Ana is the only sniper that can't run away

I think it’s fair to say that most of us are. (Most of us who play her anyway)
She has been ‘‘out of the meta’’ for over a year now, and people still dare to say that the meta doesn’t favor her. In a tank meta.
Where Both Mercy, the less mechanically demanding hero and Zen, the dive specialist are picked 5 times as much.

If not even the best players in the world can make Ana work over Zen and Mercy, then what hope do we have? I mean, i’m definitely not going to pick Mercy up.
I loathe her playstyle.

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What’s funny is that both Zenyatta (to a lesser extent than Ana) and Ana counter each other’s ultimates.

Zenyatta can negate Nano Boost’s damage resistance with Discord Orb, making focusing down a boosted target a quick and VERY easy process.

Meanwhile, Ana can negate Transcendence with a single Biotic Grenade.


Yeah…when people say that this isn’t the right meta for Ana, then it sort of makes me go…" Then what meta is?"

I mean, shouldn’t that be a call for concern when a meta that synergizes with her skill set isn’t her meta?


Yep. And it’s odd that they’re not played to counter each other. it would seem logical? Since the game is about counter-picking? But Ana simply lacks so much overall that it’s just not even worth the bother. I know it’s not that simple with the counter-picking, but I would honestly expect Ana to be a counter to both Mercy and Zen. Even Brigitte! But she isn’t because she is in such a bad place that you’ll have more opportunities to win if you simply run mirror comps.

It’s really sad because Ana is by far my favourite healer, next to Zen, but after spending 60 hours on her in the early days after her release, she became frankly unplayable. Unless I’m doing memes in QP and nanoboosting an attack Torb who goes around hammering people.

I had alot of fun with her in the match i just did in QP! Nanoboosting a Mercy in valk is still funny to see :3


I say give her a Ghillie Suit. That’ll at least give her a little more space to operate in than she has.

I agree with this, Ana needs a lounge,
please give us player housing.


The only problem with using it as a disengage is that it has a significantly higher aim requirement than her normal shots — not the tool I’d give a hero to use in a panic situation. It misses more often than not.

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in theory, an ana with a 100% sleep dart accuracy will still be more limited in using it as a disengage tool than just a simple mobility skill, because it’s only single target and can be counteracted by your allies botting out

it’s not realistic to expect ana to be survivable in the back lines by herself with just sleep dart to fall back on, and if that is her design goal she needs something else to be more self-sufficient. otherwise she will only really be viable to played in mid range of her allies

What about Zen ? He’s not a sniper, but still extremely vulnerable with a big hitbox and no escape…

Zen has the firepower to fight back — at least moreso than Ana has. Further, if it gets too hot he has the option of popping his Ult to be both invulnerable and super fast. Overall he’s better equipped to hang back than she is.

So sleep vs. grapple and lunge. Seems fair

As a Torb player I live for those moments to shine, those ridiculous carries or play of game. If you nano a Torb, it would make their day. Nano a molten core Torb and the other team runs for the hill. Torb is almost as bright as the sun, roars like a lion, the boost with his turret out can help even spam and 2 shot squishies. Good value or high comedic relief from both sides. From your opinion I guess you would give him a “1” out of 10.

As for you dodging questions, going really off topic again. I give you +10. Scapegoating “malformed question” is pretty transparent. People listen, doesn’t mean what you say is actually relevant. Jeff Kaplan help design Sym teleporter to help give a bit of mobility to other characters including Ana at times. People already made some amazing plays thinking out of the box. If you want a character with more dependable mobility, the maybe switch out to fit that niche. You have new solutions but you still complain. You can’t have every ability. That’s greedy and what teammates are for. Ana already got several buffs back to back recently, it’s time to give other characters a fair turn.

but consider this , elder one,
how successful is the sleeping dart compared to
widow’s graple hook

The buffs didn’t improve her lot. It merely move her up one notch from being 2nd worst to 3rd worst on Omic Meta. It was meant to be a QoL buff and that’s exactly what it was.

There still as yet to be a buff that’ll return Ana to being a mainstay support. Ideally she should have winrates in the middle of the pack like Soldier enjoys now — neither OP nor UP. Get her there and you’ll hear just as many complaints about her as you do Soldier today.

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If that’s enough to win, then what about comboing it with a Dragonblade or Tactical visor? Nano boosting a Torb is just a meme.

Nano a Dragonblade and they can run all they want, Genji can actually keep up with them unlike torb.

I’m not dodging questions. Telling me that i’m doing so multiple times doesn’t support your arguments much either, if at all.
I’ve said it 4 times now. You’re asking me a malformed question.
You are asking me to rate how useful teleporter is to Ana, on a numerical scale.
You can’t give an accurate estimate on that. Yeah, Tracer loves receiving heals from Biotic grenade, but it’s absolutely not worth using it on her because there are many more important things to use it for. If Sym HAS to use it to cover Ana’s lack of mobility, Sym is being handicapped.

She doesn’t get to utilize the teleporter, unless the Symmetra isn’t being played to her full potential. Yes, teleporter existing ‘‘technically’’ helps Ana. But it doesn’t help her any more than Nanoboost helps Torbjorn. She’s not a suitable character to use it on. She is in no way going to benefit more from the teleporter than an already mobile hero. Symmetra would need to make up for Ana’s shortcomings, similar to how Rein has to make up for Bastion’s shortcomings. This inevitably limits what the character can do.

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That’s a bit of contradiction. If you admit and struggle to accurately estimate how effective Ana is being with team or using Sym teleporter, then maybe you can’t rationally complain how bad the teleporter is to help with a bit of mobility. That would explain you beating around the bush or going off topic over simple question. You could at least done some research or check out game play on reddit. This has nothing to do with malformed questions, but more so with your laziness or high expectations.

Her mobility was the same when she was a must pick

Then rework it so it gives Ana the ability to just do that then.

this was when the meta was triple tank. mercy was a troll pick because she had no invuln on rez and ana had op bionade.