone else, not to pick off enemies. Snipers that are perched are often too far away or out of sightline to help immediately because Jeff knew that they would not stay with the team. Ana is not a sniper in that sense because if she wants to be effective she needs to be at least within a good sightline to heal, therefore making it possible for teammates to help as well, kinda like mercy and her guardian dash (whatever the name is). So yes, she does have to play with the team, but damage snipers do not.
I suppose that’s correct, but that’s not the point of this thread is it?
I like it but I dont see how it would make sense you know? Like is he injecting herself after shooting someone? Is there a little residue juice left behind when she shoots out darts that she licks up? (That was a little weird I know but I’m just trying to make sense of it).
Not if you play in the backlines, like a sniper. As intended.
Even when you play with your team, there’s no guarantee that your dva or soldier won’t tickle him and wake him up instantly.
I deserve to die because i land an incredibly hard sleep but my team don’t want to protect me? fair enough.
My bad. I should have shot him ~6 times in the ~3 seconds it takes him to kill me.
A lot of things in this game don’t make immediate sense.
How does Reaper’s lifesteal work, for instance?
A Sleep Dart that is very hard to use, can only sleep 1 target, and can be broken by your own team vs mobility. I would trade all her abilities for some mobility.
Idk, man. They could make it work somehow lore wise. When you have a monk who flings balls of light, a guy who can turn into a smoke monster, and a ninja who can dash 20 feet in less than a second, i just learn to stop questioning the science.
I am looking forward to the stand up comedy act.
The strange part about Ana is that she’s suppose to be the watcher that watches over you from afar, and through lore she’s been the one that’s look out for the team from a distance, thus being a sniper.
Yet in-game she sort of has to be in the thick of it due to low mobility, no chance to get to a vantage point and no self-sustain ability except a sleep dart that is difficult to land even at a good day. So she has to be up close, like all the other healers.
Ana does need a helping hand and a rework to reinstate her as a sniper healer, that can heal from afar, has the mobility to move around to get to vantage points to do her job. I don’t see this as stepping on Widow’s toes, as has been the previous excuses from the developers not to give her any good mobility. Her damage is low and she can’t headshot, meaning that what ever mobility she does get, doesn’t mean she’s going to replace Widow at all, they’re just 2 different snipers where Ana focus more on sustaining than killing.
Dont fake scenarios please.
You are making up situations just to pump your argument.
Yeah the backlines are not 100km away from the “mid lane” where DPS should be, dont act like everytime you sleep someone or get jumped theres 100% NO ONE to help you, because thats not true and you know it.
If it happens so often, the mistake is on your side : positioning.
If someone awakes the target, then is someone else’s screw up, not your fault but still, someone screwed up and winston did not screw up, elim well deserved.
Yeah no, no healer cant kill a tank, dont act like all of the others can and also dont act like ana doesnt do 70 damage per shot + anti + 60 damage nade. She can VERY well defend herself.
I’m a fan of Jeff, seems like a nice guy but man… if that’s your excuse for giving her no mobility, then you must not play your own game much.
To me, just like how he had soul orbs before, he is literally draining their life fource into himself. I’m sure there are things you can point out that wouldn’t make sense in this game, (I havent found any yet that make sense TO ME - since thats all that matters is that it makes sense to me and it doesnt matter if it doesnt make sense to you - but I’m sure you could). If its a passive there needs to be some sort of explanation if anything for flavour text you know? Like Bastion’s Ironclas or Genji’s Cyber Agility. Neat details like that.
In theory, it’s a great concept, but the execution makes the whole point moot.
The dart itself does not help Ana since anyone can wake up the target. Also, landing the dart itself requires a lot of skill and focus.
The idea behind an “escape” button is that it is almost a reflex, something that is only used as an emergency measure and does not add stress to the situation, on the contrary, it should be used to ease its level. Widow just has to click and go, and Hanzo just double jumps in any direction.
Sleep Dart feels more like a CC ability than a “Disengage” one.
Winston leap is on 6s cd. Ana sleeping dart is on 12. How she’s going to disengage even if winston sleep for full duration - he would already have leap again.
Sleeping dart should stop cooldowns in my eyes
No downsides?
Moira : Cant heal long range, heals are on a resource. When you use fade, you are a punching bag for 6 sec.
Mercy : Cant defend herself and needs ALWAYS an ally to run away. Cant do damage and heal at the same time
Brig : Doesnt heal long range, her AoE heal is weak, her attack range is also minimal.
We are talking about weaknesses, and yeah, some of them can be “covered” by teamwork easy and some of them dont but if you give Ana mobility, she becomes a monster with no downsides because besides not healing through barriers (which some healers cant too) … she has no weaknesses.
And you aren’t? How else am I going to back up my argument if I don’t use examples? Do you understand how this type of thing works?
I never said that 100% of the time there is no one to help me.
My point is that a lot of the time Ana needs to protect herself because she can’t be babysat by her team.
Every other healer has a quick escape or high damage to protect themselves where as Ana relies on a lengthy cooldown that requires high skill to land.
On a different note, I’m not pulling all of this out of my butt. The community generally agrees that Ana has low survivability and could use some QoL buffs.
I kind of really like this. Baiting out a CD and sleeping someone seems like a decent idea for a buff to the dart that doesn’t seem like it would be ‘too much’ without actually testing. I don’t think it would really fix all her issues, but maybe help a little.
She has means of escaping. Stunning attacker for 7 seconds with sleep dart is enough time to run
- But it’s far less reliable than pretty much any other disengage tool
- She is also expected to have it available offensively, to make up for her weaknesses (one of which is not being able to run away)
I mean I appreciate Ana (some of y’all in this thread are forgetting she has 300 effective health, purple+60 damages you if you get close, and can 3-shot many attackers), but I reckon there’s room for tiny buffs still (maybe less cast time on sleep? Reduced nade cooldown if used only on self?). I look forward to synergy with the new Symm, too.
From one enemy.
But what if there’s more than one?