Ana is the only sniper that can't run away

Fix Sombra’s bugs please!



That would be really cool, than she could reposition herself if the enemy is starting to catch on.

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Perhaps one of the things we can do is acknowledge Nano Boost as being a terrible Support ultimate.

  • It’s single-target vs. team-wide.
  • It doesn’t actually give the user any buffs.

There are not many reasons outside of Nanoblade & Nano-Visor you’ll actually choose Nano Boost over other Support ultimates.


Remember when bastion nano was a thing? They had to add a new hard cap on damage resist because it was so unstopable. Its too bad really, the only thing that damage resist cap does is limit Ana’s ultimate.

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Definitely. It’s also one of the reasons why she isn’t played as much. Especially in the recent months with all the damage that’s going on. Even if you pair her with Zen or Lucio who can both protect the entire team with their ultimates, your main healer still suffers from all the drawbacks that other main healers don’t suffer from. Even Moira, even Moira with the newly announced nerf, can still offer some assistance with Coalescence. In both healing everyone at once and doing damage.

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Alright man, you were right and I was wrong.

I apologize for getting mad at you but can you please stop spamming this editing your post and replying to a conversation that ended 20 minutes ago.

I’m over it, whatever hang-ups you have with Ana-Mains is your own personal issue that you have to deal with.

You don’t have to tell me why some people think Ana-Mains are self-centered and greedy just like I don’t have to tell you why people view Mercy-Mains self-centered and whiny or Genji-Mains insufferable and arrogant, or D.Va mains being also being intensely whiny.

They’re stereotypes made from a specific faction of a group that is currently being very vocal.

I personally think that some of the Ana-Mains on the forums are ridiculous myself (though I would more so call them grouchy and bitter rather than arrogant, greedy and self-centered).

This is not what’s happening here.

You keep responding and editing your post to prolong this conversation when I have already apologized (twice now) and moved onto something else.

I’m now kindly asking you to leave me alone.

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Mez =/= stun 20characters

So that’s your reasoning for no effective escape, but what about something vertical, to allow her to set up in a better spot, but not affect her escape potential. Something like the Shimada Wall Climb, but not as powerful.


As an (former?) Ana main… it’s definitely bitter. So, so much bitter. :frowning_face:


I know I’m bitter.

Ana was in a good, balanced state on Console back in Season 3 and then got nerfed because she was OP on PC.

She hasn’t recovered since then and nothing really is being done to acknowledge said fact.


I think it’s fair to say that most of us are. (Most of us who play her anyway)
She has been ‘‘out of the meta’’ for over a year now, and people still dare to say that the meta doesn’t favor her. In a tank meta.
Where Both Mercy, the less mechanically demanding hero and Zen, the dive specialist are picked 5 times as much.

If not even the best players in the world can make Ana work over Zen and Mercy, then what hope do we have? I mean, i’m definitely not going to pick Mercy up.
I loathe her playstyle.

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What’s funny is that both Zenyatta (to a lesser extent than Ana) and Ana counter each other’s ultimates.

Zenyatta can negate Nano Boost’s damage resistance with Discord Orb, making focusing down a boosted target a quick and VERY easy process.

Meanwhile, Ana can negate Transcendence with a single Biotic Grenade.


Yeah…when people say that this isn’t the right meta for Ana, then it sort of makes me go…" Then what meta is?"

I mean, shouldn’t that be a call for concern when a meta that synergizes with her skill set isn’t her meta?


Yep. And it’s odd that they’re not played to counter each other. it would seem logical? Since the game is about counter-picking? But Ana simply lacks so much overall that it’s just not even worth the bother. I know it’s not that simple with the counter-picking, but I would honestly expect Ana to be a counter to both Mercy and Zen. Even Brigitte! But she isn’t because she is in such a bad place that you’ll have more opportunities to win if you simply run mirror comps.

It’s really sad because Ana is by far my favourite healer, next to Zen, but after spending 60 hours on her in the early days after her release, she became frankly unplayable. Unless I’m doing memes in QP and nanoboosting an attack Torb who goes around hammering people.

I had alot of fun with her in the match i just did in QP! Nanoboosting a Mercy in valk is still funny to see :3


I say give her a Ghillie Suit. That’ll at least give her a little more space to operate in than she has.

I agree with this, Ana needs a lounge,
please give us player housing.


The only problem with using it as a disengage is that it has a significantly higher aim requirement than her normal shots — not the tool I’d give a hero to use in a panic situation. It misses more often than not.

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in theory, an ana with a 100% sleep dart accuracy will still be more limited in using it as a disengage tool than just a simple mobility skill, because it’s only single target and can be counteracted by your allies botting out

it’s not realistic to expect ana to be survivable in the back lines by herself with just sleep dart to fall back on, and if that is her design goal she needs something else to be more self-sufficient. otherwise she will only really be viable to played in mid range of her allies

What about Zen ? He’s not a sniper, but still extremely vulnerable with a big hitbox and no escape…